We have mulch available at 17325 Ogden Road, Holley. Stop down or call for pick up, or call to schedule your delivery...585-638-7017.
Red, Black or Brown available at $35.00/yard. Call for delivery charges.
Ala Carte wedding flowers..... get in touch with me to book your wedding!
Getting ready to welcome the Rochester Civic Garden Club members for a workshop and farm tour tonight! We couldn't ask for a more beautiful day!
#flowerfarmer #locallygrown #eriewayflowers #workshop #wreatgs #rochestercivicgardencenter #gardenclubs #makeyourown
Finally getting the stand up!
Thanks to @aapbower a.k.a. Son#2 & @dana_espo A few more things and it'll be ready for a final photo!
A beautiful day on the roof!
#flowerfarmer #ourfarm #flowerfarm #birdseyeview #itjustkeepsgrowing #ascfg #howdoesyourgardengrow #icantgetdown
I had a great twig wreath workshop with @nelliegardner and the Rochester Garden Club...a great organization that does great things in the landscape for the Rochester community...looking forward to more classes in the future! #rochestergardens #roc #nationalgardenclubs #rochesterny #rochesterwedding #gardening #erieway
Working hard to keep the store stocked during the week and to get ready for this weekend. Our potted trees are available either at the retail shop 17325 Ogden Road Holley Tues.-Sun. 10-5 or at the U-cut Farm on South Holley Rd. Fri.,Sat.,Sun 9-4
Stop out and see us!
#eriewaytreefarm #itschristmaskeepitreal #holidaydecorating #lotsofstuff #getagift #farmfreshchristmastrees #farmfreshwreaths
Here's a quick preview of what we have available! Stop by & see us! Fresh Green bundles available to fill those sap buckets, watering cans & pails! Did you buy an old wooden box centerpiece? Bring it down to be filled again! Get a new fresh swag for that old sleigh or bring down your own trinkets to be filled! We're here 10-5 Tuesday- sunday! 17325 Ogden Rd,Holley
#eriewayfarms #freshcenterpieces #sapbuckets #freshgreens #girlboss #antiquetreasures #fleamarketfinds #shopsmall #smallbusinesssaturday
#locallygrown #locallymade #shoplocal
Twig wreath decorating in the midst of our crazy production schedule! It's been a nice little break! Can't wait to get together at the flower farm with these ladies next season! #gardenclub #acgc ##wreathworkshop #holidaywreaths #erieway
Fall workshops today! #jillstwigwreaths #falldecorations #workshop #wreathdecorating #erieway