Confession time - I have really struggled with the whole “lawn service” thing. I live in a neighborhood where people have traditional lawns and they are kept immaculate. For a time I used a lawn service to treat our front yard only so as to not upset the neighbors with a weedy lawn. I fired our lawn service when they over-sprayed some of our pollinator garden. Made me very mad and convinced me I had no business having a lawn service.
I’m a recent convert so I also have no business chastising others for having a lawn service, but I would like to gently encourage you all to consider letting yours go too. It’s time we redefine what a real lawn is. It’s not imported invasive grasses, and we are killing so much of nature by trying to maintain them.
Join me, fire your lawn service, and do a good thing for Mother Earth.
Sign was seen today at the Audubon Garden Tour today.