Wise Wonderings

Wise Wonderings Wise Wonderings is here as a healer, teacher, messenger, and to give energy guidance. Helping give a voice to the voiceless.

Wise Wonderings comes to you from Sonja Arnold who is known as a Wisdom Warrior. A Wisdom Warrior is one you can turn to for healing, knowledge, and guidance. Sonja is here as a healer, teacher, messenger, and to give energy guidance. Her skills are activated in contextual situations to meet specific needs of the mind, body, speech, and soul of animals and their human counterparts. Sonja is drawn

to helping humans deepen their connection with their horses/animals in a way that dives down deep into the core of who you are, who your animal is, and what messages reoccurring patterns in your life hold for you.

Message from the Red FoxKnow that you are swift and agile like I. Know you have the ability to wait for the perfect time...

Message from the Red Fox

Know that you are swift and agile like I. Know you have the ability to wait for the perfect time to move and do as you need. But with this swiftness also comes a knowing of how to wait and be still. Listening and feeling for the when right time to move presents itself. All the patience in the world. All the strength to bring to light that which you need to. And the power to hold onto what serves your current needs best. You allow the world to glance at you in your entirety only when you know they need the boost. But keep the full power of your magic to be more felt than seen. I come to you as a reminder and not as a teacher. As you have all this and more already inside you. See your beauty and feel your power as those on the outside see and feel you.

I’m so thankful to live in a land so vast, so beautiful, with so few limitations. Where we are free to do as we please, ...

I’m so thankful to live in a land so vast, so beautiful, with so few limitations. Where we are free to do as we please, dream as big as we can, chase whatever career we feel called to, and wander down any path we wish.

Happy Fourth of July everyone 🇺🇸

Sunday morning’s meditation brought even more powerful messages, however this time they came from an unexpected source. ...

Sunday morning’s meditation brought even more powerful messages, however this time they came from an unexpected source. Mother Earth the land herself. We walked around collecting rocks that called to us. Messages came in waves as I walked around allowing the earth to guide my feet to the places I needed to be.

As I walked past a hill I suddenly had the thought “there’s a rock up there that needs me.” So I wandered up the hill allowing my heart to be pulled to the rock that needed me. I stopped with a large round orange rock at my feet. I suddenly had a small battle within me trying to know if she was the one I needed or not. Then clear as day I got “I represent the weight of the world in which you place on yourself. The weight in which needs to be released. Yes, I am your rock, but I will not go forward with you. You are going to release me back into the world.” So I picked her up and brought her with me.

We then needed to name all of our rocks and then stack only 5 of them. 𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒔𝒉 (my big orange rock) and 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆 both grew roots and made it clear I was not to use them. 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝑨𝒃𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒆 and 𝑷𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 guided me to stack them in an order that I knew I needed. A way, upon reflecting back, that I came to realize is vital to my current path and set of life lessons. Love being the roots that I stand up one to move through every moment, connection, and lesson. Grace being the next rock up. She is what I currently struggle with. Ironically (or not so much) I struggled to stack/balance the next three rocks. I only was able to as I allowed myself more grace knowing what I am, can be, will be, and all between is perfect exactly as I am in that moment.

As I wrapped up the meditation and connection I found myself trying to “protect” my rocks and space from intrusion from the ants around us. I found it amazing how I quickly found myself protective of the lessons attached to the rocks in front of me. The message “it’s okay to allow others in to view, understand, learn from, and appreciate.” That’s when I stopped worrying about myself, rocks, and space with the ants.

As I packed up Grace and Abundance let me know that they had more to give me and wanted to travel home with me. However, Relinquish got a good quick fling over the edge. Where she rolled downhill releasing all the ties I had to her and her messages, and rolled into place along the path down below taking her place in the world where she belonged all along.

Since returning home I have shared pieces of my trip. Sitting with the larger moments and messages. Knowing that all I’m ready for in this moment will present themselves and those I’m not ready for will come in due time. Here I am open, ready, grateful, willing, and soaking into all the magic presented over 3 days of pure magic in Arizona.

Saturday evening at sunset we ventured out to finish the day with a meditation up on a ridge. Once again I connected wit...

Saturday evening at sunset we ventured out to finish the day with a meditation up on a ridge. Once again I connected with my spirit guide and received beautiful gifts and messages from him. The messages that came to me and left massive waves in the most beautiful way were those that came to me from my horse in the wild herd I had connected to earlier in the day.

“Your horse wants you to know your unknown is beautiful.” ~Spirit guide

“Not knowing where you’re going is perfectly fine. It is more than fine, it is beautiful and perfect and exactly where you’re meant to be. Your power is seeing beauty in all things. Beauty is in forgiveness. Not to be forgotten, but to be released from your grasp, your field, your mind, your body, your whole you. Taking only the best you forward. Allowing the past to stay and live where she was born. To visit as needed, but to not be grasped with all your strength. Know you can and will do this. That you have done this. With me by your side all is possible. All is achievable. All is known. All is doable. Bring forward only that which helps you, lifts you up, fills your soul. All you need is within your reach, all you need is to ask.” ~ Stallion

Beautifully and kindly reminding me that I have the strength within myself. But to know that I can (and should) seek assistance when my strength is low. That in doing so is not giving away my power or magic, but helping fuel or boost it when my spark is dwindling.

When I walked up, scanned, felt into the herd, and opened myself up to any one particular horse who felt called to conne...

When I walked up, scanned, felt into the herd, and opened myself up to any one particular horse who felt called to connect to me I found myself drawn to a bay stallion. He was quite plain and unassuming at first, but the more you (more like me) looked at him, felt into him, and took in all he had to offer the more you realized how much he had to offer. Beauty, Grace, Tranquility, Confidence, Peace, and Strength.

As I tuned into him and what messages he had for me I realized something. As I stood there looking out at him I slowly noticed a reflection, a mirror, a return of all that I was seeing and feeling from him. He was standing there sending back to me everything that I saw and felt in him. “I am as you are.” “You are because of me. And I am because of you.”

He shared with me how we have been connected in past lives and that our souls will forever be connected. In times that they are not physically close they will always find a way to connect, even if only briefly. To remind us of the lessons we have learned in the past and to give us the strength to learn the new lessons we are meant to in this current life.

He then brought forward my herd from home and gave me a new lens to look through when seeing them. How they all embody a larger lesson learned in past moments together, or a lesson needed to learn carried forward from the past. Giving me a new love, appreciation, and gratitude for my herd.

His and my life have always been intertwined with one another. But we have always supported, loved, taught, and protected one another. Whether that was hand in hand or from a distance. He reminded me of my own strength, beauty, power, grace, and magic. Things that became an underlying theme for the rest of the weekend.

Saturday morning came quickly but with such a beautiful sense of calmness. I didn’t know what the day held other than ju...

Saturday morning came quickly but with such a beautiful sense of calmness. I didn’t know what the day held other than just pure connected energetic magic.

It didn’t take us long to find a band of horsss hanging out in the river enjoying a peaceful morning bite. Our small group of ladies hung out on the outskirts of their group. Quietly just enjoying being in their presence. Soaking in the more simple messages of peace, security, enjoyment of the small things, and love of a group that holds your best interest at heart. When the last of our group soaked in these messages they kindly asked us to move along. While doing so bringing forward the message of realizing you do not need to cling to one moment or message beyond its own purest moment. That it is good to continue moving forward looking for the next lesson, message, or moment that captures your heart.

If you stay stuck in one moment afraid to move forward because of what you might possibly miss from this place, you run the risk of losing out on even bigger magic in the next moment. This was the first larger message I received from the next herd of beautiful horses that we came to. A herd that was clearly much more established than the last. When I tuned into some more messages from this group this is what stood out to me.

At first you grow with the protection of your mother and family. But then you grow up and flee the nest. In this stage of life you band together with others of like mindedness. You just saw this previous era with the last group. Some new to the era, and some ready to phase out and move into the next. Which is where we stand now. Members like family, and members who are family, but all loved and needed the same. All of us serving a purpose for the larger collective, and each of us supporting one another with what the other offers the collective.

Stand strong in the moving waters around you. Take peace in knowing that your herd is here to support you as you navigate these new waters. Knowing that as you gain your strength you will begin to help those who are just starting out in this new phase that is now old for you. Give grace to yourself and others as you navigate new waters. Glean from others up stream that you can and will make it through to the next stage. Take a helping hand when being offered, but not allowing it to become a crutch for you.

We are all here to serve a purpose and to add our own flair to life as others see it. Send and receive support as time, life, and the moment all call appropriate.

I just returned home earlier this week from a 3 day weekend away in Arizona. Spent with wonderful women and the horses o...

I just returned home earlier this week from a 3 day weekend away in Arizona. Spent with wonderful women and the horses of Salt River. Coming at you is my first round of reflections from the messages sent my way while I was there. This will be presented slowly in pieces over the next few days. ♥️✨♥️

Have you ever walked into a space, an area, or place and instantly felt a strong sense of being home, even though you have never been there before? I know I have. I’ve had this happen a few times in the past. The most recent happening when I visited Arizona. I had such an overwhelming sense of coming home it was so beautiful. The first night there in our meditation I connected with not only the land but also my ancestors. Their love, support, strength, wisdom, and guidance surrounded me wrapped me in a warm embrace, and welcomed me back home. A more beautiful, powerful, or loving homecoming I have never felt before.

In this meditation I set the intentions to find the lessons I’m currently working through. Where I need support most. What I am looking for. And to learn how to connect with the land in a new and more supportive way. I never know what the universe, my spirit guides, or the animals I connect with have in store for me. I 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 that part of all this work. However, what they all had in store for me over the weekend spent in Arizona was beyond anything I could have imagined.

In this first meditation they came forward with the purest of intentions and the deepest love and support for me. They allowed me to see where I came from (the land in which I sat on). They helped me see a new spirit guide that has been with me all along, but not ready to see and receive from him until then. They helped me connect with my late father more purely and closely than I ever have before. Lastly they gave me a small sense/preview of the magic that was to unfold over the coming days.

Such a sense of calm, peace, or gratitude I have never felt in the way they came to me in this first evening. Leaving me fully supported and yet so excitedly on the edge of my seat for what was to come.

It’s show season. Majority of the horse community is showing, planning to show, wants to show, wishes to show, or misses...

It’s show season. Majority of the horse community is showing, planning to show, wants to show, wishes to show, or misses showing.

Here’s my take on horse showing from both a rider and animal communicator.

First I ask you this…

What is YOUR favorite part of showing? What is the biggest push for YOU to show? What are YOUR goals or plans when it comes to showing/each individual show?

Now I ask you this…

What is your HORSE’S favorite part of showing? What is the biggest push for your HORSE to show? What are your HORSE’S goals or plans when it comes to showing/each individual show?

As a rider/trainer I used to say the phrase “I just want good rounds to continue our education from home in a new setting”. But then ignore signals of my horse or client’s horse being overwhelmed or anxious and just say that “it will get better with more seasons”. But will it? Why can’t we address that this season and this moment? Why does our horse have to be okay and not show any signs of anxiety, being overwhelmed, or doing something they’re not mentally or physically ready for? Why can’t we allow them the time and space to express this? Why must we tell them to shove down what they’re feeling, but then turn around to a young kid or first time adult amateur and tell them everything will be okay and just breathe and all the validating phrases we tell those newer riders?

Riders and trainers are quick to say that they are only there for good experiences for their green horse and that they just want them to do the same at the show as at home. However, when it comes down to it often times get bummed with a placing. Will fluff their placings telling you they got third place, but neglect to say that it was a class of three. Will be annoyed that their horse kicked out, stopped, spooked, or something else while on course because they were having difficulty dealing with the stress of all the show parts. They will expect their horse to stand in the hot sun for hours on end, fully tacked with their rider on their back and expect them to do so quietly without any breaks or “naughty” behavior. But yet the trainer yells at the kids for doing just that when at home.

So how can we look at and approach all of this differently?

I am so thankful to have gotten my younger mare Val when I did. She has helped me learn how to bring to light my wants and desires while keeping her wants and desires at the forefront as well. Keeping me honest and humble. How I show today is loads different than I how showed years ago with my girl Luna.

I get to the show sooner and allow her all the time she needs to take in the sights and feelings around her. When she (mind and body) takes a breath I slowly tack her up. Going out for our first schooling at the show is not much different than any other day at home. We stroll for 5 or more minutes until she again takes a breath both mind and body, and lets me know she’s ready to think about working. Then we slowly move through our trot and canter gaits. Allowing her to stretch, breathe, and relax before “doing the hard work”. Then we spend no more than 10-15 minutes in the hard work with plenty of breaks letting her mind and body rest and focus on what we want. When we’re done we stroll around and hangout for a bit until she says she’s ready to go back and be put away.

Day of the show I do the same routine when riding her. Choosing the quietest times to school the show ring as I can and only getting on when I know our time is near.

When our show day classes are proposed to take 20 minutes each but end up closer to an hour each, what do I do? I get off my horse. I allow her to graze (yes with her show bit, bridle, boots, etc all still on). I loosen the girth and allow her back, belly, and barrel to breathe. I tell her how good she is. Take her to a shady spot. Socialize with other people (horses included!). I take her away from all the commotion if it begins to be too much for her. On really hot or particularly long days I offer her water. I give her body scratches and tell her how awesome she is (she has a particular fondness for this part).

The key here…
I allow her to be a horse as much as possible.
I do as much at the show as I can that I do at home.
I bring as many of her favorite things into play when at shows.
When she has a “green baby” moment, or her nerves get the best of her when in the arena I laugh it off, take a breath, and move on without holding it over her.

I always make time for cuddles, scratches, good girls, moments to quiet our mind and body to connect and just be, and tell her how much I appreciate her. This is a VITAL part to every day of the show.

A consistent theme in things client’s animals like are “the little moments together”. So don’t forget to pack these “little moments” from home into all the show things you’re packing as well. I promise you, your horse will appreciate it more than you realize.

It’s the start of a new month. Another fresh start and another moment to pause and look back. I got my new oracle deck “...

It’s the start of a new month. Another fresh start and another moment to pause and look back. I got my new oracle deck “The Oracle of the Sacred Horse” in the mail. So I pulled her out and flipped through her. The card that called to me was the “Elder Mother” card. I read through her pages and man did she hit home.

Then I decided to pour a glass of wine and reflect on my card. What glass called me? None other than the glass given to me by one of the most influential people/women in my life, Laura Gentle. She was always kind, always listening, always looking to better her knowledge and abilities to help horses and their humans, and always so incredibly intuitive. She helped me find my voice. Helped me hear Luna’s. And taught me so incredibly much about nutrition, horsemanship, and so much more regarding horses and life.

What do Laura and the Elder Mother have in common? They both came to me at a moment in my life when I was/am going through a transition.

Elder Mother speaks about sadness, transition, and regeneration being your current season. Through that she speaks about how she offers wisdom and protection for you through this season. But that she wants you to know you’re not alone through this journey. She offers you support and strength while you shed people and normalcies of your old life and season. She sees you in your sadness and isolation, but then she offers you understanding as you send love, goodbyes, and kindness to those (both people and situations) that no longer support, build you up, understand, or encourage you to reach for the next beautiful chapter.

So much of this resonates with me. People who I thought were permanent members of my herd have moved on for greener pastures. And yet at the same time members from other herds have found their way to me in the most beautiful, supportive, and unexpected ways.

My take away from both Laura and Elder Mother in this moment are these:
Sadness comes both at the close and opening of a chapter. It is not just okay, but needed to feel as you move through chapters.
Transition is only doable with love, kindness, and goodbyes to not only the last chapter but also to the people who choose to not move forward with you into the new chapter.
Regeneration is so beautiful and necessary. It doesn’t mean to start over totally new, but to bring new light, love, and compassion to your current life/chapter.
Because of Laura and the nature of who I am, I will forever continue to learn, seek new information, spread love, seek for the best ways I can help horses and their humans, and be unapologetically myself.

Cheers to a new season, a new chapter being fully and completely supported by myself and new herd, and so many new and beautiful souls entering my life on a daily basis.

This was a fun session. So much gratitude for Guided Voice and her beautiful girl Maisy. ♥️✨♥️

This was a fun session. So much gratitude for Guided Voice and her beautiful girl Maisy. ♥️✨♥️

This month’s featured creature is one of my own, Maisy, aka “the Golden Compass” My wanderer and seeker.

“Stay true to yourself while you continue to learn and grow. Be supportive but unapologetic of who you are. ” Maisy’s underlying core message was that she helps others see the value in who they are, their worthiness, and their strengths, and to help the voiceless find their voice.

Her messages came to me through Sonja Arnold with Wise Wonderings. We had such a light hearted and validating chat together and I felt called to share some of the messages.

Maisy expressed through Sonja that she was here to help me stay true to myself, to stay curious in my thirst for knowledge, but to not overlook the balance of ‘being’ and ‘seeking.’

She shared with Sonja her desire to have fun, to adventure and to remind me to laugh and play. “When you laugh, the world laughs with you… the world takes a breath.” What Sonja didn’t know before she connected with Maisy is that I call her my Golden Compass because she is a wanderer and she ALWAYS alerts me when there is disruption in energy around us. She will be the one to notice a rabbit who is hiding in a bush, a turtle in the tall grass, a horse being chased, a bird falling from its nest. She has an innate attunement to the emotional status of other beings. She will seek out children who need a friend, she will find the most nervous person and comfort them, she will soften the aggressive dog, and she’s a playful queen… she’s really quite amazing.

When I first asked Sonja if she’d like to trade services, she said she was nervous because I had always been someone she was guided by, but I am a firm believer that everyone has something to offer and I’m so glad she believed in herself! Sonja took my self-paced communication course, as well as Felicity Davies Intuitive Equestrian program to help her discover her own gifts, and while innately talented, is at the beginning of her beautiful journey. I told Sonja that whoever came forward, they’d be the perfect fit to guide her, and shortly after Maisy asked if it could be her. I’d never asked anyone to talk to Maisy before so I thought, of course! The only specific question I had for her was about her fear of thunderstorms and why she chose me as her person.

I asked about Maisy’s fear of thunderstorms because Maisy asked me to. I asked about why she came to me because I wanted to know for myself. I already had an idea of why Maisy was scared of storms, because I was there when it happened, but since Maisy asked me to ask her, I decided there was something I didn’t know and I’d be open to any additional information.

“Maybe before she came to you she was alone somewhere, because I see her alone in the dark, on cement, and the thunder is so loud it’s shaking her to her core. She feels trapped and she feels alone.”

As Sonja was recounting this memory for me, I couldn’t help but smile ear to ear with tears in my eyes as I started to realize the beauty of what Maisy was offering to her.. to both of us.

What Sonja didn’t know is that this exact scenario happened three years ago when we got ‘trapped’ in our barn from a pop up MASSIVE storm. I put Maisy in my tack room (cement floor) so that she’d “feel safe” (haha another lesson in not thinking we know what’s best for others) while I took care of the horses, it was dark because we lost power, and the storm was so big it was shaking the barn and even the ground. I already knew this is what started her anxiety, because she didn’t have it before….

What I didn’t know is that her soul’s journey in life is that she helps others see the value in who they are, their worthiness, and their strengths, and to help the voiceless find their voice. She knew going into the conversation that Sonja needed some concrete evidence that she was on the right path, so she gave me a question to ask her that would remind her that she’s exactly where she needs to be! I always feel that I gain just as much from my conversations with animals as my clients do, and here it was happening in front of me in reverse, I was BEAMING with gratitude!!
Lastly, Sonja was guided to pull some oracle cards for me which unbeknownst to her had such deep messages and validation for me regarding where I’m at in my own journey. I received validation that I am providing spiritual growth for others just by being who I am, that I am being guided to step out of the shadows and become a beacon for others to shine their own light.

Where you believe blessings are, blessings will be.

I have always struggled with the fear of overshadowing others, because I know how strong my intuition is. I’ve also been someone in the past who puts mentors on a pedestal and forgets that I have my own contribution that’s just as important. I’ve made it a point to remind my students not to forget the value of their beauty and contributions. The day I forget to be humble is the day I have lost myself. This conversation was such a beautiful reminder that we all walk together, we all have something to offer, and that one light cannot outshine another, they shine side by side illuminating the parts that our own light hasn’t yet reached.

Thanks for the wisdom, Maisy!
Find my classes here: guided-voice.com
Find Sonja on FB: Wise Wonderings

A little early morning, first of the month inspiration for you. When you feel like life is hard, too much, coming from a...

A little early morning, first of the month inspiration for you.

When you feel like life is hard, too much, coming from all angles, or moving too fast. Know that you are tough, resilient, kind, strong, loved, wise, powerful, and capable.

Take a moment to step outside, put your feet in the grass, smell the fresh tree leaves and flowers budding, and know to the depths of your core, that you can do this.

I just went on one of the most beautiful past life explorations with a client and her beautiful horse. ♥️✨♥️I guided her...

I just went on one of the most beautiful past life explorations with a client and her beautiful horse. ♥️✨♥️

I guided her and her horse through a few past lives to explore where and how they met each other in that lifetime, the messages they had to share with her from those meetings, and how she could apply them to this lifetime. Animals are so beautiful, powerful, and magical. Your past lives hold so much information and can help you heal and move through so much in your current life. To be able to help guide people through activations and healings in this way is so damn powerful and magical. I will forever be grateful to be doing this work and helping others learn, heal, and return home to their truest version of them. ♥️✨♥️

If you would like to feel the magic and power these type of sessions can hold for you, send me a message. I would be so honored to help guide you along your journey.

Why is it that as humans we find it necessary to try and control everything that our animals do? Both good and bad. Our ...

Why is it that as humans we find it necessary to try and control everything that our animals do? Both good and bad.

Our horse cribs… Must put a strap on them to stop them.
Our dog barks… Must put a collar on them to stop them.
Our horse paws… Must punish them when they do it.
Our cats might wander off if allowed outside… Must keep them as an indoor pet.
Our horse runs around and enjoys his time outside… He might break a leg so we’ll limit his time outside and make the space smaller.

There are so many things that we do as humans to control what our animals do or don’t do. But to what extent is this truly in the best interest for them and not just to stop something that annoys, worries, or bothers us??

What is the bigger message here? What is it in our lives that we are controlled by someone or something else? How does that make you feel? Why is it so awful for your animal to express themselves in a way that makes them feel more comfortable or even happy?

I have had experiences in the past where people have tried to stipend me in one way or another. What has it made me do? Want to do what I’m not “allowed” to do even more.

Why can’t we see what our animals truly want and need and do the best to provide them with what they’re asking?

You horse cribs… Maybe he has digestive issues due to something he’s eating. Maybe she is extremely stressed by the environment she’s kept in. Maybe they have a bigger message about an area in your life that you need to look internally at how to fix, heal, or move through/from.
Your dog barks more than you like… Maybe he is stressed because he doesn’t know how to feel safe. Maybe she feels she is doing her job and keeping you safe from something. Maybe he only prefers to connect with you through different types of barks. Maybe she’s trying to tell you there’s something off/wrong internally for you or her. Where is the hidden/unseen message?
Your horse paws… Maybe he’s trying to bring to light how you do something small and are reprimanded “for no known reason”. Maybe she’s trying to bring your attention to an issue in that leg, foot, shoulder. Where is the hidden/unseen message?
Your cat might wander off if let outside… Maybe they have taught/brought you your life lesson they were here to bring you and now it is time for them to move onto the next person. Where are you being held captive in your life, and how can you learn to open the door to explore the other side?

I challenge you to look at the “little annoying things” that your animal does and see what is the hidden meaning or message behind it. How are they pushing you to grow, expand your horizons, or learn something vitally important?

If you need help with that, know that I’m here and happy to help bridge any gaps that I can between you and your animal(s). ♥️✨

Chazz is holding onto a big message that came through perfectly timed for me today. Stay tuned for the interpretation an...

Chazz is holding onto a big message that came through perfectly timed for me today. Stay tuned for the interpretation and how it settled in with me. 💖

Red is excited to help me share some fun news I have planned for the month of April. For the month of April if you have ...

Red is excited to help me share some fun news I have planned for the month of April.

For the month of April if you have a session with me and leave a review or send me testimonial that you’re happy with me sharing, you will be entered into a drawing. This drawing will be for a future session of your choosing.

April session must be completed by 4/26.
All reviews or testimonials from April sessions must be completed/sent by 4/26.
Only one entry per person.
Entries are open for sessions done between 3/18-4/26.
Drawing will be done and announced on April 29.
Entry winner will have until May 15 to schedule the winning session.

April is going to be such a beautiful month with so many amazing moments. I can already feel it. 💖💖 Join in the fun and beauty of everything. As always, reach out if you or someone you know would like to schedule a session!


Cleveland, OH

Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 7pm
Tuesday 11am - 7pm
Wednesday 11am - 7pm
Thursday 11am - 7pm
Friday 11am - 7pm



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