Cottonwood Stables LLC

Cottonwood Stables LLC High-quality horse boarding and training facility located in Colchester, Vermont We teach horses and owners/riders alike how to safely work with each other.

At Cottonwood, we provide the most consistent, high-quality horse care in the area. Our 3-person staff knows the horses in our facility better than most because WE are doing all the work ourselves. No matter the weather conditions or holiday, You will always see at least one of our 3 staff members doing a daily care task. Our training program provides the knowledge and ability to keep horses happy

to be working and SAFE to work around. By providing the solid foundation on the ground and developing that into the saddle work. Always seeking to further education and practices both with training horses and in our everyday routine, you won't find a facility that does more for the horses in its care. The horses come first here. Period.


Turning a Beginner horse into a dangerous animal; the story of too many “first, second and third” horses

Turning a Beginner horse into a dangerous animal; the story of too many “first, second and third” horses: What you need to know about the difficulty and expense of horse ownership before you take the next step.

Did you know one of the most common reasons horses end up discarded, neglected or with behavioral problems traces back to a buyer / owner who had far too little experience (but probably believed their 3 trail rides during vacations meant they were excellent riders) and / or too little ability to cover the enormous costs of owning and caring for a horse?

If you are truly a newbie, please, for the love of a horse, do not buy or adopt or pick up a free horse.

Taking 10 lessons at age 12 doesn’t mean you’re not a total beginner. Riding horses on trail rides at stables while on vacation for a 1 to 10 years also doesn’t mean you have any real experience. Feeding 1,000 carrots to horses next to your grandfather’s house as a child doesn’t count. Cleaning stalls as a job as a teenager. . .nope. Not super helpful.

Sometimes the stars align and total new owners make it work. It is rare, and it is too rare and typically too harmful for us to recommend.

We’ve saved too many who bear the scars of “newbie” owners.

They have been mishandled, their bodies and minds misused. . sometimes through sheer ignorance only.

If you cannot afford lessons, you cannot afford a horse. Unless you’ve ridden and cared for a horse under a trained eye and hand, you will not likely do the horse any service.

Did you know even a beginner safe horse can end up damaged and dangerous in the hands of inexperienced person or family?

Beginner safe really doesn’t “usually” mean any untrained person can do anything with the horse. It means a beginner can ride the horse under supervision and be safe.

No giant animal with a prey instinct is truly safe for just any new rider / handler without a trained eye looking on and offering instruction.

You have lucked out with a rare creature if you’ve found an exception, but it is luck only you’re working with in these cases. And regardless, if you’re a real novice and have found a tolerant and kind horse, you owe the horse something better, at any rate.

We once heard a trainer talk about how horrible it is when a novice turns a perfectly well trained, beginner suitable horse into a dangerous animal with their mistakes, and the fact is, this happens far too often.

Horses are very expensive. A luxury, really.

They aren’t especially hardy. They are extremely complex and sensitive. When they are sick, it costs even more.

They aren’t gold fish (Heck, even fish are awfully hard to keep alive), folks.

Horses require a disposable income of several thousand dollars a year each, even if you live in a very inexpensive area and keep the horse on your own property and do not need to keep the horse shod or treat any ailments beyond trims, worming, vaccines and teeth yearly (all of those things ARE a must, regardless).

Horses require knowledge. A lot of it. You have to come into the experience with knowledge, though. You also have to continue to learn.

forever. and ever.

First. . .Lessons.

Next. . . Income.

Then. . .a horse of your own.

Any other order generally puts a horse at great risk of ending up with lasting training problems, injuries or worse. Never mind that it isn’t safe for people to do it another way.

(The horse in the original image is from a craigslist ad of a horse I rescued on my own before Heart of Phoenix many years ago. He was also entirely emaciated.)

From our 2017 Blog

Amazing what photo settings can do for a black and white photo

Amazing what photo settings can do for a black and white photo


You don’t need an expensive horse to win.

You don’t need a fancy saddle or handmade bit to win.

You don’t need a nice rig to win.

You don’t need a barn or an arena to win.

These are all luxuries. It’s nice if you have them, but not a requirement to win.

You need effort and time.
Hard work and consistency.
Strength and resilience.


13 Things You Can Do When It's Too Wintery to Ride

1. Groundwork or Liberty Work.

2. Grooming / Clipping

3. Take tack home and give it a really deep cleaning and oiling in your warm cozy house.

4. Find unused items, spiff them up and list them for sale to clear space and make a little cash.

5. Go through last year's great horse photos and make an album or frame a few special ones.

6. Start planning your riding calendar. Find clinics, shows, and adventures to make the most of 2024.

7. Schedule your horse's routine care- dental, vaccines, Coggin's, farrier appointments, etc.

8. Take an online course about hoof care, biomechanics, nutrition, or whatever riding discipline interests you.

9. Inventory, organize and restock your first aid kit, show trunk or grooming totes.

10. Organize horse related documents; registration papers, vet records, show records, travel documents, expenses, tax info, etc.

11. Plan any yearly maintenance or repairs your truck and trailer may need.

12. Take time to reflect on 2023. What did you learn? What did you improve on? How did you grow?

13. Or, just curl up with your favorite horse book or movie and sip hot chocolate!

Do these count for  ??My husband had to bring my cousin to grab his work truck, but when it’s close enough to your favor...

Do these count for ??

My husband had to bring my cousin to grab his work truck, but when it’s close enough to your favorite restaurant, you have no choice but to bring the kids and use it as the best reason to get lunch and see the elk ❣️

The big bull was a sight all his own.
I love making memories like these! So far Rosie and Maggie are complete worker bees and animal caretakers like I have always been 😊


Stop playing the victim.

If you constantly find yourself wondering why the world is against you, feeling like you’re singled out, attacked, unappreciated, unwanted or undervalued—take a minute to self-evaluate. There’s a good chance that the problem is coming from within.

It is typically about perception. It’s easy to take people wrong and get offended by what people say, or don’t say… But often times we are just living in a victim mentality.

Stop placing your value in what other people think about you, say about you, or don’t say about you. Staying in that place will hold you back. It will keep you from reaching new heights and achieving new goals.

You are not a victim.

You are a child of God, living in a fallen world full of other hurting people that need to see your light shine bright! Grab ahold and take them with you! We have places to go, and they aren’t to the same crappy places we have already been.

📸: Bee Silva

If you don’t love a good glow up…. My favorite comparisons are pictures that are as similar as possible. I *ALWAYS* get ...

If you don’t love a good glow up….

My favorite comparisons are pictures that are as similar as possible. I *ALWAYS* get front, rear or side shots to compare horses physical changes. It’s really hard to accurately see improvements/development changes if you compare photos that are taken from different angles, you can’t see what you are actually comparing.

But these.. show how much these girls have matured!
We’ll never not refer to them as the fillies, they are the fillies of our herd… but they don’t look like babies anymore!

Who is it Wednesday?Today it’s Lily!AQHA registered as RO Smart Lil WeaverThis stunning Dun 3 year old is turning out to...

Who is it Wednesday?

Today it’s Lily!

AQHA registered as RO Smart Lil Weaver
This stunning Dun 3 year old is turning out to be a big mare, standing 14.3h at the wither and 15h (almost 15.1h at the hip) and growing taller and wider daily!
Her very sweet disposition is one to be desired! Her 9 month break from growing too fast put a pause on her training but did her a lot of good!
She was cleared back to work in October but we have waited to give her plenty of time for those joints to fuse up. Continuing to build trust and confidence has been so fun and eye opening as far as learning how to communicate with her.

Super excited to give her a start under saddle closer to summer, especially getting to see her progress and get braver each day!

We have stalls available for boarding! Room in our horsemanship program for you to grow with your horse or start working...

We have stalls available for boarding! Room in our horsemanship program for you to grow with your horse or start working on developing some skills and confidence before you think about purchasing your own!

Have your horse at home? Taking a vacation and want to ensure your horse is safe and taken care of?
When we have stall openings we are more then happy to make sure your equine family member is safe so you can enjoy your time away!

Availability for trailer in lessons, or trailering into ride if you don't have a safe place to ride with this odd Vermont weather we are experiencing this year!

Welcome 2024!We are SO excited for this year!Same quality services, revamped goals for our program, and revamped website...

Welcome 2024!

We are SO excited for this year!
Same quality services, revamped goals for our program, and revamped website are what we are adding this New Year!

If you are looking for boarding or a program to join, check out our website and reach out to ask any questions our website cannot answer for you!

With some fresh ideas, we are so looking forward to what 2024 has to offer!


This is a long one. I tweaked it to make sense of horse training costs and what we do. There is never truly a "day off" in this industry, but it's worth every minute!

A customer asked me how much it cost to put a month on a c**t.
I answered him: It can range between $600-$2500.00 for boarding and training.
He said: So expensive for this job?
I asked: How much do you think it would cost you?
He answers me: Just my time and dedication.
I say: Okay... I invite you to do it yourself.
- But.... I don't know how to.
- Okay so for $450 (Cost of a weekend clinic) I'll teach you how to. So besides saving you, you'll get the knowledge for the next time you want to do this yourself.
- It seemed right to him and he agreed.
- But to get started: you need tools, knowledge, experience, hurt, failure, discipline, and dedication just to name a few.
- But I don't have all this time... and I can't take the time out...
- Well then for another $50 per hour more I'll lesson you hourly to you so you can do it, but trust me, it's NOT as easy as you think.
- Okay, he says.
- Okay! Sunday I'll swing by with my horse... I'm waiting for you to start showing me what to do.
- But I can't on Sunday I only have time during the week, I like to spend my weekends with my family. I'm sorry, but I'm only available Tuesday through Friday to teach you and lend you my stuff.
- Okay! That means I'm going to have to sacrifice my week, and give up my tasks.... Lose on my job, and make this my main focus to get what I'm looking for..
- Do you have time? It takes consistency when training horses, it doesn't happen overnight..."
- Okay!

***A FEW WEEKS GO BY...."***

- You know, I've been thinking... I see how dedicated you are and the outcome of your work... better get the job done. I'd rather pay you the $1250. If I had to, it wouldn't be perfect and it would cost me a lot more in the long run.

When you pay for a job, especially horse training you pay not only for the knowledge the trainer has, but you also pay for:
- Knowledge
- Experience
- Study
- Tools
- Services
- Time put in your horses... (feeding, watering, daily upcare...)
- Dedication
- Accountability
- Professionalism
- Accuracy
- Guaranteed Services as I do Daily Updates
- Sacrifices
-Literally throwing my leg over a 1200 plus animal that could crush me....
- Safety and security...
-Stall Cleaning Services
-An Up kept Facility

Just to name a few. 🙌

No one can denigrate other people's work by judging prices.Only by knowing all the elements necessary for the production of a certain work can you estimate the actual cost. So remember when you're searching for a trainer and they say their prices... Don't go for cheap. Cheap isn't good. Quality work costs, and it's worth it in the long run.

Putting on and taking off a bridle and a halter are HUGE indications of the quality of horseman

Putting on and taking off a bridle and a halter are HUGE indications of the quality of horseman

This 👏🏼

If you are looking for a new facility this coming year, we have a few stalls available!Quality facility, quality care, q...

If you are looking for a new facility this coming year, we have a few stalls available!

Quality facility, quality care, quality staff!

With good horsemanship as the base of everything about our facility, we make sure your horse is taken care of as they should be! Like horses. With the most consistent care routine, to the same people doing all daily responsibilities from cleaning stalls to cleaning paddocks, and everything in between!

We know your horses because WE take care of your horses. And that's really the key to knowing how to keep your horses healthy, happy and safe.

Our website is still under construction, but you can feel free to reach out for any information or to come visit!


It’s simple.

Train the horse you have: Don’t get greedy or too far ahead of the horse expecting too much too soon.

Ride for the horse you want: Ride with clear communication with your horse and be consistent so you create a seasoned finished horse.

Start small, and the progress builds. We worked on a lot of things yesterday, and ended up testing Rain’s ground tie!Sma...

Start small, and the progress builds. We worked on a lot of things yesterday, and ended up testing Rain’s ground tie!

Small things lead to great things. You just have to set them up for things thoughtfully!


At least once a week I try to get some cleaning done around the barn, just to keep things neat. I usually do this after feeding before working horses.

Go back to your basics.Basics of horsemanshipBasics of ridingJust go back.Your horse will thank you. As you strive for b...

Go back to your basics.

Basics of horsemanship
Basics of riding

Just go back.

Your horse will thank you. As you strive for better basics, the entire quality of time with your horse will improve.

That’s what horsemanship does. It makes you better for your horse. It improves everything you do around them. It makes you mindful.

That’s what matters.

Personally, we’re taking the winter to focus on the basics. The foundation of everything.Horsemanship is necessary for e...

Personally, we’re taking the winter to focus on the basics. The foundation of everything.

Horsemanship is necessary for every rider/trainer/instructor and horse. It builds the foundation for every discipline at every level. Without it, you have nothing.

If you’re looking for a facility that can help you develop a solid foundation to build towards your goals, come join us!

Winter is coming, colder temps are here!
Good horsemanship, warm barn, great people..

You really couldn’t ask for more!


For the weekend…………….

Lord bless a big hearted gelding ❣️

Lord bless a big hearted gelding ❣️

One goal for my personal horses is to get them all comfortable in hobbles this winter.I believe it is probably one of *T...

One goal for my personal horses is to get them all comfortable in hobbles this winter.

I believe it is probably one of *THE MOST* beneficial things you can teach a horse.

Anyone can argue it. But if my horses won’t fight if they get tangled, then potentially save their lives, legs, and keep people safer. Teaching your horse how to handle scary, But potentially very real scenarios is your job if you consider yourself a professional in the equine industry.
Stepping on leads/reins, getting tangled/stuck, loud noises and situations are all the reality of working with horses.

Prepare them. It’s the least you can do.

Pictured is Davey, the current pro hobble wearer

Night check complete with the cutest helpers ❣️

Night check complete with the cutest helpers ❣️

If you can’t have a mutually trusting, respectful, confident working relationship on the ground, you can’t begin to deve...

If you can’t have a mutually trusting, respectful, confident working relationship on the ground, you can’t begin to develop it in the saddle.
As I learned Saturday we do ground work on the ground, and then we continue our ground work in the saddle.

Thank you Billy Smith Horsemanship for your time on Saturday! Looking forward to much more learning from you in the future!

We hope everyone had a great day yesterday!We spent the day fairly unplugged with family and friends and we are thankful...

We hope everyone had a great day yesterday!

We spent the day fairly unplugged with family and friends and we are thankful we could do that!

Back to work today and super excited for the weekend!

December is creeping in!

We are excited to get winter started to relax training and focus more on ground work to really prepare for spring!!

Located in West Burke, VTContact Smashin Blues Performance Horses for info!

Located in West Burke, VT

Contact Smashin Blues Performance Horses for info!


2374 Malletts Bay Avenue
Colchester, VT

Opening Hours

Monday 6:30am - 9:30pm
Tuesday 6:30am - 9:30pm
Wednesday 6:30am - 9:30pm
Thursday 6:30am - 9:30pm
Friday 6:30am - 9:30pm
Saturday 6:30am - 9:30pm
Sunday 6:30am - 9:30pm


(802) 734-3055


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