Part 3 of Taco Tuesday series. These are key points from the dog speak podcast episode about daycares. I want to add YES as the human, you CAN introduce dogs (safely & slowly) but ensure the dogs WANT to interact before letting the reigns go and throwing them into the scenario. There are also many guidelines about SAFE numbers for playgroups (i will make another post about this at a later date)
Episode 2 of breaking down key points from the DogSpeak podcast episode I listened to. Finding ways to enrich our dog vs exhaust our dog is so important. Dogs most definitely need enrichment, which CAN be provided in large group settings but it comes coupler with stress & exhaustion from the overwhelming atmosphere. In the podcast Dr Chris highlights the importance of providing enrichments activites (catch, sniffing exercises, etc) and the benefits of SMALL group interactions for dogs (2-3 dogs, with ample supervision) for enrichment.
Changing it up a bit for January and doing a series of short reels for taco Tuesdays breaking down points from a podcast I listened to recently. Podcast was Dog Speak hosted by Nikki Ivey and Dr Chris Pachel. They started off by talking about the necessities of regulation for development in dogs. We all acknowledge there are wonderful well run daycares that provide a positive outlet for dog energy. Dr Chris’s concerns were the mainstream boarding facilities where a ton of dogs are placed into a room lacking adequate space to move around appropriately. He then touches on the concern that a lot of dogs in that environment are at different training stages and dogs who are more developed with training can be hinderer and regress due to being in a chaotic and unregulated environment with dozens of others. I will be doing a series of 90 second reels for January’s taco tuesdays to touch on some of the main talking points brought up in the podcast. I WANT TO BE CLEAR- THIS IS SUMMARIZING WHAT PROFESSIONALS ON THIS PODCAST DISCUSSED THESE ARE NOT SOLELY MY OPINIONS #fearfreecertifiedprofessional
Another video showing inside, the dogs are enjoying their classical music that we play in the afternoons. All dogs are calm and quiet. The whining you hear at the beginning was Taco on the other side of the door cuz he wanted to be on the side with me, was not one of our guests. The panting was from a dog who just came in from a rigorous catch session, NOT distress panting. As you notice, two of the rooms were set up without dogs, we had 4 guests leave this morning and will be getting 5 new ones this evening! So we quickly did our house keeping duties of cleaning with kennelsol and prepping the rooms to be ready for them when they arrive.
Just a video inside the kennel right now. At capacity with 12 dogs! See how there is no distress barking, everyone is at peace. * and only two rooms had been fed at this point & were eating so it wasnt that everyone was eating to keep them quiet. I just was so happy with seeing all their faces i wanted to capture a video. I also of course like to show inside the kennel to be transparent ❤️
Debated even posting this
I debated even going to this but I am going to… i also want to add this is why I have such a strict screening process- because NOT every dog is a candidate for boarding. And i refuse to take profit over the wellbeing of an animal and force a dog into a situation they wont be well in just so i can add to my paycheck…. Thanks to those who support me.
Thank you First Class Fence for getting this completed quickly! It means so much!!!! We now have the entire area around the facility secured! We can safely move dogs from both sides of the kennel to both yards without exposing them to open areas!!!!!!!!
Sorry guys tried to keep it short but clearly failed. Check out our newly completed projects!!!
Homestead/ prepper tip!!!!! Happy Thursday let’s be prepared! If you have any good homesteading/ preparedness tips drop em!!!!
Hang out in the chicken coop with me for a minute! We will have eggs available $4 a dozen starting Wednesday! Message me if you would like some. 🩷