Our Story
Esco Buff, PhD, APF-I, CF is the owner of Esco Buff's Professional Farrier Service, LLC, located in Western, New York and Florida. He is an American Farriers Association (AFA) Certified Farrier (CF), an American Association of Professional Farriers (AAPF) Accredited
Professional Farrier with a Foundation Credential (APF-I) and a Hunter Jumper Credential (HJ Level Two) and serves on the AAPF Horse Owner Committee, a NYS Gaming Commission Licensed Thoroughbred Farrier, a member of the International Horseshoeing Hall of Fame, a Society Only Member of the American College of Veterinary Radiology (ACVR), and the Large Animal Diagnostic Imaging Society (LADIS).
Esco started in the farrier industry trimming and shoeing horses in 1974. Esco was introduced to blacksmithing and farrier work through his membership and association with the Boy Scouts of American while a staff member of Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico. Esco is a graduate of New Mexico State Farrier School under Mogan I. "Razz" Rasmussen (1974) and the Illinois State Horseshoeing School. Esco is an Eagle Scout with two palms, an Ordained Minister; and holds a Doctorate in Business Administration. Esco and his wife, Christine, have four children.
Esco is dedicated to excellence in horse foot care. He has a strong interest in working with laminitic/foundered horse and limb length disparity horses (aka club foot, high-low, etc). Through applying the principles of hoof balance, biomechanics and holistic body balance, Esco creates sound horses with healthy functioning feet.
In Recognition of Distinguished Accomplishments, Achievements and Contributions in Advancing the Farrier Industry, Esco Buff was inducted into the International Horseshoeing Hall of Fame in February 2011.
Esco is routinely consulted for horse's that are foundered or with therapeutic shoeing needs. He typically shoes between 90 to 140 new foundered horse cases per year. Esco Buff has the only book published on how to correctly place positive pressure heart bar shoes on a laminitic/foundered horse.
Esco approaches balancing the horse by incorporating the principles of Holism. In farrier work this means that isolated symptoms are considered secondary to the total physical state. Therefore, balance is performed by looking at the whole body of the horse. Esco
accomplishes this through a more traditional approach or by using long established ways of trimming and shoeing while incorporating Holism to achieve balance.
Limb Length Disparity (LLD) is an observable body imbalance and physical deviation that manifests itself in a structurally and/or functionally different limb length, and more than likely has been created due to congenital, hereditary, injuries, environmental, muscular
and/or spinal problems. Identifying LLD includes a thorough evaluation of the conformation, muscles, skeletal structures, movement and attitude of the horse. There are two types of LLD, structural or anatomic limb length disparity and functional or apparent limb length disparity. In horses, we are mainly dealing with functional LLD. The
disorder of unequal limbs or lack of similarity goes by several names such as: High-Low Syndrome, Limb Length Inequality, Bilateral Asymmetry, Club Foot (not to be confused with Club Feet). This topic has been the subject of controversy, particularly in the areas of causation, identification, treatment and clinical significance. Esco was the second person to author a book on this subject.
Due to his extensive experience in shoeing laminitic/foundered horse and limb length disparity horses, Esco has designed and published: the radiograph documentation forms -The Founder Data Collection and Analysis Form, The Founder Radiographic Collection Form, and The Equine Digit Radiograph Form, the books - Founder Data Collection and Analysis - How to take, read and interpret radiographs for the prognosis and treatment of the foundered horse, and Limb Length Disparity-Equine Anisomelia.
Several of his articles can be found in the American Farriers Journal, European Farriers Journal and the Professional Farriers Journal.
Esco shares his knowledge with an enthusiasm and dedication that reflects his love for the horse and his trade. He is an international speaker whose knowledge of the farrier craft make him a natural for consultations, group teaching experiences and as a presenter at workshops, seminars and clinics.
Esco Buff lectures on such topics as: Laminitis/Foundered Horseshoeing, How to Correctly Place a Rigid Steel Heart Bar Shoe, How to Take, Read, and Interpret Radiographs for the Prognosis and Treatment of the Foundered Horse, Limb Length Disparity Shoeing, Principles of Body and Limb Balance, Holistic-Traditional Farrier Science, How to Set-Up and Run a Successful Farrier Business, Farrier Business Skills, Radiology for the Farrier, Horse Owner Education Clinics and Lameness Problem Solving.
As an International Speaker, Esco has lectured at: Luwex Hoof Symposium in Germany; Norsk Hestesenter in Starum, Norway; DS Handvaerk and Industries, Odense, Denmark; International Hoof Care Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio; Equine Affaire in California, Massachusetts and Ohio; Can-Am in London, Canada; Life Data Labs Research Farm in Cherokee, Alabama; Southern Veterinary Conference (SVA) in
Birmingham, Alabama; Eastern Farrier Conference at Danny Ward's in Martinsville, Virginia; to name a few.
Esco was one of the farriers for the 2018 FEI World Equestrian Games in Tryon, North Carolina and the 2010 FEI World Equestrian Games in Lexington, Kentucky. Esco also served as one of the Farrier Team Members for the Dressage Test Event at the 2010 Kentucky Cup.
Esco was has been awarded with an Outstanding Presentation Award for a lectures given at the 2009 and 2011 International Hoof Care Summit.
From 2014 thru 2019, Esco was recognized for being one of the Top Ten Most Continuing Education Credits awarded by the America Association of Professional Farriers (AAPF).
Esco Buff, also owns a wireless DR x-ray machine that is legally registered in several states, which allows him to be able to take x-rays for the purpose of farriery for such things as providing correct trimming, apply horseshoes and for correctly applying positive pressure rigid heart bars shoes to certain radiographic measurements on laminitic horses.
2020 - 2016 - NYS Gaming Commission Licensed Thoroughbred Farrier. 2019 - 2015 - American Association of Professional Farriers Top Ten Continuing Education Credits Clinicians.
2018 - FEI World Equestrian Games Farrier, Tryon, NC.
2014 - American Association of Professional Farriers Top Ten Most Continuing Education
2011 & 2009 - International Hoofcare Summit Outstanding Presentation Award.
2011 - Inducted into The International Horseshoeing Hall of Fame.
2010 - FEI World Equestrian Games Farrier, Lexington KY.
2007 - Authored: Limb Length Disparity (Equine Anisomelia).
2005 - Authored: Founder Data Collection and Analysis – How to Best Take, Read and
Interpret radiographs for the Prognosis and Treatment of the Foundered Horse.
1990 - Authored the copyrighted: Founder Data Collection and Analysis Documentation