In an emergency, time is of the essence. Each emergency situation is unpredictable and unique. Within reason, try to do the following:
1. Remain calm: Emergencies can be scary and overwhelming, but remaining calm will help you react more efficiently and rationally.
2. Asses the situation: Take a moment to analyze the condition of your pet and the symptoms you notice. Handle your pet carefully; animals that are in pain may react with aggression.
3. Call ahead: If able, call the emergency hospital listened below to let them you are on your way.
4. Follow instructions: The emergency team may provide instructions to help, follow these instructions carefully.
5. Travel safety: Stay alert and calm while driving. Your pet’s health depends on your ability to get them safely to the emergency hospital.
How to tell if my pet needs emergency care?
• Severe bleeding
• Obvious signs of extreme pain
• Difficulty breathing
• Fractured bones or severe lameness
• Seziures or staggering
• Inability to urinate or pass f***s
• Ingestion of something poisonous
• Heatstroke
• Unconscious