We’ve been super pleased working with the AHA Hereford Feedout program at HRC Feedyards.
We had a couple pens of Hereford steers and heifers that graded out 97.6% choice /prime. Out of that 10% was prime.
To top that off we had a Validated steer out of a Tested x651 cow that Lee Mayo, Shane Bedwell and Trey Befort handpicked and entered into the Beef Empire Days live and carcass show in Garden City, KS. He had a .90 marbling epd. This animal ended up placing 4th in the carcass show against all breeds and hundreds of cattle from all of the large feedyards in SW Kansas who handpicked animals to enter into the contest from thousands of head of fed cattle. It just goes to show the progress the American Hereford Association and it’s breeders have made. A big thank you to all of these guys. I highly recommend participating in the AHA Feedout program. This has been our 4th year and we’ve made more money than we ever did selling at a sale barn. The data has been invaluable. It shows us that our cattle are on the right track and the genetics are truly doing what they say they will do.
The 2023 Beef Empire Days was one for the record books - a Hereford steer placed 4th in the carcass contest! A prime, yield grade 2.66 carcass. The Tyson Plant representative specifically called out the steer during the awards ceremony, stating he could tell by the steer’s maturity that he was one of the youngest steers in the entire competition! Congratulations to Hereford breeder, Darrin Reed, Reed Polled Herefords. American Hereford Association