Blustery and white out in some areas of the forest careful yall
The plains are beautiful ❤️
Vollmer Rd in Black Forest
White out conditions on 94 & Curtis Rd ...not plowed and multiple accidents including flipped vehicles
I caught the exact moment on video Prima decided she no longer wanted feral life and decided to become fabulous and allow me to pet her!
How did I know you ask??
While cleaning her box she gave some behavioral cues that suggested I attempt to touch her. She did bite me at the end. I have touched her several times since this video and she hasn't bitten again ❤️ I'll be snuggling her in no time
#feralfoster #feralcatsmatter #tnrsaveslives #feralfosteradrenaline #feraltofabulous #WildBlueCats
Luz said who's leg was hurt?
For the past 2 mornings sweet feral Hissy Miss has let me hold her ❤️ this morning when I came in she rolled her back to me -and asked me to pick her up 😻
a little sketchy but I did 😹
it's so special 😻 she has a tiny feral mousing purrrr that I just love .... When you have to be the medical person and the lover you don't always get the purrrs or the chances to pet .. especially with ferals...but this little girl she's simply amazing and has overcome so much since July 5th...
Sound up for her tiny purrrrr while she let me hold her this morning
#feralfoster #feralcatsmatter
#fosterssavelives #fosterlove #fipwarrior #FIPSurvivor #mutian #WildBlueCats
#barnlifeisthebestlife doc enjoying breakfast on this cool morning
Crazy storms this evening! Hope everyone stayed safe!
Hissy Miss or Kite as she was known in WB coded on 7/5/24. Yesterday I found a toy mouse and gave it to her. She's been in my/WB care since 7/6/24. She began to play!
Quick back story:
She has FIP. She coded and was given a miracle dose of mutian that brought her back to Life. She's taken mutian everyday since. Each day she's gotten a little bit stronger. She was feral. A barn cat that I homed back in the spring. Her owner reached out when she found her not doing so well on July 5th and rushed her to the ER. But what do you do with a aggressive barn kitty 🤷♀️ who's very sick 🤷♀️
Well...she's in my care and last night for the first time she stood up and attempted to play. I caught her first 3 attempts on video 🎉
I've been unsure how dying and coming back affected her but last night she made my heart smile big ❤️ some neuro going on but overall she's great ❤️😻🐁
#WildBlueCats #feralfoster #fipwarrior