Ride The Wind Wild Bird Rehab Center

Ride The Wind Wild Bird Rehab Center P.O. Box 368
New Richmond, Ohio 45157
513-797-7239- land line no text
A Songbird Rehab Center...special interest in neotropical songbirds... (513) 797-7239

Ride The Wind Wild Bird Rehab Center rehabilitates injured and orphaned native songbirds. All native songbirds are protected by law.....so a State and Federal License is required in order to work with these birds. Tracy ( that would be me ) started the center and holds the State and Federal License for Ride The Wind. Ride The Wind does not get paid or funded........so all supplies...food...medica

tions...veterinarian bills....etc.. are paid for out of our own pocket. If you are interested in becoming a part of our team......or volunteering in some way...and would like to learn more about wild bird rehabilitation........
please contact me.... Tracy
I would be happy to talk to you and answer any questions that you may have.


Happy New Year.....


HELP...Can anyone pick up a bird in Knoxville Tennessee and drive it to Ohio or even Kentucky on Sun. or Mon. ?


And Tiny Tim said....
GOD bless us everyone.
Merry Christmas....

This is a post from a few years ago.... but I got a call earlier today about a Common Loon in another state and it remin...

This is a post from a few years ago.... but I got a call earlier today about a Common Loon in another state and it reminded me of this one and how much I never want to rehab a Loon again.

So here it is :

I admitted this Common Loon earlier this year.
Two very nice people ( Clarence and Sondra Munn ) saw him in the road and rescued him and brought him to me.
They and one other person actually stopped traffic to pick up this bird.

Thank you Clarence and Sondra....and the other person.....without your kind efforts he would no doubt have been killed.

This guy was not feeling good when I got him....which is why he let me examine him with no problem at all.
And treating him and getting meds down him was absolutely no problem either.

Normally any self respecting Loon would put up a heck of a fight and make my life as miserable as he possibly could.
However.... this bird was a piece of cake....but that no doubt was because he felt so bad.

So...after checking him out and giving him some appropriate meds..... I picked him up.. and put him in a flight cage.
I gave him some water and food.....but he was not interested in anything.
He just sat there looking and feeling pathetic. Poor guy.

The next day I picked him up...( again no problem...he was such a nice well tempered bird ) and I carried him into the front yard and put him down on the ground under a tree and fetched him some water and food.

This time he quickly finished off his meal and was searching for more.
So off I went to get him a second helping....which again he quickly made disappear.
I gave him a third helping....he ate that too.....and then decided he was full.

He was doing much better at this point.... so I decided to take this guy for a swim to see just how well....or not well he was doing.

So I called a friend of mine ( Jeff ) who has a very small pond where we could test drive him.
I needed a small pond so that we could easily retrieve him afterward.

Jeff had another idea.....he said bring him over and we would try him out in Jeff's outdoor pool instead of the pond....he said there weren't any chemicals in the pool......so I said Okee Dokee I'd be over shortly.

So I put the Loon in a carrier....and put him in the trunk of my car...
( Jeff was only a few minutes away )
And off we went.

I figured I had been driving for about 23 seconds down the road before I heard all heck break loose from the trunk of my car.

So I pulled over.........jumped out....
and opened the trunk............
Oh ** #@ !!! ( I'll let you guys fill in the blank )

Mr. Loon had deposited the entire watery contents of that huge digested meal that he had eaten earlier.

Loon poopola was all over the carrier...all over him...and all over the sheet and towel that I had luckily placed under the carrier before putting him in my trunk.

I quickly closed the trunk...jumped in the car...made a U-turn.... and raced back home in record time...
I must have shaved off more than half of the 23 seconds that I had originally traveled.

I took the carrier out of the trunk...and put it ( and him ) in the front yard.
Then I took him out of the carrier....put him on the ground and got the hose and proceeded to give him a shower which he happily seemed to enjoy.
After I was finished with his shower I turned around to hose out the carrier.

Apparently he was just waiting for the right moment where he could employ the element of surprise.....
because suddenly without warning I felt excruciating pain on the back of my legs.
I knew immediately what it was........
and I heard a little voice inside my head yell " RUN FOREST RUN ! "

Normally I never pay attention to all of those little voices in my head.....
but this particular time would have been in my best interest had I done so.
But instead I turned around to defend myself.
Big mistake..........
That apparently made him happy and just egged him on.

As I am trying to fend off that treacherous beak he decided to show me his hidden talent.

Now....let me stop here for a second and explain something about Common Loons.

They are a complete klutz on the ground.
A turtle could beat them in a race without even moving.
Their legs are pretty much useless on land because of the way they are built.
In water they are Olympic swimmers....on land they are slower than a snail.

Back to his hidden talent...................

With little effort he was actually using his wings as "crutches" to quickly move himself forward a couple of feet at a time.

He was playing a remarkably fast game of " Leap Frog " across the yard in hot pursuit of his target...( that would be me )
Relentlessly chasing and biting a running and screaming person....
( that would be me again )

I finally gave up trying to fend him off....and I got about 10 feet from him before he stopped and was satisfied that he had bestowed the right amount of welts...bites and wounds.

While he was sitting there no doubt proud of himself and gloating.... I headed to the garage to get a broom to protect myself so that I could grab him.
I came back out of the garage with my broom and headed towards the little precious.

To my horror ...all I saw was the back end of a Loon doing his best Leap Frog making a run for my front pond.
In the short amount of time that it had taken me to go get a broom he had already traveled a good 20 feet towards the pond.

If he made it to the pond........ all was lost.
He would not be able to get himself out of there....and I wouldn't be able to get him out either.

Panic hit me....so I ran back to the house....grabbed the top half of a 4 foot cage and tore off running with it across the yard intending to stop him before he made it down to the pond.

I am still not quite sure how I managed to run across the yard while carrying a 4 foot cage.
It is amazing what you can do when it is a matter of life or Loon.

When he saw that I was running towards him.......that just made him speed up.
I was actually impressed that he could put it in 4th gear.

I finally caught up with him and quickly put the cage over top of him.
And just in time.......because he was almost to the pond.

Right then and there I decided that this bird was miraculously cured and I wanted him gone sooner than yesterday.

So I asked Bruce...( who has a truck )...
to give me and " Precious " a ride to East Fork Lake.
I then called Don Morse Jr. and told him we were heading over to East Fork Lake if he wanted to join us to get some good photos of the Loon release.
Don said yep.....he would meet us over there.

We got there and the three of us headed down to the beach with the bird.
Bruce had his new phone...Don had his camera...and I had my little ancient Kodak camera....so we were all set.
The plan was for all three of us to get some videos and pictures of the Loon being released.

So we walked down to the water's edge...put the carrier down in the sand...and I took the latches off of the top of the carrier so that I could raise the lid off very quickly.

We were going to create a wonderful Kodak moment........
just like the Dawn Dish Soap commercial on TV where they release baby seals.

Don was standing on my right..... ready with his camera....
Bruce was standing on my left...... ready with his new phone....
And I was in the middle with my camera in my pocket ready to retrieve it the second I released the Loon.


I quickly took the top off the carrier.
But the Loon couldn't quite get out of the carrier.
So I reached down to help him.

At which point he managed to let loose yet another digested portion of his earlier meal as he jumped out of the carrier and into the water.

I started to reach into my pocket for my camera but then I noticed that there was Loon poopola all over my hand...
so I could not reach into my pocket to get my camera. 🙁

Uh oh....One photographer down......
but no worries......we still had two more.

Suddenly I hear Don's voice coming from my right......
" My camera battery is dead "

Uh oh.....Two photographers down....
but no worries.....we still had one more.

Bruce will save the day.

So I look over and I see Bruce on my left happily filming away......
Hot diggity dog....he must be getting some great video with his NEW phone....🙂 🙂

Suddenly I see Bruce looking a bit confused staring down at his phone.

Turns out that Bruce had pressed the button to start filming the video but then immediately decided it was not filming.
So he pressed the button again....
satisfied and confident that he was now filming.

Or was he...............


Actually he was filming when he pressed the button the first time and thought he was not.
And he was not filming when he pressed the button the second time and thought he was........LOL...

The second time that he had pressed the button he had turned it off.

So....Bruce got about 2 seconds of the Loon jumping out of the carrier with a close up detailed view of how digested food looks coming out of the tail end of a Loon.......onto my hand

There was nothing the three of us could do now except stand there watching the Loon swim further and further and further away.

Don with his dead battery.....Bruce with his turned off phone.... and me grabbing fistfuls of sand trying to clean Loon poopola off of my hand as my camera remained trapped in my pocket.

Extending invitations to any of you that are bored and want something fun and interesting to do this winter ( or any oth...

Extending invitations to any of you that are bored and want something fun and interesting to do this winter
( or any other time )

If you like birds.....then this is right up your tree.

Want to hang out with...and help take care of
Hummingbirds...Orioles...Cuckoos...Tanagers...Grosbeaks ?

The birds you see in the photo ( indoors ) are Neotropical species.....which means they are long distance migrants.

They are permanently disabled and can not be released so they are some of Ride's education birds. They live here.

They are indoors in the winter and are in a room where they are able to fly free.....so they are not in cages......Hot Diggity Dog.
( except the Hummingbirds )

So some of these birds are birds that you would see and help take care of.
However....some of Ride's education birds are not in the photo....they were being difficult and refused to have their pictures taken.

You can also sit and watch birds at the feeders
You never know what might show up. ( photos )
The feeders are right up next to the window..( photos ) so you can sit indoors and watch the birds up close.

And that can be extra fun because you might see some birds wearing some jewelry..( leg bands ).....
because Luke Theis ( a bird ba**er ) was here banding birds at this past year's Bird and Nature Festival.

So.........need something to do ?
Come spend some time with some intriguing birds that you don't get to see very often.

It will allow you to appreciate their value and importance.

You can help...
You can learn....
You can meet others who love birds...
And you can have fun....
Can't beat that.

Loitering....gawking...laughing...learning... and relaxing is allowed and encouraged.

Ride is not a big center......nothing big.......nothing fancy.
It's quiet.....and it's peaceful..... it's for the birds.

So please share this post or tell people about this.
It's for anyone who loves birds....
or does not get out very often....
or would like something to do.
Everyone is welcome.

We are in the New Richmond area

We are all in for helping birds...
and providing people the chance and opportunity to see... learn.. enjoy... and realize the importance of these intriguing migratory birds.

It's the reason Ride is here.........
for the BIRDS....
and for YOU..... :)
So call me... 513-797-7239 ( NO TEXT )
Thank you...
Tracy.... :)

Happy Thanksgiving....

Happy Thanksgiving....

FAVOR FOR THE BIRDS :This is something that I try to do every year in late fall/early winter when the ground feeding bir...


This is something that I try to do every year in late fall/early winter when the ground feeding birds start showing up.
( Juncos...White-throated Sparrows etc. )

Because in winter in addition to my regular feeders I also sprinkle white millet on the ground.

This is simply protection from predators.
These " barriers " make it difficult for hawks etc. to sneak in and grab them.

These are bamboo stakes that I simply pushed into the ground in a circle very close together. I did not have to hammer them....I just pushed them in.

The birds can go in or out with no problem and it gives them protection and a warning if anything tries to attack them.

You don't have to use bamboo....you could use something else....but bamboo was not expensive and it is strong and was very easy to use....and looks pretty natural.

If you decide to do this you might need to make sure the ground is not so dry that you can't push the stakes in. You might need to water the area first.

I also do not put large amounts of millet out at a time....just enough so that it is pretty much gone by night time....otherwise you may attract deer or raccoon which could very well tear up the stakes.

It's a favor for the birds....it helps them stay safe. And they certainly could use all the care and help that we can give them.

**  BIRD AND NATURE FESTIVAL **Sat. and Sun. June 7th and 8th.... 2025Just a reminder.....mark your calendars....

Sat. and Sun. June 7th and 8th.... 2025
Just a reminder.....mark your calendars....

Can anyone help please ?( By The Way....The bird in this picture is a Barn Swallow...it is not the bird that needs a rid...

Can anyone help please ?

( By The Way....The bird in this picture is a Barn Swallow...it is not the bird that needs a ride )

The Barn Swallow just wanted his picture on here because he wants to help find the Cuckoo a ride and he's so dag-gone cute he thought he would get your attention.

Tracy is looking for someone to transport a non - releasable
Yellow-billed Cuckoo from Georgia to the Cincinnati area...
or Kentucky or as close to this area as possible.

Or you could even do a " relay " handoff type of transport from one location to another.
Is anyone traveling soon ?
Any private pilot with a plane that wants to help fly the bird here ?

The paperwork is not in yet so no exact date is set.
Can anyone please help get the bird here ?

You will be doing a GREAT thing by saving a handicapped bird that needs a permanent home.

He will become an education bird at Ride.

The Cuckoo ( not pictured ) would greatly appreciate any help with this.
Please call Tracy.....
513-797-7239....( landline no text )
Thank you...
And PLEASE share this with everyone so that we can find someone who can help do this.


Look who is feeling better...
He will be released on my ponds....probably in a few days.......
It's perfect habitat for him.....
Then he can stay there safely until he wants to be on his way.

Tracy thinks this is funny.......But I do NOT find this amusing....And I ain't fraid a no ghosts.......Happy Halloween a...

Tracy thinks this is funny.......
But I do NOT find this amusing....
And I ain't fraid a no ghosts.......
Happy Halloween anyway....

I just got this beauty in today...( Virginia Rail )The finder picked him up off of the road .......so probably hit by a ...

I just got this beauty in today...( Virginia Rail )
The finder picked him up off of the road .......
so probably hit by a car.

Thank you Glen and Jude for rescuing this guy from what would have no doubt been a horrible ending.

I love these guys.......these are very cool birds.
They hang out in wetlands...and are pretty difficult to find......
you gotta be quiet and sneaky like they are..... :)

These guys are short distance migrants......so he was no doubt on his way when he got into trouble.

He is weak...thin...and not feeling too good right now....so he has been given some appropriate meds and force fed some great stuff.

Wish this little one luck..........he could use it. :)

I admitted this guy last night. ( Swainson's Thrush)A friend of mine ( Vivian Lawton ) rescued him after he hit her wind...

I admitted this guy last night. ( Swainson's Thrush)
A friend of mine ( Vivian Lawton ) rescued him after he hit her window.
Thank you Vivian.

These guys are long distance migrants....so he was on his way to South America when unfortunately he hit the window.

After some meds he is doing much better and improving.

Long distance migrating birds have a very difficult life.....twice a year they have to make an incredibly dangerous trip.

Since his journey could very well be in the path of the hurricane I told him he has to spend a few extra days at Ride's Bed and Breakfast before I release him so that he can be on his way.

He doesn't seem to mind it too much...because he sure has a good appetite. I may start charging him by the night if he keeps ordering more room service.

I admitted this teenie tiny little one in several days ago.  ( Northern Parula )Some very nice people found him on their...

I admitted this teenie tiny little one in several days ago.
( Northern Parula )
Some very nice people found him on their patio and rescued him.
Thank you Char and Carolyn.
And thank you Don Morse Jr. for the ID.

Unfortunately he was a window strike and as you can see from the first photo he was not doing very well at all.

However....after medications and days of having to handfeed him a very special nutritional diet......
you can see from the next photo that he is doing much much better.
He has really porked out from eating lots of that special and VERY expensive diet.

He will soon be released so that he can be on his way.....
that is if he is able to get off the ground from gaining so much weight :)
Don't you just love a happy ending ???

Parulas are long distant migrants........
so he is facing a long journey heading to Mexico...Central America...Caribbean.
Aint' birds absolutely amazing ?


Thought you might enjoy a little fun video.
This is Norman.....he is one of my non-releasable education birds.
He has an injured wing...as well as other issues and can not fly.
He is a bit rough around the edges...
but is still a fine little gentleman.

Notice how he moved closer to me and then looked up at me ?
He always does this.........
Everytime I give him fresh food he moves as close to me as possible and then looks straight at me.
( Wonder what he is thinking )

Norman is self feeding and the syringe is always hung in the same place ....so he helps himself whenever he wants throughout the entire day.
But Norman has come up with his own little ritual....
Whenever I change out his food he expects me to hold the syringe for a minute while he eats...
So I do.......
Then when he is done......
by golly he is done...
and he moves away......

Remember this little guy ? He's getting better....Stretching his wings....And even trying to fly...

Remember this little guy ?
He's getting better....
Stretching his wings....
And even trying to fly...

I have questions.....and you guys have answers.For those of you who came to the festival...( and for those who did not )...

I have questions.....and you guys have answers.

For those of you who came to the festival...
( and for those who did not )

I am trying to get more vendors each year....and I am starting to work on that now.
So..... I thought I would ask you to come up with any subjects that interest you.

I would love to hear your ideas and suggestions......
I would really greatly appreciate them....that is why I am asking you.

The reason I started this festival to begin with was for the birds.....
a weekend for people to spend a bit of time learning about them and appreciating them.
Because hopefully the more we learn about them....,...the better we will take care of them.

And at the same time learning about nature and all it has to offer.......while having some fun outdoors.

So please speak up.....tell me what you would like to see and/or do at next year's festival.

Does anyone have any suggestions for new ideas or subjects or topics that you would like to see at next year's festival ?
Obviously it has to be Bird and Nature related topics

How was the parking ?

How about the snacks.....and bottled water ? Did you enjoy them or not even notice them ?

Was the Welcome booth in a place that you noticed ?

Who did not see or sign the Guest Book ?

Is anyone here interested in doing a booth on either Fossils or Frogs or know of someone who might be ? I would like booths on both of those subjects...so I am looking for people for those.
Please let me know.

Is anyone interested in helping with the festival next year ?
A couple examples :
Hanging out at the Welcome Booth.......greeting people...
Hanging out at The Hummingbird booth...
And more stuff....
If you are interested please let me know......
I can resort to bribes....( You will get free lunch )

And also I will be adding lots more to Ride's booths next year because I ran out of time this year........so..........
The Migration booth...
The Habitat booth.....
and The Hummingbird booth will all have more things in them next year...... I will be working on those.
And hopefully I will get a bunch of different papier mache' bird items made this time....LOL.....ima sure gonna try.

This festival is a whole bunch of work and expense for me...and believe me.....I ain't kidding.
So it really is important to me to know what you are interested in seeing or doing.

A dime for your thoughts.......
Thank you everyone....

You should read this ENTIRE thing.....take 5 minutes and please do that.Look at this little guy that I admitted.And in c...

You should read this ENTIRE thing.....take 5 minutes and please do that.

Look at this little guy that I admitted.
And in case you can't tell......it's a Hummingbird.

A Sugar Coated Hummingbird......
And Nope that's not a new kind of Hummingbird....
It's just a very common kind of Hummingbird...
One that I see way too often.

The person had this bird for a month.....feeding him ONLY sugar water.
Which resulted in a nutritional deficiency...with an extra bonus of a possible death.

The bird has broken feathers...missing feathers...pulled out feathers....bald spots...and raw skin.

And another spectacular added bonus is........

The person said that they had to PULL the bird off of the towel that they had him on because he was stuck on it from dried sugar water.
So now you can add......an injured wing and back....from being PULLED off of a towel.

He is weak.....chilled and in pain.

" Why is that ? "

I will tell you why........

Because the sugar water was offered in a large dish which allowed the bird to perch on it...walk through it...sit in it...and fall in it.
Which means.....sugar water gets all over the entire bird.....which gets sticky.....and then dries.

The bird is weak......
from eating nothing but sugar water.

The bird is chilled....
because of bald spots from lots of missing feathers.

The bird is in pain......
because of a wing and back injury... and also from RIPPED out feathers resulting in raw skin.
( think serious sunburn times 10 )

But you know what the unbelievable horrific part is ?

The person who had this bird and caused this......
was a REHABBER with a PERMIT to rehab birds.

And it ain't the first time that a rehabber has done things like this.

After this rehabber ( who has a permit ) screwed this bird up for a month.......THEN they called me and asked me to take it.

I am very disgusted with these types of rehabbers......and believe me folks......they are out there....many more than you realize.
Just because they have permits does not mean they are doing what they should be doing....or even know how to.

They should know better.......this is ignorance...apathy...lack of training...neglect.....and lack of simple common sense....as well as a pathetic shame.

I can excuse a member of the public.....they are just kind hearted people trying to help.
But there is NO excuse for a Rehabber with a permit who does this.

Can you tell that I am mad ?

This bird will probably die.......or at the very least will probably never be releasable.

This is by far not the first time that I have gotten a bird in absolutely horrible condition from a rehabber who HAS a permit....
I repeat......a rehabber who HAS a permit.

And it's not just Hummingbirds that I have gotten....but many other kinds of birds as well.

I once got a Yellow-billed Cuckoo ( my favorite bird ) from a rehabber who had the bird in a shoe box with a lid...taped shut.... for three days with bird seed sprinkled in the bottom of the taped shut box....no water or air holes.
Unbelievable. And this rehabber has a PERMIT.
The bird was almost dead when I got him.

I have had three different people ( members of the public ) who have called me on different occasions.... upset because they surrendered a bird to a particular rehabber ( with a permit ) and wanted me to go get the bird back from the rehabber because they saw what was going on.

Unfortunately once you give a bird up......you are S.O.L......you can no longer get it back.

So you should all do your homework and check rehabbers out BEFORE you give a bird to them.

One size does not fit all.....
All may not be as it appears.

You are only going to see and hear what they want you to see and hear.

Neglect and death of some of these birds that could be saved by rehabbers with permits should never happen....but it does.

There is absolutely no excuse for the loss of some of these valuable and magnificent birds.

Ooops...I sure ain't a gonna win no popularity contest with certain rehabbers after they read this.

But that's ok....because the only popularity contest I am interested in winning is the one the birds hold.


P. O. Box 368 New Richmond
Clermont County, OH





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