🍓The best berries always hide in the middle 🍓
We will be open on Wednesday June 22nd from 9am til Noon for U-Pick Strawberries 🍓. Strawberries are $2.50/lb, CASH ONLY. Bring your own bucket or we have buckets for sale for $1.50/each.
What a beautiful morning for blueberry picking! We’re open today (Monday) from 9am til Noon!
It was a soggy day today, but everyone picked some really nice strawberries! We’re gonna open up tomorrow (Tuesday) from 9am to 6pm, weather permitting. If it’s pouring, give us a call at 570-561-4031 if you have a doubt.
Check out the video of these 🍓🍓🍓 picked today! Come and get yours!
We were finally able to get some dry weather this week to drive the tractor onto the field and get some straw down. The 🍓🍓🍓 are now tucked in for their long winter nap.
No Rain= Perfect blueberry picking conditions!
Happy Summer and Happy Throwback Thursday! Here's a quick video from early March when our crews were applying the straw to the berry patch.
What a view! Lots of strawberries and sunshine! Get them while they last!