Pupdate on Cooper…
Cooper came to me after spending his Christmas between the emergency hospital and his vets office. His Mom had to lift him into and out of the back of her SUV to move him. It was a very hard time for both of them.
After reviewing the blood test results and vet notes I laid out our plan for his nutritional healing.
Our goals were:
Restore his mobility
Rebuild his muscle strength
Reduce the raging inflammation in his bod
Heal his damaged tummy
Get his pancreatitis under control
Jana sent me this video today along with the message: “Just haven’t been able to get a good one of him running like a crazy dog. Don’t have my phone ready. I’m good a poo stills.”
Mobility ✅
Muscle strength ✅
Raging inflammation ✅
Damaged tummy ✅
Pancreatitis controlled ✅
Take my word on the tummy and pancreas healing. I’m not going to post his magnificent poo pics!
Kokomos Pupdate!
We have some new video of this handsome puppy dog. Koko is doing so well with his new menu. Feeding a pup that weighs 110 lbs requires a LOT of food.
This is the training ground for the new puppy! By the time he gets here Koko’s Momma Elaine will have this food prep down to a science!
Ruby Pupdate!
I’m very happy to report that Ruby has been eating almost all of her new ingredients. She is now in the kitchen balancing on her back legs to get a better look at what food is being prepared for her!
We still have a little bump with some of her green veggies. We have ways of sneaking in veggies where she will never know they are in her bowl! (That’s our secret 🤫)
According to Ruby’s Momma, Jean her reactivity when out on walks or chatting with neighbours has improved greatly. Next focus will be on decreasing the inflammation that is bothering her front leg. She is already running and playing with much better agility!
Meet Kokomos!
This handsome boy is a rescued Great Pyrenees/ Weimaraner who is still just a puppy at 14 months. Koko is off to a great start because his Momma is taking his nutritional requirements very seriously early in his life.
Two weeks ago Koko lost his big brother Rango to a very aggressive cancer. Sadly it had not been detected as early as it should have been and we were too late to slow it down.
Cancer is killing far too many of our puppy dogs. Many of which we may have been able to prevent by making changes in their environment, medications, vaccines, treats and diet. Obviously my focus will be on nutrition but that is just part of the problem.
Even though Koko is grieving the loss of his brother he will be joyful again and maybe even become the “big brother” in the family. (I have a feeling a new puppy is in Koko’s future 😉)
Our priority now is setting up a lifestyle and nutritional plan that will help him thrive all the way into his senior years.
I am so happy to get started with a healthy pup rather than a puppy dog that is already quite ill. Koko’s Momma is making the switch from kibble (a very expensive brand) that will not serve him well or help him be a healthy, silly or vivacious puppy dog.
(My work is still dedicated to healing the dogs that need the most help immediately)
This is a big learning curve for Koko’s family. It’s a lot of work to provide the specific nutrients this special boy needs to live a long time. His humans, Elaine and Sydney are committed to making this work.
We know it can feel overwhelming for the first few weeks but that doesn’t last long. The benefits for Koko will make the extra work well worth it.
Stay tuned for updates on the big boy! Please welcome Kokomos to The Whole Puppy Dog family. 💙💙💙
Liam says it’s dinner time Momma
Liam’s update…
He is rocking his new diet and feeling great! Liam’s Momma, Lauren has been amazed with the improvement she see’s after one week.
Pancreatitis can be a really scary thing, especially when your vet says your baby will have to eat that awful prescription diet for the rest of their lives.
Liam was a very picky eater and meal time was always a battle to ensure he ate enough.
Now, Liam is one very talkative puppy dog since he has begun to feel better ❤️🩹
If you’ve been told Royal Canine or Hills RX is the only thing you can feed, thank them and walk away from the bag!
Digger digs in!
Look who is back from vacation!
This is Digger, our Bearded Collie who was diagnosed with Cushing’s this summer.
We have started his reset menu and he seems to enjoy it. Digger’s Momma Pamela is hoping we can help her find a balance between ingredients he likes to eat and those that have a therapeutic value for all of the nasty side effects of Cushing’s and the medicine required to control those effects impact his body.
I know we have Cushing’s Momma’s here in this group. Please feel free to share your experiences and how you’ve handled them 💙💙💙
Neestow picked and prioritized but in the end he polished it off!
The lovely Bliss! Running with a grin. I think she likes her new booties 💞🐾🐾