I just cannot get good pictures in the barn. Not enough natural light. So I opted to video today. You still can’t see these babies very good. The spots don’t show up good until they are under natural light. But I had to spread the joy anyway ❤️
Snow day fun ❤️
Snow day fun 😍
5 weeks old and ready to take on the world 😂
I think this fancy boy wants to pull a cart when he grows up ❤️
Another example of how much color can change. This girl was born looking like a black and white kid. I knew in the past these lines have changed to chocolate but I wasn’t convinced this girl would because she didn’t show a hint of it anywhere, she just looked black. So even though I said she may turn chocolate/moonspotted she got overlooked because it certainly didn’t look possible. I’m glad she’s now a keeper. look at how her coat is blossoming! It looks like it’s going to be totally opposite of how she started, plus looks like a bunch of different shades/moonspots under there. Color isn’t everything, just thought I’d share a cool example.
Interruption of the goat posts to bring you a mini gypsy colt tantrum because he thought mom was too far away and he was ready for a drink
This cute, mischievous wether is going to need a home ❤️
Oh my goodness. I was trying to get pictures of one of the newest born kids, a pet wether quality kid, and all he wanted to do was blubber at me 😂 FYI I do not normally encourage this, but he had me cracking up. He’s available
I pulled in and wasn’t sure if Tucker was breathing 😂
I wasn’t kidding when I said I thought this kid could turn chocolate with possible moonspots. Her mom’s lines are notorious for it.
Nasty outside. Here are the kids, minus Sheba’s doeling in another stall, enjoying the dry barn
Zorie Stayed with Greta and escorted her until she saw I had a piece of cheese waiting on her as a reward for guarding the girls in the back pasture 😂 Poor Greta, no wonder she can’t keep up, she’s huge! Under 3 weeks now til she’s due.
Sorry you can’t really see anything, But this is exactly why our Turkish Shepherd LGDs are worth their weight in Gold. You can hear coyotes in the back, behind our main field and where we are also expanding. Our kidding season is during coyote breeding season. They are a constant threat. The dogs are frustrated because they are shut in the front half of the pen and the coyotes know it and are taunting them, but let them get ahold of one and see what happens.
Moms and babies hanging out in the hall with the big fan and all the hay to play in (certainly not to eat 🤣) while stalls are getting cleaned