I can't find a new farrier!!!
My farrier has ghosted me!!!
My farrier has become unreliable!!!
My farrier has taken up another career!!!
As the demand for shoers has risen. The number of shoers has dropped! Wonder why!
Think about this.
Someone is always needing something, Someone is always displeased with a foot.
Someone doesn't like the schedule.
Someone thinks the prices are too high.
Then combine that with the fact that most horse owners are only engaged with requests from they're farrier for a day or 2 after it's been brought to they're attention on a situation that would make your life easier and the farriers life easier. Then it's the farriers fault or issue to deal with.
Keeping bellboots on your horse will help.
Keep your horse out of the mud as much as possible.
Cleaning your stalls a little better might help your feet.
Hey your horse has thrush. Treat it a few times a week this cycle.
Hey the dew is working on feet. Put some sealer on there a few times a week or before night turn out!
Some fly spray would help with loosing shoes! All of which fade quickly most of the time.
Let's touch on some things that may effect the quality of the job that both you and your farrier are unsatisfied with.
Horse that's constantly moving.
Horse thats always trying to take its foot back.
The horse that spooks at everything.
Horse that has no patience.
A horse that has behavioral issues due to lack of knowledge or lack of discipline.
All of which can change the quality 1 cycle to the next.
All of which can only be truly corrected based on owners decisions to do so regularly.
Now the some parts that tips most over the edge.
(Saturday night/Sunday am)
Hey flika had a shoe fall off. Can you come out today. Knowing flika is due in 3 days and the farrier still hasn't been paid on the bill from that shoeing.
Horse does super well at a show. And the recognition is there for the feed, the supplements, the saddle fitter, the massage therapist or joe blow who spends 30 mins once every 3 weeks doing "natural horsemanship" for your horses behavior. But never the farrier or the vet for the maintenance and decisions made regularly for your horses performance.
But can guarantee that we are the FIRST thrown under the bus or pointed at when a off step happens.
The farrier has the same bills you do. Chasing down money is another big 1 that will create a divide in your relationship with your farrier.
Another is thinking your farriers time isnt important.
They have families too
They have a small life outside of your all horses.
They have other barns planned out for the day.
They have days where they have to adjust they're schedules just like you.
They need days to recoupe and recharge.
Burn outs happen based on some of the examples from above. Combine that with 60+ hours a week and always feeling behind. It will take a mental toll aswell and physical toll on anyone!