Blackberry Creek Farm Animal Sanctuary

Blackberry Creek Farm Animal Sanctuary Blackberry Creek Farm Animal Sanctuary provides a permanent refuge for animals and education to the

We dream of a world where all animals are as well-loved as those society considers pets. Somewhere along the line, human...

We dream of a world where all animals are as well-loved as those society considers pets. Somewhere along the line, humans decided to eat pigs and keep dogs as companions, but it could have just as easily gone the other way.

Categorizing animals based on species into “food,” “pets,” “lab experiments,” “clothing,” or “entertainment,” not only reduces them to the products or benefits they can provide humans, but promotes speciesism in general which is the idea that one’s internal worth or value is based on their species.

Try thinking outside the confines of culture this week and see each animal you encounter as an individual who values his or her life as much as you value yours. Compassion flows naturally through this lens.

Photo: Percival, a deaf pig rescued from a horrendous cruelty case by Animal Control and the happily enjoying a cool drink from the hose on a hot summer day at his home at

Nine years ago tonight we picked you up from the San Francisco airport, having just made your way from a rescue clinic i...

Nine years ago tonight we picked you up from the San Francisco airport, having just made your way from a rescue clinic in Taiwan after spending years as a street dog.

You had heartworm, skin problems, broken teeth, and a missing leg from where you had chewed it off to get out of a trap to save your own life. Little did I know then you would save mine many times over, George.

Thank you for teaching me how to live in the moment, how to be a badass when life is hard, and how to love in a truly unconditional way. I miss you every single day; it hasn’t quite been a year but some days feels like an eternity without you.

Love you always, Captain Wafflestack. You were happiness incarnate. ✨💖🥹

Love, Mama

Born as a male on a local dairy farm, Barnaby was separated from his mother and discarded because he would never grow up...

Born as a male on a local dairy farm, Barnaby was separated from his mother and discarded because he would never grow up to produce milk. His mother’s milk, meant for him, was then taken to produce goat cheese for humans.

Luckily, despite the odds, Barnaby was one of the few male dairy goats to find his way to lifelong sanctuary. You can prevent animal suffering, both physical and emotional, by forgoing dairy and choosing plant-based foods instead. 🤍

Education is perhaps the most important thing we do here at  because it helps far more animals than we could ever physic...

Education is perhaps the most important thing we do here at because it helps far more animals than we could ever physically rescue.

recently hosted a private tour for the most amazing group of young people (and two of their wonderful moms). They were kind, curious, respectful, and asked so many excellent questions. The animals were so relaxed around them that many, including the turkeys like Helen (pictured), laid down for cuddles.

When she arrived, the young lady in the last photo said it was her lifelong dream to hold a hen (never heard that one before, but we can’t blame her)! When it came time, she got very nervous but ended up going for it and bonded with Snowdrop, one of our very sweet older ladies.

“So what do you think?” asked her as she held her gently in her arms.

With a huge smile on her face she replied… “I think I’m never eating chicken again.”

THIS is why we do what we do. THIS is the connection we hope to make. That chickens are just as worthy of life and love as our dogs and cats. And that by not harming them, we save not only their lives, but open up a world where our values and actions align… where we spread kindness wherever we go. 🤍

P.S. these are the amazing kids that sent us the lovely thank-you cards in the previous post.

Wrigley Update! While he had a few very hard days over the past two weeks, Wrigley is slowly but surely feeling better a...

Wrigley Update! While he had a few very hard days over the past two weeks, Wrigley is slowly but surely feeling better and getting back to his happy-go-lucky self. He hit the jackpot and got to stay with Corinne and Guido, founders of while his mom was away on a wildlife conservation trip.

Corinne’s background is in dog training and enrichment, and she worked with Wrigley daily to get his appetite back, literally got pills down his throat that he needed, took him on short strolls morning and evening, and created enrichment activities for him that met his limited mobility needs. She even slept on the couch with him for two weeks to make sure he didn’t lick his stitches or need anything since he couldn’t climb the stairs to her bedroom!

If you are ever lucky enough to have a dog as wonderful as Wrigley, you are very lucky indeed. And if, on top of that, you’ve got friends like Corinne and Guido, you’ve most certainly won at life. 🫶

On another note, Wrigley required more post op care, meds, bloodwork, and radiology to help with his discomfort and we are still trying to raise approximately $4000 to cover his medical care costs. If you have the ability and desire to help, please Venmo your donation to or give through an our website at

Education is one of the most important things we do here at Blackberry Creek, and we’re always inspired to see the next ...

Education is one of the most important things we do here at Blackberry Creek, and we’re always inspired to see the next generation of kind, enthusiastic animal advocates!

We received the sweetest letters in the mail today from kids who recently came on an educational tour of the sanctuary. They learned so much and were such a respectful, wonderful group!

Private group tours will start up again in the cooler fall weather…stay tuned!

Mac’s grandma went to visit him at Cow Camp today and he asked to play hide-and-seek. He might need a little more practi...

Mac’s grandma went to visit him at Cow Camp today and he asked to play hide-and-seek. He might need a little more practice. 🤭

Watermelon action shots are the best kind! Want to send a pig pal a refreshing watermelon? Venmo $7 to  and gift a cool ...

Watermelon action shots are the best kind! Want to send a pig pal a refreshing watermelon? Venmo $7 to and gift a cool summer snack to Smudgecake, Cromwell, Mo, Grover, Blossom, Sebastian, Maggie, or Uncle Percy! 🐷🍉

Wrigley Update: Wrig has had good and bad days but .on.plants was able to take him in on Monday to get his stitches and ...

Wrigley Update: Wrig has had good and bad days but .on.plants was able to take him in on Monday to get his stitches and drain out and is still getting his pain medication. The site is still leaking fluid but it’s lessening, but he’s not wanting to walk too much on his other back leg and is dealing with some depression after essentially losing his job.

Corinne and Guido are taking amazing care of him and we’ve been thinking of other jobs he might enjoy when he’s all healed up… our favorite idea being a therapy dog to visit amputee patients at hospitals. We are still waiting for the results of the bone cancer testing and will report back as soon as we know.

Enormous thanks to everyone who is loving on, donating to, and supporting Wrigley. It means the world. ❤️‍🩹🐶

Wrigley Update: Poor Wrig has had one heck of a time recovering from this whole ordeal. While he initially felt better a...

Wrigley Update: Poor Wrig has had one heck of a time recovering from this whole ordeal. While he initially felt better after the seroma was drained at the surgery site, his appetite crashed again and he became more lethargic the following week despite laser treatments and all his favorite foods.

On Friday morning Dr. Natalie did additional bloodwork and found the seroma filled with even more fluid. She drained it again and this time opted to put a drain in at the site (see second photo).

Wrigley’s mama is off on a wildlife trip for the next couple of weeks and yesterday Blackberry board member and dear friends Corinne and Guido took over care of Wrigley. He loves their home and is very comfortable with them, and after some T-Touch ear massage, he fell right to sleep.

Corinne made him a special carrot soup that’s soothing to doggies’ tummies for when he wakes up. It takes a village to care for so many animals with varying needs and we couldn’t be more grateful for the above and beyond level of love and care Corinne and Guido always provide. Thank you, friends. ❤️

Thank you also to all of you who have sent treats, ramps, and contributed to Wrigley’s vet care costs. As you can imagine with the continual ultrasounds, draining, laser therapy, and meds, his cost of care has gone up even further. We are working to raise $2500 more to finish covering the cost of his labs, amputation surgery, and extensive after-care. If you’re able to contribute, you can do so at the donation link in bio, at Venmo or give at

We’ve had two medical cases with hens in the past couple of weeks but this one may take the cake for the strangest ever ...

We’ve had two medical cases with hens in the past couple of weeks but this one may take the cake for the strangest ever at the sanctuary.

When went to tuck the birds into bed one night, she found Gloria, perched normally in her favorite spot but with the front portion of her wing twisted completely backwards and nearly falling off.

She was quickly triaged in the shower (which is as great holding place to keep birds safe and make clean-up a breeze fyi), given pain meds, and assessed. The next morning, Dr. Natalie saw her and was able to snip the final tendon holding the piece of wing on. She’s been getting pain meds and antibiotics and is almost entirely healed just a week and a half later! We still have no idea how it happened, and Gloria isn’t talking. 🤫

The idiom for acting cowardly, “You’re such a chicken,” is so unfitting because chickens are straight up badasses!

Cow Camp snugs with Maple. 🍁 Only a few weeks left until the cows come home from camp with our friends at  🩷Join us at o...

Cow Camp snugs with Maple. 🍁

Only a few weeks left until the cows come home from camp with our friends at 🩷Join us at our fall meditation and animal reiki class in September and get your Maple, Mac, and Duncan fix! Tickets on sale at

Saturday Wrigley Update: Wrigley got two big boxes in the mail today from his friends  and  😍 You might remember them fr...

Saturday Wrigley Update: Wrigley got two big boxes in the mail today from his friends and 😍 You might remember them from when they got married here at the sanctuary years ago! He unboxed lots and lots of yummy cookies, a treat puzzle for the freezer, and a new harness so can help him get up if he gets stuck. They also have ramps on the way and helped with his medical bill. 🥹🫶 We have met so many incredible friends running the sanctuary and are so grateful for the amazing ways they love and care for the animals. Thank you, Fonda and Damon!

The last few days have seen slow but steady healing for Big Wrig. He felt so much better after the fluid was drained and laser therapy administered on Thursday. Appetite is still slow, but going in the right direction, and he goes back for more laser on Monday. Thank you to all who have sent him prayers, well wishes, vet bill donations, and happy healing vibes!

Thursday Wrigley Update: Wrig was up early this morning for an ultrasound of his surgery site. While 75% of the area is ...

Thursday Wrigley Update: Wrig was up early this morning for an ultrasound of his surgery site. While 75% of the area is healing well, there was a large pocket of bloody fluid (a seroma) not being re-absorbed by the body. Dr. Natalie drained it with an ultrasound-guided needle and then did laser therapy on the whole area.

He’ll get laser twice a week and it will help encourage faster healing by stimulating blood flow and oxygen to the tissue. He and Natalie looked awfully cool in their protective goggles during laser therapy…no surprise there, and he already seems more comfortable. He chose to lie in the backyard for a few hours this afternoon so he could bark at passing UPS drivers from afar (a favorite pastime).

Thank you to all those who have donated to his expensive surgery, medicine, laser therapy, and post-op care.

P.S. for those who have asked how is getting him in the car, scroll to the end to see his little bridge. Figuring this out together. 💪

Wednesday Wrigley Update (⚠️ and graphic image warning): Wrigley is hanging in there but needs to go back to the vet in ...

Wednesday Wrigley Update (⚠️ and graphic image warning): Wrigley is hanging in there but needs to go back to the vet in the morning as he’s developed what Dr. Natalie thinks could be a seroma. The bruising is normal, albeit hard to look at, but the water balloon feeling around his incision likely means that the excess fluid that naturally develops after an amputation is not being absorbed by the body. He’ll be getting checked out and receiving laser therapy tomorrow which should help.

He’s still fairly uncomfortable despite being on tons of pain meds, has little appetite, and neither he nor his human have gotten much sleep the last two nights. BUT, he is learning how to navigate on three legs, ate some rice and two hot dogs for dinner tonight, and spent some time outside thanks to the new ramp somehow MacGyvered today. 🙌😆

Thank you so much to all who have donated to his expensive surgery and care! If you are able to give, you can use the link here: or Venmo or give at

He also has some items on his Amazon Wishlist (link in bio as well). Thank you all for the outpouring of love and support for our gentle giant. ❤️‍🩹

This dog is incredible. He’s home, WALKED to the car, is in some pain but has lots of meds on board, and is being the to...

This dog is incredible. He’s home, WALKED to the car, is in some pain but has lots of meds on board, and is being the tough, resilient cookie he always is. 🍪🐶

His hospital bill came to $3700 today, but the surgery absolutely saved his life and will give him more healthy, happy years once he heals. To contribute to his care cost you can give at the link in bio, Venmo or donate at

Thank you to everyone who reached out with love and support for this fluffy muffin today!

Out of surgery and alert. Thank you Doctor Natalie for taking such amazing care of our sweet boy. You know your dog is i...

Out of surgery and alert. Thank you Doctor Natalie for taking such amazing care of our sweet boy. You know your dog is in great hands when one of your best friends does the surgery. 🩵🩵🩵 She said it was hard to cut into him because she loves him so much! 😭

Certainly unexpected, but absolutely for the best; on the way to pick him up now! More updates tonight when he settles in at home. If you’d like to donate toward his surgery, post-care and meds you can give at the link in bio, Venmo or donate at

Can’t even believe we’re writing this, but Wrigley is in surgery to have his back right leg amputated right now. He brok...

Can’t even believe we’re writing this, but Wrigley is in surgery to have his back right leg amputated right now. He broke it over the weekend at the place where the hardware was removed after his ACL surgery two years ago, and the bone is so irregular around it according to X-rays, that it won’t heal with a splint. Or it will heal poorly and keep breaking over and over again, causing chronic pain.

The bone abnormality is not obviously bone cancer thankfully; it could be irregular bone growth/changes due to the surgery and trauma of his allergic reaction to the hardware, but in case it is cancer, this will stop it from spreading. His lungs and heart were radiographed as well, and are good and clear of cancer.

We discussed ALL the options with Dr. Natalie at length. She also had a phone call with who can’t do a prosthetic because of the place of the break, but will make him a brace for his good leg/hip to avoid it wearing out like George’s least for a couple of years.

He will come home tonight, be on a nerve blocker for 72 hours and then heavy pain meds, and this surgery should be easier to recover from than the ACL for many reasons.

Obviously we are completely shocked and so sad for this big bear who has been through so much, but his medical team is confident this the best path forward at this point with the least pain and best quality of life. was at the hospital with him all morning was with him when he went under. Stay tuned for more updates soon!

If you’d like to contribute to his surgery, after-care, or cost of medications, we (and he) would be so grateful. Use the donation link in bio, Venmo or go to 🙏🏼

   ・・・  2024 continues with  ‘s Maple telling program director Haley one hilarious campfire story! (Without the campfire...

2024 continues with ‘s Maple telling program director Haley one hilarious campfire story! (Without the campfire, obviously). We love hosting Blackberry Creek’s cows Duncan, Maple, and MacFarland!

🍉 Doing a fantastic job eating watermelon with the few teeth he has left.

🍉 Doing a fantastic job eating watermelon with the few teeth he has left.

We hope your 4th of July is safe, fun, and that you’re as happy as Grover eating his watermelon! 🍉🐖Everyone at the sanct...

We hope your 4th of July is safe, fun, and that you’re as happy as Grover eating his watermelon! 🍉🐖

Everyone at the sanctuary enjoys watermelon as a cool treat on these scorching days. To donate one for the pigs, chickens, donkeys, ducks, goat, sheep, geese, or turkeys, just Venmo $6 to 😎 Thanks to all those who’ve sent watermelons their way so far!

Snapshots from Cow Camp 2024. 😍

Snapshots from Cow Camp 2024. 😍

It’s almost 100 degrees and watermelon parties are in full swing! Percival would like to thank  and Rachael for deliveri...

It’s almost 100 degrees and watermelon parties are in full swing! Percival would like to thank and Rachael for delivering a watermelon for him and each of his seven pig pals last week.

The triple digits are especially hard on the pigs and birds. If you’d like to help them stay cool and hydrated this coming week, you can Venmo $6 for a watermelon to 🐷🍉

Llarry and Ernie enjoyed a visit this morning (complete with carrot snacks) from our friends Steven and Kymla with Bank ...

Llarry and Ernie enjoyed a visit this morning (complete with carrot snacks) from our friends Steven and Kymla with Bank of a Marin. We love having local bankers who are involved with the community and support our work at and as well!

This garage sale is getting more and more interesting…Don’t miss it! Saturday 6/29 and Sunday 6/30 7am-12pm at the sanct...

This garage sale is getting more and more interesting…
Don’t miss it! Saturday 6/29 and Sunday 6/30 7am-12pm at the sanctuary!

*animal friends not for sale 😆


Colfax, CA


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