Dear Dad,
Happy Valentine’s Day! I miss you so much! It has been so cold here. It has been below zero here this last week…🥶🥶🥶🥶
It is snowing now and warmer though! I have so many friends I get to play with. We have to be careful playing because it is so cold and hard on our little paws.
How are things in Antarctica? Are you breaking up some icebergs? I am sure it is very cold there too. Grandma keeps sending me stuff.
I have these giggle balls in my stall and they make the staff laugh every time I play with them..I roll them around my stall and play with them a lot.
Thanks for all of the treats and toys all of us love them! Hopefully you and your crew are being safe! Have an amazing Valentines Day! XOXOXOX to you!
Love from your favorite four legged girl