Happy Thursday! 🌟
Today, we're greatful for warmer weather! Yes, even the rain! This has been the hardest winter to date and we're glad it's coming to a close.🙏
🎉Thank you to the students and staff at Southwest School in torrington for their continual scrap collection, they have collected over 1800lbs of scraps in one month!! They then use collection numbers in math class and other school assignments! 🎉
👏Huge, HUGE thank you as well to everyone who has been steadily supplying the piggies; Railway Cafe, Spice 320, Kim with her large bread drops and SO SO many neighbors and friends we couldnt begin to list, from near and far you guys keep the chickens, cows, goats, pigs and Bunbun steadily supplied! 💪
We are so blessed to have this community around us ❤️ Thank you! THANK YOU!! 🙏🥰
The pigs aren't the only ones who benefit- there's something for everyone in almost every scrap bag dropped off!! Scraps can be dropped in black tote with yellow lid just outside our lower red barn 🤍
Join us this Friday The Rusty Nail for country night and line dancing to benefit the animals here at the Sanctuary❤️ We hope to see many of you there! 🎉
Stay tuned for our 2025 Spring Farm Cleanup Days! Dates and times will posted soon! 😁
Goodevening Everyone 🤍
We're posting this as a LAST DITCH effort to raise some money for our Fill the Loft Fundraiser!
Consider purchasing a 2025 Sanctuary Calendar for $20 ❤️
We also have an EXCESS of tshirts that need to sell! $10 Special, see details below!
Our Loft has NEVER been so empty in the time we've been here, we currently have NO first cutting hay in the loft and have sliced into our boarding horses' 2nd cut hay supply as it's our only option at this moment🙃
The 2nd cut hay we have is far too rich and expensive to be feeding to our goats, cows, chickens and pigs- but they have to eat!
SHIRTS: Youth Mediums and Adult 2XL & 3XL left- they need to go and we NEED hay! We have 10+ of each size listed. PLEASE spread the word!
Ladies, the large shirts make for comfy nightgowns😉
Any contribution helps as we're going into this year with DOUBLE the mouths we fed last winter!
We have Venmo, Donorbox and Paypal!
-Venmo @PinneyStables
-PayPal @ PSSanctuaryInc
-DonorBox link @ https://donorbox.org/pinney-stables-sanctuary-donations?default_interval=o
Additional arrangements can be made for cash/check payments dropped off to the farm!
Thank you all for reading and considering! 💝
Good evening!! 🎉
Annabell is excited to announce that our Egg, Tshirt and Calendar giveaway winner is Betty Foglia! 🥳
Message us your Tshirt size and to arrange a pickup time! 😊
For those wondering how we pick our winners: We use an automated name generator that features a 3-Step Randomness Process, ensuring transparency and fairness!!
Thank you to all 23 participants and those who shared the fun! 🤩
Stay tuned in for the next giveaway and event announcements coming soon!
Day 28 of 2025 Farm-drop
Greatful for a Mom like Corrine Pollock
So gentle and pure
She's the heart of our lower barn ❤️
Felt the need to share this here
Day 14 of 2025 Farm-drop
Ant, Eli & Halfy helped with paddock mucking today
we picked it all up
"One piece at a time" lol
Day 11 of 2025 Farm drop
Pigs building their nest
Video credit to momma, Corrine, who is SO beyond important to our farm and all the critters in the lower barn!
Day 4 of 2025 Farm-drop
Rooster Rehab
3GGS Available!
Our girls have been busy!
All egg sales directly benefit the chickens!!
*Save those table scraps!
>> bread, veggies, pastas, fruit scraps, expired dry foods/preserved foods (not moldy rotten)
*Drop your Christmas tree🎄off at the lower red barn anytime!
>>please no tinsel, sprays, scents, ornaments etc!
Day 3 of 2025 Farm-drop
Todays edition- community
We're grateful for our neighbors and supports in town, you guys keep us going!
Much love to Patty Johnson who takes such good care of us, always spoiling with the yummiest treats and meals! 💓
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Our animals will ensure nothing goes to waste!!
Our silent auction opens tomorrow morning, Thank You all for your donations so far!
Any last minute drop offs can be left inside the white shop where you will see our donation sign!
Our Amazon wish list is attached for those asking about other ways to contribute!!
STAY TUNED TOMORROW: Silent Auction to benfit Pinney Stables Sancturary
Enjoy this video of Tully and Mabel devouring the biggest pumpkin they've ever seen!!
Thank you neighbors!!
Happy Halloween!!
We hope to see many Trick or Treaters tonight!
We pop up at the red barn on the intersection of 182 & 182A in Colebrook!
The barn will be open for ghosts and goblins to visit the animals!
Stop by for candy, cupcakes or donuts and share in celebrating our 3rd Halloween night on the Farm!