GRC Practice at CloverField K9! The dog center has gone to the humans since it’s too cold to play!
What is CloverField K9?!?! Comment your favorite thing to do at CloverField!
#dogsport #workingdogs #sportdogs #k9wallclimb #dogwallclimb #dockdiving #dogagility #bitingdogs #petdogs #policek9 #malinois #germanshepherd #dogtraining #dogfacility #vermontdogs #puppies #dogbreeder
Last week with @mariodogtrainer !!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Our environmentals course is always great for bitework scenarios!
Boy, son of Big Roy bred to a Devil Pegge Female!
Boy (BRN 49015) X Rox (BRN 48127)
#malinois #knpv #knpvlines #peggepolicedogs #bitingdogs #workingdogs #puppy #malinoispuppy #knpvmalinois #dutchmalinois
Thank you so much, @denmother_k9 for coming for one of the most unique and impressive learning opportunities any of us have attended. We learned life saving trauma care for our working dogs so we can protect them while they are protecting us. This is something we’ll never forget and will absolutely host again.
We have the best clients ever. Thanks Matt and Arthur for the video testimonial!
Over the river and through the woods… laying a track for K9 Knox
Confidence. Communication. Coordination. Strength. Balance. Problem Solving Skills. ✨The Environmentals Course✨
This skill is a product of dedication and partnership between dog and handler. This duo has been coming for regular Environmentals training for the better half of the year. Arthur is 11 months old and we still see growth and progress with every session.
The Environmentals Course is perfect for all levels of dedication. Come once as an evaluation to learn more about you and your dog’s communication strengths and gaps. Come for enrichment opportunities. Come as needed to work on some issues and challenges. Or come for regular training to learn skills as advanced as Arthur!
3 month-old “Poppy” on the tires this morning! Environmental training at the foundational stages build a confident and brave teenage and adult dog.
Did you know that our environmental lessons are discounted for dogs under 1-year of age with a continued “Graduate Program” for our dedicated puppies that age out? Register on our website today!
Your first lesson will evaluate your pup’s strengths and weaknesses on a variety of obstacles including confinement challenges, climbing challenges, slippery surfaces, moving obstacles, and more. (Puppy friendly obstacles, of course)!
Develop key problem solving skills, create confidence, and learn the best communication skills from the beginning!
This is 17mo Czez (Bo x Tommy). Repeat breeding of this litter to be born in Vermont USA at CloverField K9. Contact us to get on the list! Aneta Köln Hans Pegge #peggepolicedogs #knpv #knpvdogs #workingdogs #dutchmalinois #knpvlines #bitingdogs #malinoispuppy #malinois
Puppies’ First Outing
#knpv #knpvlines #knpvmalinois #knpvlovers #malinois #dog #hund #xherder