Getting a lot of people asking about dates and locations......
Unfortunately we have no dates set at this time due to many circumstances we have been trying to work through or around including ...
- Several vendors/breeders left the hobby/industry during covid restrictions or closures
(Around 50 tables worth of regular vendors in all ) with many of those doing so at the end of 2021- early 2022 .
- several vendors booked events in other areas or states in advance to try to stay in business through covid closures .. so we've been looking to not conflict schedules and eliminate those vendors.
- new laws stopping the on the spot permits for some native species that started being enforced in May 2022 , prevent some additional breeders from selling at events.
- the yoyo of can, can't, can , can't have events at government (especially federal) buildings was to much to try to schedule around for a WHILE.
Sceduleing can be a headache but scheduling.. contacting vendors , being forced to cancel before even filling , repeating, went beyond headache!
2020 we planned 21 events total , 3 were allowed!
Insurance costs on most was "lost" , advertising on some was wasted , deposits or rentals paid on ANY are still being held.
Some venues changed management and now do NOT allow animals or simply don't respond .
Recovering my own losses from 2020- 2022 my work schedule is pretty much 11PM- 5:30PM most days , unfortunately normal life , loans to set everything for 2020 shows that never happened , all added up.
Haven't given up on 2022 yet π
Just hasn't been easy or fast trying to set anything with limited time or info.
Haven't had any interest in putting on half full expo's or raising vendor or entrance fees just to throw an expo.