3 year old Warmblood on a trail ride
Today is Ann’s last day with us at the farm after interning for a month. She has been of huge help to all of us and the horses. Courtney and I wish her the best while she embarks on her way to Penn State. We’ve never met a person with so much drive and self discipline. We hope she comes back to visit from time to time. We hope she learned as much as she could during her time spent with us. #comeridewithus #learnhorses #westernriding
The first horse I get to start this year 2024
When someone asks me “What do you love to do the most in the whole world?” This is what I love to do: give baby horses their first couple rides. It is one of the most pure things someone can encounter and the most critical part of a horse’s riding career. Unfortunately, it has been taken extremely lightly and ruins many promising horses. This process will make or break your horse. I am grateful to have the privilege to be around some of the greatest in the industry when it come to starting horses. The owner of this horse is Ned Kilgus. #startingbabies #EBH #drstevepeters #martinblack #dwelltime #dontrushtheprocesstrusttheprocess #evidancebasedhorsemanship
Trail riding with our intern Ann
Last day of the year and what better way to spend it with good friends and family oh and can’t forget the big old bull Ike he has been a blessing in my life and honored to be able to own such a wonderful animal like him. My lord and savior Jesus Christ has a plan for all of us… let the new year begin .
5 year old Westphalian mare . This horse came in having a lot of trust issues.
Oh genius
This big 4 year old Warmblood finishing he’s first 30 days going to he’s second month I can’t wait to see this guys progress.
Sunday for Friday this young mare is a really nice horse I can’t wait to see her future. This is the first time I’m actually guiding her with the snaffle bit. The first month she was rode with a halter the whole time …. #horsemanship #EBH #horses #warmbloods #babyhorses #startinghorses
Two fold from the cowtown rodeo string .
If you know the enemy, and know yourself your victory will not stand in doubt .if you know, heaven and know earth you may make your victory complete.-the art of war
Third day of riding Ray Ray at the private clinic,for love farm in Clinton corners NY This horse was a little troubled when he was started, and he would buck people off. All 3 days I utilized tools from evidence based horsemanship which allowed us both to have a harmonious ride.all I can think of while on this horse was the famous words of Martin Black “I don’t make this stuff up”. #EBH #evindancebacedhorsemanship #horses #babyhorses #itsanart #next30dqys
On day two I was able to catch a ride bear back on Ray Ray for the very first time. Before I meet this young horse every time someone attempted to ride him he would feel the person off balance and would trigger to buck them off after him and I developing a bond he allowed me to get him of he’s comfort zone so we can enjoy a peaceful none electric bear back ride .
Day two for Ray Ray
Learning how balance influences the horses train of thought in this day and age is not an easy thing because humans have been conditioned for decades for instant gratification when humans understand this, the horse will get a better deal. the energy implemented by the human has to be in a balanced way to create a harmonious horse.the relationship you would create with your horse if you understand balance can take you to you needing the horse and the horse needing you to both of you being able to getting to the other side.
First day riding Ray Ray and having him grow new dendrites.
Day one with this Belgian cross 3 year old gelding
I got to put on a 3 day private colt starting clinic in Clinton corners NY at love farms and Ray Ray was the student. This is a 3-year-old Belgian cross gelding this guy was bucking people of from the time someone asked him to move. Knowing the situation, I decided to bring a saddle horse to help Ray Ray find comfort while I put on the first ride
In the re start process. We hope you enjoy the sequence of 3 day short videos. #coltstarting #boots #evidencebasedhorsemanship #shinetheseboots #studhorse #saddlehorse #horsemanship
I never want a horse to have these kind of thought in its brain, but when they are babies and your asking them to get out of their comfort zone they’ll do things to intimidate the rider. Take it with a grain of salt understand where they are at, understand on how to ask in a different way to be able to meet in the middle. your emotion has to stay nutral or the intensity of the horse can definitely change the outcome.
Teaching one to be comfortable around people and halter braking him.
Set a goal so big that you can’t achieve it until you grow into the person who can - Dokeshi no michi
This horse is a 7 year old feral paint horse the goal is to get him tamed enough so he can accept the saddle. This task will not be easy !! Every time you walk in to the round coral with this fella you have to bring your experience level high but also be so humbled and opened to learn and understand how much can he take in a training session. Learn to be humbled and experienced. #Trusttheprocessdon’trushtheprocess. #roping #wildhorses#horseshelpinghorses#shinetheseboots#studhorse
Issac H10 out of the three hills rodeo company getting rode by he’s owner Dave martin. Issac came in to our program 2 years ago for about 8 months. When he came in he was on the reactive side and extremely aware of stuff that he thought where bothering or disturbing he’s mental state. This horse was born and raised to buck but with the tools that I was provided by Martin black and Dr Steve Peters on the EBH horsemanship in the last 3 years I was able to help this horse self regulate and have a happier and more harmonious understanding of he’s rider. #horsemanship #painthorse #evidancebasedhorsemanship #exbronc #bornandraisedtobuck #horses #DraftCross
Putting on the first ride on this really nice Warmblood filly. It’s not about letting a young one buck it’s about having them understand that bucking is not an option.