Mr Sherman passed over the rainbow bridge at 9 years young this past Wednesday
Sherman was in late stage heart failure and was struggling to breath. At his appointment with his general practitioner, it was discovered that his little heart had grown so much that his lungs could not expand enough to allow him to breath well. On top of that, his kidneys were struggling from long term heart medication use. He was essentially in a chronic state of respiratory distress and medications were no longer managing the symptoms. She, unfortunately, had to recommend euthanasia due to poor quality of life, a recommendation we all hate to make.
Sherman was one of those cases that really makes me realize the value in this service. When I arrived, he was already laid up in his parents' bed surrounded by his loving family. He was panting and struggling to get comfortable but still very happy to have all his people with him. As the sedative kicked in, his family reminisced about his life and told me about how good of a companion he had been. After the sedative kicked in and he was able to relax, they spent a few minutes just enjoying seeing him in a peaceful state before we escorted him into his final rest.
RIP little Sherman. Your family loved you so very much and you will hold a place in their hearts forever.