While investigating Everett Rd Covered Bridge back in June I recorded a short spiritbox session. While reviewing the evidence I discovered that I captured an EVP while recording of what sounds like a child's voice. You can hear the voice over top of the spiritbox responding to my question. The same voice speaks up twice! What do you think it says?! Let us know!
Madison Seminary EVP's
Hey everyone! I know it's been awhile but we have finally finished going through all the evidence. It has been compiled into this single video. This was a lot of fun for all of us and we walked away with more evidence than we thought we were going to get. Hope you check it out and enjoy!
Madison Seminary Asylum Chris solo
Hey everyone, we've nearly completed and compilied everything! We have another clip for you. In this clip we capture a piece of evidence while Chris is alone in the Asylum. Once again small warning to headphone users that the repeat clip might get a little loud. Check it out!
Madison Seminary Asylum
Hey everyone, we are nearly done reviewing all the evidence captured and compiling everything! Here in this clip we capture two pieces of evidence in the Asylum while everyone is three floors below at base. We combined static cam footage with the audio from the digital recorder to show that no one was there, and that the audio wasn't captured on the camera's audio. Quick warning to headphone users, the repeat clips may be a little loud so heads up on that. Enjoy!
Hey everyone, sorry for the long delay! We are still reviewing evidence and plan on compiling it all together. However, here is a video in which we get two distinct hits on our REM Pod. It was while my wife Heather, sister Ashley, and her friend Laura were together. Enjoy!