Gypsy's Gait Stables

Gypsy's Gait Stables Horse lesson, horse training, and theraputic riding. Happy Hooves 4H club rides here. All ages are welcome! We can give lessons on my horses or yours.

Gypsy's Gait Stables offers training and lessons to all ages and all horses. I strongly believe in a horses ability to give anyone the confidence and strength the face everyday life. I teach both English and western disciplines, as well as hippology and horse keeping. We offer both private and group lessons on a monthly bases. Group lesson prices available with group practices before show. Leasing

available upon request. I train horses with a natural horsemanship approach. Using groundwork and patience to communicate with the horse. I am willing to work with any breed or age with skill such as halter breaking, saddle breaking, trailering, showing, etc. We will work with your horse at your barn or mine. The Happy Hooves 4H horse club rides at Gypsy's Gait. We strive to educate our members in equine science, riding, and horse care. Our club is involved in service projects and are given the opportunity to become successful leaders in our community. Ages 5-18

Feel free to call me with questions anytime. My name is Olivia Valentine and my number is 704-718-2017.

What a great day at the SHA horse show! I cannot believe the progress these girls have made. I always love to see them p...

What a great day at the SHA horse show! I cannot believe the progress these girls have made. I always love to see them pushing for their goals and riding them out in the pen. I want to take time to highlight this show of firsts because it’s not everyday all of my riders rock a new skill!

Starting off we had our little Amelia. She tried a new horse at the show and asked for a trot by herself. After she lined up she told me I only almost fell off a little bit. She was all smiles and not afraid. The ring steward fell in love with her sweet comments and she was fun to watch!

Lani competed in her first ever canter class and the first times she has ever cantered that many circles in a row. Her absolute saint of a horse got both leads and sailed around like they have been doing this for years. Coming out with a 3rd place out of 7 wasn’t too bad either!

Emma and Shay got to canter for their show too! Emma has cantered other horses in shows but she has been diligently working with Mckenna on getting Shay ready to canter. They walked out with all smiles and blue ribbons. Of course the pair looked so beautiful gliding around together. I’m super excited to hear things like I didn’t stick my pivot and I needed to extend more in a positive way. She is always congratulating her teammates and putting a happy spin on things. She recognizes she can work to get even better while being happy with her currently abilities!

Addie decided to bring a new horse to shows and see how it went. By the end of the day she remarked well she’s doing much better than I thought! She is working on getting this pony into show shape including the dreaded showmanship arena. I am very proud of her for being able to vocalize what they need to work on to be more competitive. She never blames the horse and always makes sure they have exactly what they need. She follows rules to a T and she is making quite the equestrian!

Audri and Vice have been working so hard at home. They have put in the showmanship hours, saddle time, and relaxing trails. It really paid off for them yesterday! For anyone who has ever loved a OTTB your first event where is clicks for rider and horse is a huge accomplishment. Audri and Vice gelled in their riding classes and floated around the arena for a well deserved 3rd in a canter class(she didn’t miss a lead!) She stood like an angel in showmanship as Audri worked her through a lovely pattern. They even did their personal best horsemanship pattern and walked calmly out of the arena.

I am so proud of our hard working ladies and super wonderful team of ponies. They make a day in the sun worth it for everyone.

Of course I couldn’t do it without our villiage. Thank you dads for driving trailers, setting up tents, and reminding the kids they are perfect.
Thank you mommas for making sure we were fed, getting the kids everything they needed, and rocking babies to sleep.
Thank you SHA for another great show with a positive atmosphere.
We can’t wait for the next show!

Our fun photoshoot with the OG crew was a blast! Im so glad Lani gets to have these ladies as role models❤️

Our fun photoshoot with the OG crew was a blast! Im so glad Lani gets to have these ladies as role models❤️

My precious 24 year old girl sure does look good❤️

My precious 24 year old girl sure does look good❤️

Come join us for farm camp in October! Follow the link below to sign up. Must be registered by September 25th to attend....

Come join us for farm camp in October! Follow the link below to sign up. Must be registered by September 25th to attend. Spots are limited. Feel free to reach out with any questions!

Horsemanship camp has to be our favorite camp yet!!! Our riders started the week with a budget, a horse, and a halter. T...

Horsemanship camp has to be our favorite camp yet!!! Our riders started the week with a budget, a horse, and a halter. They then had to navigate riding, the vet and farrier, lessons, emergancy scenarios, loosing tack, and trying to save for vacation at the end of the week. They were responsible for buying the tack they wanted to use, caring for their horse, and working jobs to make sure they didn’t have to sell their horse. They learned all about hooves and vaccinations in order to make sure the farrier/vet didn’t try to scam them out of money. They paid for their daily lessons and learned the fun way it’s worth it sometimes to buy the saddle! They worked hard in lessons and were able to jump, canter, and learn the barrel pattern. They kept us laughing with their quick smarts and funny outlook. Thank you parents for letting me enjoy your kids this week. I’m so proud no one had to sell their horse and everyone got to go on “vacation”!

What a wonderful show today! As a trainer I love hearing such positive comments about all of the beautiful riders. I can...

What a wonderful show today! As a trainer I love hearing such positive comments about all of the beautiful riders. I can’t wait for everyone to get their feedback from the fantastic Barbara Monroe Prather. She did an amazing job of making sure they all knew what they did well and what they can work with. She even took time after the show to speak to riders. She was a lot of fun to work with and we hope to show with you again! We all loved a cool drink(or several) from the Palmetto Pony. Iron City Bbq Co. melted near their smokers to make sure we had the most amazing lunches. As always, Clark and Nancy Curry are the most lovely host. They make sure we have what we need in their beautiful barn and feel so supported. Our volunteers are the best in the world. They held horses, opened gates, wrote notes, announced classes, registered riders, dressed kids, carried water, hosed ponies, made kids drink, talked down tears, uplifted spirits, sweated their butts off, and did it all with a smile. We couldn’t do it without all of your love and hard work.
In order to continue to foster our herd mentality we won’t be sharing points until our awards ceremony. The suspense is killing us too! It really could be any one of you fantastic riders. The points are that close. Keep your chin up, your heels down, and show us what you know!
We can’t wait to show with you for our last show of the season in November.
Thank you to everyone who is helping make this such a success for these riders. It make my heart so happy to be able to give them the opportunity to learn while showing off their skills. All day I heard “It’s so hard to fault them, they are good little riders”. I’m so proud of all of you!!!

Just a reminder our show will start at 7:30 tomorrow to beat the heat. Palmetto Pony will be serving drinks around 7 and...

Just a reminder our show will start at 7:30 tomorrow to beat the heat. Palmetto Pony will be serving drinks around 7 and Iron City Bbq Co. plans to be set up around 10. We cant wait to see everyone there!

Our July 6th show will start at 7:30 instead of 9 to beat the heat. Come join us for a great show!

Our July 6th show will start at 7:30 instead of 9 to beat the heat. Come join us for a great show!

Our July 6th show will start at 7:30 instead of 9 to beat the heat. Come join us for a great show!

Who is excited about our next show July 6th?! Thanks to our wonderful sponsors we have beautiful year end buckles and to...

Who is excited about our next show July 6th?! Thanks to our wonderful sponsors we have beautiful year end buckles and tons of fun prizes for our high point riders. Every rider will receive feedback from the judge for each class. Our July judge is the wonderful Barbara Monroe Prather! Come support our riders while you enjoy coffee from the Palmetto Pony and eat lunch with Iron City Bbq Co. Stay tuned for early registration. We can’t wait to show with you!

The 2024 state 4-H horse show was a huge success! Our riders made this trainer so very proud. They worked smart in the a...

The 2024 state 4-H horse show was a huge success! Our riders made this trainer so very proud. They worked smart in the arena showing that your energy can keep the horse calm. They congratulated their teammates on every ride and supported each other in the barn with chores. I saw goals being reached in equitation, diagonals and leads. I saw tears of joy, nerves, and frustration but they didn’t get in the way of their overall experience. I watched adults sweating their tails off to make sure their riders were set up for success. We laughed together, played together, and won together. As a trainer the feeling of family is why I love my job. I love watching kids earn life skills as they learn competition doesn’t have to be about beating your fellow rider. Competition is about making your next ride better than your last. We can all support each other while we cheer for those in our classes. Competitors aren’t enemies. In fact we have so many State show friends that we see every year. I love that I really saw our riders showing this love and community this week. I think the 4-h motto should be Better Together as that attitude makes us better.
Of course when you ride with grace and practice like these kids do the ribbons will follow! Look at all of the color in these pictures!

Kylee and Perfectly Piper started our week off with Senior speed Grand Champion earning 1st in her classes with smart patterns in a very deep arena.

Our last year with Mattie and Suck It Up Buttercup she upheld her title as Senior Western Pleasure Grand Champion, Senior Ranch Reserve Champion, Senior Versatility Grand Champion, and the Champion of Champions in horsemanship with some of the most flawless patterns.

Emma and Blue Eyed Shay Bars smiled their way into Walk Trot Grand Champion. She worked some beautiful patterns in western and made sure Shay extended in hunters.

Avery and Southern Belle’s Heritage placed in all of their classes and tried something new in English. Belle had never been to a big show but Avery had such grace with her she was able to remain calm and work the patterns like she can in the practice pen!

Addie and Against All Odds placed in her huge showmanship class with a very lovely pattern! She worked hard on her pivots and it paid off. In her first year as a Jr rider in 2-3 heats she rode well really making Gideon look quite handsome. She is quite a pretty picture on the back of a horse and always brings the best out of her partner.

Jacob and Cue the Confetti placed well for his first year at a big show! He was all smiles and was so quick to support his fellow riders. I love his upbeat attitude and willingness to try his best in any situation.

We had to make the call to pull Vice from classes due to a morning injury which thanks to the Equivibe she is now feeling much better in her paddock. Sometimes the lesson is learning how to make the hard choice for the sake of the horse even if that means we don’t show.

Thank you parents for making this week a success and sharing your lovely kids with me. Thank you for loving my kids like your own and spoiling them constantly.
Thank you riders for taking what we worked on and putting it into practice.
Thank you South Carolina 4-H Livestock and Equine Programs for a lovely show.

Our unicorn had so much fun with these little ballerinas at Bella Ballerina camp!  😍

Our unicorn had so much fun with these little ballerinas at Bella Ballerina camp! 😍

Advanced camp ended with a super fun day at AnneSpringsCloseGreenway for a long trail day! These kiddos have worked on t...

Advanced camp ended with a super fun day at AnneSpringsCloseGreenway for a long trail day! These kiddos have worked on their equitation, horse sense, riding style, and friendships this week. They have been so funny, determined, and such a blast to work with. Thank you for sharing your sweet girls♥️


Starting camp season tomorrow with Advanced Camp! We still have a few open spots for our Horsemanship camp in July.

We still have a few spots open in our July Camp. Do you want to learn what it takes to own a horse? Do you need to pract...

We still have a few spots open in our July Camp. Do you want to learn what it takes to own a horse? Do you need to practice responsibility to see if you are ready to get you own pony? Our Horsemanship camp will give you an interactive horse ownership experience to test your skills! Discounts available for 4-H and lesson students.


Last day to get early registration prices for summer camp! Make sure you get your deposit in today!

What a wonderful day for a horse show!!! Large classes and lovely ponies made these ribbons well deserved. I know I say ...

What a wonderful day for a horse show!!! Large classes and lovely ponies made these ribbons well deserved. I know I say it eveytime but I’m so proud of how hard these kids hustle! They have worked hard in practice but they are finally understanding how to be smart show riders. The ability to change as you see what the judge wants or adapt as the class moves is not an easy task. Following directions and trying something a little differently to up your game makes for good riders. I love seeing the progress just from last month. It’s was so nice to hear complements on our riders manners, versatility, and equitation. It is no easy feat to get ribbons at F.E.N.C.E so these kiddos are really stepping up their show game. I really love seeing them learn to navigate through the nerves instead of letting them ruin their whole show day. We aren’t always perfect but we are growing at that is something to celebrate. Be proud ladies y’all really were amazing today!
Thank you mommas(and Nick) for being so wonderful and making our show family so successful. You all deserve a lovely day tomorrow♥️

Early Bird registration prices end on Monday May 13th! We still have Beginner and Lead-line spots available so don't mis...

Early Bird registration prices end on Monday May 13th! We still have Beginner and Lead-line spots available so don't miss out!

From arenas to trail rides we have be creative to work around these summer storms. We are so very thankful for our wonde...

From arenas to trail rides we have be creative to work around these summer storms. We are so very thankful for our wonderful helpers who make a trainer's life easier.

There are still a few spots left in beginner camp and we will have a lesson spot opening in June. Message us to learn how to become an equestrian today!

We have an exciting new option as a part of our wellness services! F***l exams are a great way to see who needs wormer, ...

We have an exciting new option as a part of our wellness services! F***l exams are a great way to see who needs wormer, if your herd has resistance to certain dewormers, and to make sure you are worming for the correct parasite. Our services include an initial parasite count and a recheck to determine your wormer's efficiency arranged in a spreadsheet. Herd discounts available.


We will have a lesson spot on Monday at 4:30 available starting June! Message us for details!

It may have been wet but that didn’t stop us from having a petting zoo party! Plan your next birthday party with our her...

It may have been wet but that didn’t stop us from having a petting zoo party! Plan your next birthday party with our herd and even add on ponies rides.

A HUGE thank you to Lewis Feed and Western Store!Lewis Feed and Western Store has been family owned and operated for ove...

A HUGE thank you to Lewis Feed and Western Store!
Lewis Feed and Western Store has been family owned and operated for over 40 years. They have all your needs, whether is's for yourself ,your critters, or your little ones. Form saddles and tack to clothing and feed, catering to all your animal needs. With a wide variety of products and feed available for any animal. It's your one stop western shop.
They also are Gypsy's Gait Stable's exclusive livestock feed store. They carry the most scientifically backed feed for the best price. Our show animals all look amazing and our pets are all happy and healthy. Plus we love shopping in the store for ourselves! Everyone is so friendly and helpful meaning we always get treated like family!
Make sure you stop in to show them love for supporting our riders!

We are running a promotion to fill our beginner camp on June 17-21. If a registering camper mentions your name you will ...

We are running a promotion to fill our beginner camp on June 17-21. If a registering camper mentions your name you will receive a free Equivibe session or $50 off any Gypsy's Gait Stables activity! Woohoo! Remember the deadline for the early registration price is May 13th.


1736 Beamguard Road
Clover, SC

Opening Hours

9am - 5pm




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