This is 3 doctors and 4 technicians that are all hands on deck with an emergency that we didn't plan on! This is 3 doctors and 4 technicians that are all in the processes of doing CPR on a pet that has just stopped breathing and has no heartbeat. This is 3 doctors and 4 technicians that are doing everything they possibly can to get this pet back to life again.
This is 3 doctors and 4 technicians that had to stop what they are doing to jump in to do life saving measures, and they ACCOMPLISHED THE JOB! This pet went home with his family after what we thought may not end in that way.
When you are sitting in the waiting room or even in a room questioning, "what is taking them so long to get in here? I'm just here for a vaccine!" I want this picture to stick out in your mind.
This is what happens behind those swinging doors that most people never get the chance to see. Hopefully, you will never have to be in the back to experience something like this, but we are proud to say our staff jumps in and takes action!