Pawtree Go Dog Go Independent petpro

Pawtree Go Dog Go Independent petpro Our vision is to create a world filled with unconditional love where pets and their people thrive.


When one woman was extremely adamant that her Husky, named Storm, actually preferred eating a variety of vegetables over a bowl filled with meat, hosts of British talk show “This Morning” decided to put it to the test.


I’d love to have a conversation about avoiding over heating in dogs. We all know that it can be a life or death issue for all dogs, but the fact is that my Skip overheats easily. Very, very easily. It may be that his bad heart is the only factor, or perhaps there are others, […]



“An egg is known to be a nutritional powerhouse, packed with protein, vitamins and minerals in both its yolk and white, but the membrane that surrounds a developing embryo may possess even more amazing qualities that can benefit health and well-being.” - The Alternative Daily

What is the eggshell membrane?

The most annoying part of the egg when trying to peel it, of course! The rubbery membrane, which can actually be the extremely beneficial according to researchers and their studies!

“A 2009 study published in the Journal of Clinical Interventions in Aging found that a supplement of natural eggshell membrane was effective for reducing knee pain and stiffness related to the condition without causing side effects that are known to result from long-term use of traditional treatments, like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications.” - Livestrong

However this membrane needs to be offered at the raw, uncooked stage and not the boiled stage as heat can destroy the beneficial properties.

“Eggshell membranes contain substances with known benefits to joint health, including glucosamine, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin and collagen.”- published on the Insider Health, February 2011.

To further stroke this membrane’s ego, according to Dr. Karen Becker:

“Eggshell membrane contains a number of natural substances for today’s pets, including:

• Collagen - A fibrous protein that supports cartilage and connective tissue strength and elasticity.

• Elastin - A protein that supports skin, cardiovascular, cartilage, and spinal health. Elastin gives tissue its elastic tension and ability to resume its shape after stretching.

• Desmosine and isodesmosine - Two little-known amino acids responsible for elastin’s elastic or “rubbery” properties.

• Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) - Includes glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid - vital polysaccharides that are structural components of connective tissue, interstitial fluids and skeletal structure.

• Transforming growth factor-b - A protein that plays a crucial role in cellular differentiation and immune function.”

The tricky part of course is actually peeling the membrane away from the eggshell. Crack the organic egg from your local farmer, use it as normal, and then attempt to peel that white rubbery skin-like membrane away from the eggshell. Then feed it direct to your pet or fire on top of their food!

The peeling may seem tough at first, but with a little bit of practice, you can turn what normally goes into your trash into a super nutritious healing machine for you and your pets.

Rodney Habib Pet Health Media

"An educated, informed and well-researched community of pet owners can only put more pressure on the pet food industry to be better! When pet owners know better, they will only do better!"


Now that spring is here🌞🌳, your dogs may not only be suffering from seasonal and environmental allergies but they are also at increased risk of being exposed to more pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers than any other time of year.🐶⚠️🧬

Giving your dog quercetin can not only improve their allergy symptoms, research shows it can support their liver during these toxic exposures.

Quercetin is an important dietary polyphenol that is found in several fruits and vegetables such as apples, berries, and green leafy vegetables.🍎🫐🥬 In addition to being a natural antihistamine, “nature’s Benadryl”, quercetin is a phytochemical powerhouse that supports the liver and kidneys from oxidative damage.

In one animal study, quercetin decreased elevated liver enzymes and improved vitamin C levels in animals exposed to Glyphosate and other toxicants. Supplementing with quercetin has also been shown to inhibit the absorption of chemicals in the kidney, thereby accelerating the elimination of these toxins. Animal-model studies have also found quercetin supplementation improved DNA damage induced by glyphosate exposure.🧬

💊Dose: Multiply the weight of your pet in pounds by eight (8). For example, a 50-lb dog should get 400 mg per day. Whatever amount you give your pet, always split the dosage into two separate portions throughout the day for best results. Hide capsules or powder in their meals or a treat.

👉To discover more herbs, supplements, and superfoods you can give your dog to enhance and protect their health, you can find more tips and the science behind it in our book The Forever Dog.


This is a good illustration of puppy socialization needs, shared from Good as Gold Training, but I would also add that all of the listed exposure and experience needs to feel *safe* for the puppy. If s/he is nervous, tentative, or fearful the fear should be handled by backing off a little and reintroducing very slowly and with lots of praise, food and patience. Sometimes, for the sake of "socialization", owners push their puppies too far and too fast, and it can backfire. Good socialization requires that we "read" our puppies and help them feel safe as they navigate the sounds, textures, people and animals in their new world.


Hemangiosarcoma (cancer of the blood vessels) is a common and aggressive canine cancer with a devastatingly low survival rate. Researchers have found a specific type of bacteria in many of its victims, which is the topic of focus in today’s free pet health article.

Get more information about hemangiosarcoma here:

My favorite run with Ely

My favorite run with Ely

Love this dog!!


Follow this page to see Steve's training and fun adventures of Ely and Stevie

The adventures of two adorable pups. Follow Stevie as she starts her agility journey!

Try it with this

Try it with this

One of the Best Foods to Slow Dog Aging: Spinach!🍃🐶

Folate is an essential B vitamin💊 found in food. It helps with the production of DNA and without folate new, healthy DNA cannot be created. Cell biologist and longevity researcher Rhonda Patrick, PhD, maintains that “a deficiency in folate is equivalent to standing under ionizing radiation due to the DNA damage it causes.” And DNA🧬 damage is a BIG contributor to aging.

More recently, folate has also been shown to play a role in protecting telomeres, those important structures at the end of chromosomes that are shortened with age and lifestyle choices; shorter telomeres are associated with shorter lifespan and higher incidence of disease. Being highly heat-sensitive🔥, folate is one of the first nutrients to be inactivated in processed pet food.

In addition to its many vitamins and minerals, spinach provides antioxidants tied to anti-inflammation and disease protection. These include kaempferol, a flavonoid shown to reduce the risk of cancer, as well as slow its growth and spread. Another, called quercetin, has been linked to possible protective effects on memory🧠 as well as heart disease🫀 and type 2 diabetes. Two of the lesser-known glycoglycerolipid components of spinach🍃 include sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerol (SQDG) and monogalactosyl diacylglycerol (MGDG), which are known for their anti-cancer activity. Overall, spinach contains the second-largest quantity of total glycoglycerolipids among other popular vegetables!

How to prepare spinach🍃 for you and your dog?

Scientists say the best way to consume spinach for maximum lutein intake may be puréed. That’s because when spinach is chopped into small pieces, more lutein is released from the leaves. Older research found that cooking also impacts the folate content of spinach; boiling slashed this B vitamin level by nearly half. Steaming, however, resulted in no significant loss of folate! Cooking also diminishes the vitamin E levels in spinach (and reduces oxalates, if you want to reduce oxalate consumption) but actually increases the amount of beta carotene. So it can be served cooked or raw.

Looking for an easy recipe to get spinach into your dog? Try making our Spinach Longevity Cubes! 🍃🧊🐾


* 5 ounces of fresh or steamed spinach🍃 (preferably organic)
* 2/3 cup of water (even better, try bone🦴, beef🐮 or chicken🐔 broth, preferably organic)


* Add spinach and water (or broth) in a blender and puree. If the mixture seems too thick, add in extra broth.🍵
* Pour the puree into ice cube trays and freeze until solid.🧊
* Store in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Add 1 ice cube🧊 per 30lbs of body weight🐕 a day to your dog’s meal.

This is one simple and powerful way to add longevity benefits to your dog’s bowl! Looking for more ideas or recipes? Check out our new book The Forever Dog with dozens of other suggestions available here:



When sourcing the perfect longevity snack for your dog, the humble egg🥚 should be at the top of your list! If there was such a thing as a perfect food for pets, it would be eggs. They are rich in bioavailable amino acids, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals while being relatively low in calories and carbs. Whether from chicken🐔, quail, or ducks🦆, eggs are nature’s nutrition bombs!

Eggs🥚 contain all ten essential amino acids needed to support effective muscle growth, recovery and maintenance. Eggs are also rich in choline, a nutrient crucial to the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain, which aids brain function, memory, and may help treat & even prevent “doggy dementia”.🧠

Lastly, research shows as many as 60% of dogs have signs of arthritis🦴, on x-rays, and one veterinary study found dogs who consumed egg shell membrane had significantly less joint pain, so start feeding your pets more eggs as treats!

What’s the best way to feed an egg?🍳

The fastest method, obviously, is to offer them raw… this is how animals have been eating eggs for millennia. However, according to science, lightly cooking the egg protein (called avidin) makes the B vitamin biotin easier to absorb but if you opt to cook you eggs, remember to not overcook them! Logically, applying too much heat to good food is a naturally destructive process. The chemistry of heating foods looks a lot like unwinding molecules, for better or for worse. Heating egg whites is generally beneficial, however, the yolks would do better with less heat, because heat damages fats and vital nutrients inside.

Soft boiled is the ultimate way to cook an egg🥚 (this is when you boil an egg, but it’s still a little runny and the yolk is definitely not hard) because the fats and nutrients in the yolk essentially have three protective layers from oxidation – the water, eggshell, and egg white. This way, all of the good stuff in the egg yolk is maximally preserved while the whites are cooked enough for best protein utilization and removal of avidin.

Instructions for soft boiling:
Fill a medium pot with water and heat to a gentle simmer, just below boiling. Using a slotted spoon, carefully lower the eggs into the water and let simmer for 7 minutes (6 minutes for a runnier egg).

When choosing eggs, go for pastured, free-range eggs to get the most nutrients. One egg is about seventy calories. My 30lb dog Shubie gets an egg on her meal several times a week.

In our new book, The Forever Dog, we list over 40 of our favorite longevity foods you add to your pup’s bowl, backed by the most surprising new science as to why they’re so amazing at building health and longevity! We also show you how to add them in a way that keeps your pup’s nutrition in balance.

You’ll want to check out the section called: “Core Longevity Toppers: Superfoods You Can Share with Your Dog on a Daily Basis.” We’ve also included handy charts on which foods are best at building your dog’s microbiome🦠, powerful polyphenol-rich foods🫐, as well as a long list of fast-n-fresh training treats, if you’re on the go. The Forever Dog book is now available for order worldwide!



When designing our blueprint📝 on how-to raise the oldest dogs in the world for our new book, The Forever Dog, we focused our research heavily on science-based longevity foods, herbs & supplements that can be added to your dog’s diet. Foods that could not only help delay canine aging, but can help nourish and bullet-proof💥 your dog against disease!

No matter which longevity scientist we interviewed, the one suggestion that made every researcher’s top 10 list of what to add to a dog’s bowl was “camellia sinensis,” aka Green Tea!🍃

In fact, the latest study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology shows people who drink green tea at least three times a week can live longer and suffer a lower risk of cardiovascular disease!

That’s because Green Tea is rich in polyphenols, and contains a catechin called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) which are found to help prevent cell damage, reduce inflammation and can help fight cancer while providing other health benefits, of course.

But what about dogs? Are there any studies? Shockingly, we found a bunch!
The most recent showed that Green Tea🍵 acts as a therapeutic agent for obesity, liver inflammation, and fat degeneration in dogs!

While many of us make juices or smoothies, most of us don’t think about using concentrated medicinal infusions in our food. But in the dog world, medicinal teas make inexpensive, polyphenol-rich toppers (“gravies”) that infuse longevity benefits into every meal. So, it should come as no surprise that green tea has been used in pet food for quite some time, but not in quantities to confer health benefits, so why not add some at home?

All teas can be steeped as usual, then cooled off prior to adding to your dog’s food. Green teas should be decaffeinated, and preferably organic.

Alternatively, add warm tea to your dog’s dry food and allow the therapeutic brew to marinate with the kibble prior to feeding, creating a super-saucy gravy and adding hydration (dogs aren’t designed to eat low-moisture, dried food their whole lives; teas help!). If you feed dehydrated or freeze-dried dog food, reconstitute them prior to feeding with tea!

Recipe for Organic Decaf Green Tea🍵 for Pets🐾:

1.Combine 3 cups of purified water and 1 tea bag or 1 tablespoon of loose tea leaves🫖
2.Steep for 15 minutes
3.Remove the tea bag or use a strainer to remove the tea leaves🍃
4.Store the tea in a covered, preferably glass pitcher in the fridge for up to 3 days

Add the following amounts of decaf green tea to your pet’s morning and evening meal:

• Cats — 1 tablespoon
• Small dogs — 1/8th cup
• Medium dogs — ¼ to ½ cup
• Large dogs — ½ to 1 cup

This is one simple and powerful way to add longevity benefits to your dog’s bowl! Looking for more ideas or recipes? Check out our new book with dozens of other suggestions in the Forever Fluids section of our book, available for pre-order now by clicking here:



What’s the best training treats for dogs with GI issues, including diarrhea, colitis, ulcers and sensitive stomachs? Unripe, or green bananas!🍌

Green bananas🍌 are the unsung heroes of gut health; they are low in sugar and high in pectin and prebiotics (non-digestible, resistant starch) which are powerful food tools to nourish your dog’s good gut bacteria💥🦠, increasing the production of butyrate and other short-chain fatty acids. Research also shows the resistant starch in green bananas can have a positive effect on blood sugar control.

The anti-ulcer activity of green bananas has been attributed to a flavonoid, leucocyanidin, which may also inhibit the release of histamine in the gut. Resistant starch also contributes to the prevention of intestinal diseases, increases the synthesis of B-complex vitamins and mineral absorption, improves the immune response, and may aid in the prevention of the development of intestinal cancer, according to researchers.

Quartering green banana slices🍌 provides the perfect training treat for dogs with sensitive GI tracts. Suggested amounts, chopped into bite sized pieces:
Giant breeds: 1 green banana a day
Medium to large breeds: ½ green banana a day
Small breeds: ¼ green banana a day

One fact all of the microbiologists agreed on, when we wrote The Forever Dog book, was that the more fresh food fibers added to your dog’s bowl, the healthier your dog will be. Green bananas are a simple, easy way to build gut health! 🐾

Longevity researchers are clear: a diverse microbiome is critical for maximal health span, the longest-lived mammals have a microbially-diverse gut, created by consuming a variety of gut-building foods. If you want to learn more about certain longevity foods and treats from your fridge that should be rotated into your dog’s diet plan and how much to feed to strengthen your dog’s immune system, our new book called The Forever Dog is packed with surprising new science that will help your dog live healthier, happier, and longer. The book is set to hit book stores, worldwide, in 3 weeks! You can reserve your copy here:

Happy   fellow pet lovers! How are you celebrating your best furry friends (BFFs) today? Show me your pups in the commen...

Happy fellow pet lovers! How are you celebrating your best furry friends (BFFs) today? Show me your pups in the comments.

It’s TACO TUESDAY for the entire family!🌮🐶⁣We’ve got the perfect recipe so your furbaby doesn’t miss out on the fun!Rais...

It’s TACO TUESDAY for the entire family!🌮🐶⁣
We’ve got the perfect recipe so your furbaby doesn’t miss out on the fun!

Raise your hand if you’d like to try it.

In order to address a flea or tick problem, you must treat the pet as well as the environment. pawTree’s Flea & Ticks Sp...

In order to address a flea or tick problem, you must treat the pet as well as the environment. pawTree’s Flea & Ticks Spray uses natural essential oils to manage infestations.


Clearwater, KS


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