It’s hard to believe that my job is lifting up other female veterinary practice owners so they know their worth is more than as a veterinarian, helping them automate things so they spend less energy on their practice, and making them more money, but it’s true 💃🏻💃🏻
If you are a female solo practitioner that is feeling run RAGGED by keeping up with your practice, your home life, all while obviously being a doctor, hit me up. I’d love to chat to see how I can help you truly rule your practice ❤️
Myth: working more hours makes you more money
FACT: as a veterinary practice owner, your ticket to increasing both profitability AND efficiency is automating tasks so humans are not required and increasing your value to your clients through marketing.
The good news is I can help you and your practice with BOTH. Get more deets here:
Hey Y’all 👋 I’m Darby and I help solo veterinarians who opened a practice for more time and money freedom… but have neither, set and achieve personal and practice goals to live the life we’ve been desperately trying to create💃
Check out more on how I can help you rule your practice.
Are you tired of just surviving?
Of your practice just going through the motions of the day in and day out?
Are you ready to get back to thriving and back to loving going to work, but not even sure where to start?
Join me on Wednesday, December 29th for a totally free workshop on Resetting your Veterinary Practice for 2022!!
We’ll chat practice vision, who your ideal customer is, and then of course, HOW to actually get those ideal customers!! Get more deets and join us here:
Dancin into the weekend with a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT YALL!!!
I’m launching two BRAND NEW masterminds this month!!
The first is for veterinarians and is allll about mindset and conquering vetlife, the holidays, and everything WITHOUT burning out. We’ll be chatting boundaries, imposter syndrome, affirmations, that work/life balance, AND some live life coaching!
The second is for veterinary practice owners and managers and is JUST for those wanting to increase their and their team’s profitability and efficiency WITHOUT hiring another person or doing everything yourself. We’re going to chat discovering and capitalizing on your strengths, outsourcing the rest, what types of automations are even out there and are a good idea for you, systems that work, and a little mindset and live life coaching!
If you want the deets on either of those, just like or comment below and I’ll get you all the info!
Anyone else have the childhood joy of checking the mail ruined by bills as an adult? 😂😂
No but seriously - do you even check your mail? I know as a business owner you have a million things on your plate.
So today’s business tip - outsource your mail. A new service we’re offering to our clients is a post office box registered to your clinic, that we check, make deposits in your medical records, and make the physical deposits of checks to your account. This is all in addition to mailing out late bills and collections letters so you don’t have to 💃🏻.
If that’s a service you’d like to find out more about or you’d like to see how else we help veterinarians get hours back in their day, check out our website: