BluMagnum Custom Pistol Grips

BluMagnum Custom Pistol Grips Maker of custom fit SA, 1911 & DA S&W & Charter Arms grips since 1983


From the “GREATEST GENERATION” to the Worst Generation in less than one lifetime. Who would have thought it possible; but we actually have well educated, adult Americans, along with their children, embracing what our fathers and mothers and grandfathers and grandmothers fought against in World War II, the Cold War, Korea, Vietnam and the Middle East where we’re still paying the price in lives and treasure.
We’ve embraced fascism, socialism, communism, imperialism ... the greatest evils the world has ever known. The ideologies responsible for more human suffering and death than any others and most Americans are so poorly educated that they don’t even know it.
History will be hard-pressed to understand and explain this monumental tragedy.
Maybe they will find that it wasn’t the Greatest Generation after all but merely just another generation forced, by the deeds of evil men, to do what needed to be done at the time, not even fully understanding the final ramifications of the ideologies they fought. And then, understandably, not wishing for their children the same hell on earth, over-coddled their offspring even instructing them in some of the deceptive and false promises of their enemies’ that sounded good on the surface.
Certainly not to take away from their great sacrifice because my father, my uncles and their friends fought in that damn WW II and some died, but what choice did they have? My own godfather, who I loved and respected dearly, began his earlier adult life in the OSS, parachuting behind enemy lines as a spy and saboteur in Eastern Europe and then made a career of the CIA after the war. He had some socialistic tendencies due to its seductive lies. He and I would argue until we got tired and decided it was time to lay back and drink whiskey. That was then. Never did either of us, in our wildest dreams believe that any of those ideas could be implemented in America even though he retained the hope. This is now. Those very threats, and then some, are openly championed threatening to divide and destabilize our nation.
It all started with the Jews begging Samuel to ask God to appoint for them a king; not trusting in their own abilities to govern themselves with God’s help. God, acquiescing, granted their request because, after all, he had gifted his people with free will so He honored it no matter how foolishly it might manifest itself. God warned them that having a king rather than their freedom would lead to high taxation and servitude. Even so, God’s chosen people were not able to resist the lure of socialistic lies promising to make life easier by removing personal responsibility. After all, if God gave them a king, the king and ultimately God would bear all responsibility, and not individual people or the people as a whole, if circumstances went belly-up.
The rest of the world’s people followed suit instituting totalitarian governments of one form or another until the fledgling United States tried what God had intended. It created a constitution that redirected men to God’s original goal. Now, a mere 230 years later, we’re making a 180. Back to cowardly, pass-the-buck socialism where all errors, all faux-pas, all disasters in judgement are always someone else’s fault…God’s, the nation’s leadership, a political party that’s disagreeable, a disliked institution or organization or corporation or individual man.
Entering the 19th century, we had everything going for us. Freedom, liberty from overbearing government, the ability to achieve whatever we could dream. And what have we done since the Greatest Generation? We’ve done what they never did. We’ve surrendered. We’ve chosen the illusion of safety and the easy life that will inevitably and naturally decompose into slavery and suffering. We’ve even willingly “manufactured our own chains.”


Here’s yet another profound admission from the 30-year-old, smelly, filthy, helpless, irresponsible beatnik that Democratic Socialists hold in such high regard. Inspirational quote #28 from the Democrat savior Karl Marx: “If you can cut the people off from their history, then they can be easily persuaded.” Successfully implemented spring, summer and fall of 2020.
Democrats, if you’re still naïve enough to follow that immature, evil dufus keep an eye on what happens these next few years due to the removal of traditions and historical monuments, statues, books, flags, holidays, personalities, institutions, etc. Hopefully you’ll come to your senses before the damage done is beyond repair. So that your children and children’s children aren’t forced, at gun point, to contend with outcomes caused by your laziness and foolishness (stupidity).
Hopefully you’ll make a stand against the equally evil morons responsible for the cultural pollution. Hopefully you’ll come to the realization that your leaders - you worship as gods - do not have your best interests in mind…only their own. With all their sanctimonious and pompous, bluster and pontification; their promises and guarantees will deliver nothing but poverty, misery and slavery. That’s what Marx had in mind when he proposed “they” would be “easily persuaded.” He wanted you to willingly accept your chains, and you’re doing just that. That’s what you’re sentencing your progeny to.
If you’re too proud to admit your error, and do a 180, your offspring will be urinating on your graves as they suffer under the selfish “gift” you’ve left them.


Here's another one of Karl Marx's 35 "brilliant" "Inspirational" quotes: #23 "Democracy is the road to socialism." Can we all say the relatively modern term "Democratic Socialist?" WAKE UP DEMOCRATS. You're being used as "useful idiots." (Vladimir Lenin's term, not mine.)


35 Inspirational Karl Marx Quotes Concerning Success:
#17 "We have no compassion and we ask no compassion... When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror."
Doesn't that just inspire the s**t out of you?


Pres. Biden, no new gun laws or restrictions.
Just enforce the ones we already have like you’re supposed to.
You can start with your criminal son the ju**ie.


I just read the Communist Chinese economy for the first quarter is up 11.1% while America’s economy for the same period is up only 3.2%.
The Communist Chinese (not all Chinese; just the Co**ie ones) Corona Virus killed more Americans last year then lost in all of World War II and the number is still rising.
Where is the corrupt and worthless UN? Where is our corrupt, useless and cowardly Congress?
After proper investigation, if the Communist scum were found guilty of spreading it intentionally, that would, most certainly, be considered an act of war. Why aren’t the evil communists at least paying for the trillions in stimulus that we are printing? Why aren’t they reimbursing all countries affected? Why are we? Why, instead, is their economy allowed to flourish? Sure sounds calculated and deliberate. Don’t put any evil thing past Communists or socialists. Evil is their brand. “Ends justify means.”
Where in the hell is the INVESTIGATION?
If unintentional they should be made to pay economically for their stupid and costly oops. If intentional they should be made to pay through “shock and awe” for their infamy.
Where is our government and the world’s “watchdog” when they’re actually needed for something?


I admit I’m painting with a very broad brush, so I’ll narrow it down: 100% of Democrat politicians are stupid, 95% of Republican politicians are also.
The majority of American citizens are extremely ignorant of what’s going on around them especially politics; for a host of reasons: 1) there’s a lot going on around them, it’s extremely difficult to keep up; 2) the major news media either knowingly lies, or, being too lazy to investigate fully, don’t know any more about the news than anyone else; 3) politicians don’t tell the truth, because they’d incriminate themselves but most of the time they don’t have a clue, even if they’re personally involved. That’s called STUPID. So, Americans continually elect and reelect STUPID politicians.
Digging and ferreting becomes difficult and time-consuming; just the way the first and second branches of government intended it to be, so we are unable, due to manipulation and complexity, to call them to account; the third allows it because, just like most everybody else in America, it’s become complacent and lazy; and the fourth (MSM) permits it to be because their conspiring with the first and second with hopes of benefiting immeasurably. STUPID.
A handful of conservative Republicans in DC and sprinkled around locally, who actually put country first, before Party and themselves, are literally silenced by lack of airtime and character assassination.
Most Americans don’t know how good we had it with Donald Trump in the Oval Office. He stood alone even, for the most part, in the executive branch. He was hated by all four divisions. Had he been allowed to stay for term two, he was poised to begin stirring up and washing out the unnecessary clutter like debris over the rim of a gold pan to float like scum downriver with the gold securely snug in the bottom of the pan.
Look what we have now. Democrat and RINO and bureaucrat and Deep-State control of everything. Socialism. It’s a criminal racket. They hold control, while we hold the bill. We are forced to pay for something we didn’t know was in the cards. True intentions were kept from us. Most of us didn’t care.
The powers have the minds of criminals. Like criminals, if they spent the same amount of time and energy on honest pursuits, as they do on the felonious, our nation would be at the top of the food chain with second-place coming in far behind. Not only would they prosper immensely but so would all other Americans; leaving plenty for the less fortunate.
That’s where the “STUPID” comes to play. They are so STUPID they barely see as far as their hands in front of their faces. They look selfishly at the “short-term” only, not giving a p**p about even their own children or grandchildren. They’ll eventually pay dearly for that. And their short-term vision will only benefit them in the short-term as well.
Further down the line their dreams of great wealth and power will evaporate the same as they will for everybody else. The semi-truck loads of “Benjamin’s” they’ve so greedily accumulated will barely be enough to buy a loaf of bread. Throughout history the scenario has repeated itself over and over and over again. They can’t escape it; and there too STUPID to see it. And we, collectively, have been too STUPID to stop it.
I mean, how dumb is it to have forced, unreasonable, idiotic registration and taxation and confiscation of guns from the law-abiding victims with no plan whatsoever for removing guns or the ability to use them from the lawbreakers? “Come on man”!
How dumb is it to stop construction of a wall that prevents illegal immigrants (some diseased and including terrorists and other more common criminals) from flooding our borders and creating a crisis and then even housing them, for months, in hotels, while unfortunate Americans (children and veterans included) live on the streets of our filthy, broke, Democrat-run (run-down) cities? “Come on man”!
How dumb is it to give 90+ percent of a $1.9 trillion Covid relief Bill to Democratic-favored projects and special interests while only crumbs go to the individual Americans and small businesses who are in need and tasked with paying it back? “Come on man”!
How dumb is it to give billions more to other countries (many of whom are our enemies) while our citizens suffer? “Come on man”!
How dumb is it to put tens of thousands of Americans out of work making us energy-dependent on our enemies once again? “Come on man”!
How dumb is it to have want-to-be Communists sign Executive Order after Executive Order into law further eroding our freedoms by enlarging (engorging) government. “COME…ON…MAN”!
Fellow Americans PLEASE stop being as STUPID as our politicians.
It’s time to “TRO DA BUMBS OUT” and return to the healthy, wealthy and wise nation we once were before we blindly allowed Communists to “bury us.” Nikita Khrushchev arrogantly said, “We can’t expect the American people to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find they have Communism.”
They’ve been “assisting” the Democrat party for 75 years. Are you awake yet?


Liberals. Yours is not the Democrat Party of your fathers and grandfathers. It has been stolen by leftists… Marxists… who think of you as no more than “useful idiots.”
They are good at one thing, and one thing only: lying. How else could they make slavery, poverty, misery and early death palatable? Their only “quality” is the “gift of gab.” They can pontificate for hours feeling no guilt or shame for what they say because they are so stupid that they are even too stupid to recognize how stupid they are. And you’re taking their bait. No different than the German people did in the 1930s. Do you want to see what the face of a N**i sympathizer looks like? Look in a mirror. Look now, before it’s too late for your children and all deemed unfit.
Your brains are being washed clean of not only all Democratic (American) principles and ideals, but all vestiges of common-sense as you fall head-over-heels for their dishonesty and pure evil – lofty promises of Xanadu.
Karl Marx was a mere 30 years of age when he envisioned socialism and communism and wrote the Communist Manifesto. He was a man of very little life experience, no wisdom and incapable of providing for or taking care of himself. Kind of like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. (You can count on one hand the number of functioning brain cells she possesses.) Really; is that the type of person you wish to follow?
Those who are your gurus (Obama, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, yada yada) are using your voluntary support until they have acquired complete control. Once they’ve achieved that, and they’re damn close, they’ll be using you, at your peril, to support them involuntarily in every way.
Get a world history book and read it. If you don’t know history you will repeat history. That’s how leftist elitists have been doing “their thing” since Marx published his “fairytale” in 1848 – actually, for thousands of years before that. All he did was give the malevolent ideology a name.
That’s what you’re condemning your children and grandchildren and many future generations to due to your gullibility, naïveté, complacency, laziness and foolishness. Don’t bother to try and feed the BS that you care about your children if you can’t take the time to do minimal investigation of this one thing.
They’re promising you the best of everything… utopia… and you’re falling for it. Do yourselves a favor. Find the classic film “Lost Horizon” and watch it. It portrays Shangri-La, a hidden mountain valley in the Kunlun Mountains, as utopia. After you’ve watched it, be honest with yourselves; how did the little people fair? Were they as wealthy and comfortable as their keepers? Were they benefiting from “utopia” as much as the elitists were? That’s what Democrat politicians have in store for you, you poor propagandized souls.
Wouldn’t hurt to find and open your Bible too, and discover what your Creator had to say about promises such as those. Even if you’re atheist or agnostic, consider the Good Book as merely a look at world history. There’s no question that it’s at least that.


Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Great Society Remake
President Biden is poised to put his signature to what is arguably the largest expansion of the welfare state since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society. And if past is prologue, liberals are poised to take credit for any positive trend lines that follow implementation, regardless of whether credit is warranted.
Even the Biden administration has come around to acknowledging that its Covid-19 relief package—the “most progressive piece of legislation in history,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki bragged the other day—has little to do directly with Covid. The Journal reports that only $50 billion, or 7% of the $1.9 trillion price tag, is directed at testing and contact tracing, and only $16 billion is earmarked for vaccine distribution. Most of the rest consists of state bailouts, student-debt relief and various income-redistribution schemes involving tax credits, health-insurance subsidies and unemployment benefits.
Likewise, the Great Society’s ambitions extended well beyond the war on poverty and included programs designed to address racial injustice, healthcare, immigration and environmental conservation. Today’s liberals also share with their 1960s precursors an abiding belief that government is best suited to help the underprivileged. The objective is to widen by as much as possible the eligibility requirements for public assistance and then ask as little as possible from the recipients in return.
Johnson’s stated goal was a reduction in dependency, not simply a redistribution of wealth to the poor. “The days of the dole in our country are numbered,” he declared in 1964. Alas, the opposite occurred. After his antipoverty programs were implemented, the proportion of people who relied on government aid to stay above the poverty line increased, a sharp reversal of the pre-Great Society trend.
Poverty rates at the time tell a similar story. It’s true that privation fell under Johnson in the 1960s, but that had already been happening for more than a decade before his war on poverty began. The poverty rate was approximately 30% in 1950 but had dropped to 18% by 1964. Moreover, as the scholar Charles Murray detailed in his landmark study, “Losing Ground,” the poverty rate would start to increase in the 1970s, after two decades of steady decline, and even as Johnson’s successors threw more and more money at creating new antipoverty programs or expanding the existing ones.
“The real [inflation-adjusted] annual expenditures of the 1970s were far larger—by many orders of magnitude, for some of the programs— than expenditures in the sixties,” Mr. Murray wrote. Yet “the number of people living in poverty stopped declining just as public-assistance program budgets and the rate of increase in those budgets were highest.”
The Covid relief package is the largest expansion of the welfare state since LBJ’s signature program.

This history won’t sway the ideologues who believe in cradle-to-grave entitlements, or the politicians who believe that spending money—even counterproductively— is the way to win elections. But the experience of the 1960s should help temper expectations for the rest of us. And it ought to give pause to those Republicans and conservative thinkers who now argue that GOPstyle government interventions—in the form of higher minimum wages, tax credits or guaranteed basic income— will somehow work better than the Democratic versions. We’ve already gone some distance down this road, and the laws of economics don’t care which party you belong to.
History shows that no government program has been able to match what people can do for themselves, and this applies equally to some of society’s most historically marginalized groups. No Great Society program was ever able to match the rate of progress made by blacks—in poverty reduction, income, homeownership or other measures— before that program’s implementation. Instead of helping, welfare-state expansions too often become lures and traps, inflicting damage that can last generations.
Democrats insist that the so-called stimulus is necessary to help the unemployed find work, but what working parents most need are schools to reopen, and what’s holding businesses back are lockdown rules that keep away potential customers. Liberals say the relief checks will give people money to spend. But the personal savings rate in 2020 was the highest in 50 years, which suggests that consumers already have money to spend but few places to spend it until the economy fully reopens.
It is quite possible that a year from now, if not sooner, the U.S. economy will be thriving, kids will be back in school, parents will be back to work, and the virus will be under control. Democrats will cite the bloated Covid-relief package as the reason. But the country was already experiencing generational lows in poverty and unemployment before the pandemic, and wages were rising fastest for the working class. A lot of people may not remember what was going on in the 1960s, but Democrats are hoping that they won’t remember 2019.
By Jason L. Riley


Useful Idiots = Useless Idiots
To all Democrats, never-Trumpers and swampy establishment types whose egos forced them to vote for Biden/Harris, how does it feel to be “useful idiots” to Biden and, at the same time, useless idiots to the cause of freedom, your country and your childrens’ future?
To those of you who are any or all of the following: gun owners who love to shoot without restriction, those who love to hunt and fish and travel freely, those who have been able to earn a living freely and to even retire at a young age due to the constitutional republic you’re fortunate enough to live in, capitalism and a free market; and who have the chutzpah to constantly remind others to “be grateful and be kind;” how does it feel to have sold out the American people and your own kids by voting for two corrupt communists hell-bent on taxing and paper-working your Second Amendment, God given right, away? If you had only done it to yourselves, I wouldn’t bother writing this. I’d just say you’ve got it coming and leave it at that. But that’s not how it works. Your thoughtless vote is going to affect everyone no matter how noble you profess your intentions to be. The road to hell is paved with good ones and your misplaced intentions are threatening to take my right to self-defense from me. I don’t appreciate it and there is no excuse for it… Most certainly not because you wrongly and pompously demanded that “character matters.” Or did you mean that “bad” character matters because the man and woman you voted for are two of the slimiest, do nothing-of-worth politicians in Washington DC. And that’s really saying something. You already had a man of good character in the position but you voted him out for no other reason than his straightforward personality hurt your itty-bitty, tender, snowflake feelings. Obviously you’d rather be lied to and get your butt kissed then be told the truth and get it kicked. Time to take off the cover-all short play pants and put adult working cloths on.
You can’t use the excuse that “you didn’t know” because the truth was all around you. You were just too lazy to look for it, finding it simpler to acquire news (misinformation) from people who lie for a living because they are even bigger and more practiced socialists than you are. It’s been said that liberalism (socialism) is the easiest choice someone can make because they don’t really have to do anything. All they need do is proclaim loudly to having sympathy and empathy. Whether they actually do anything is not important. Just saying they feeeel it, is sufficient. Their brains don’t come into play at all. They are free to go on playing they’re lives away without any concern whatsoever for the future… Even their own… Allowing thieves to control how much of what they’ve earned they’re allowed to keep. Eventually it won’t even be enough to keep them alive but rather dependent on big, in-your-face government.
Like all foolish socialists, they inconsiderately, selfishly and mindlessly expect all those benefits for themselves but have no concern for others having the opportunity to access those same rights and privileges.
Be responsible adults and steal some time from the playground to read a history book or two… or ten… and discover what happened in the past when people like you were too busy to pay attention to the tyrants around them hungry for power and adept at spreading propaganda and you will come to understand why Vladimir Lenin labeled people like you his “useful idiots.” Useful, because due to your idiocy you can always be counted on to vote greater and greater power and wealth for them, and for yourselves heavier and heavier chains.
To Joe and Kamala, I will not pay a $200 tax on every gun I own, one-time or yearly. And I will not fill out 13 pages of registration form and get fingerprinted for each gun but I’ll be happy to discuss it with you. Stop by anytime. I feel sorry for whoever is burdened with enforcing this tyrannical and unconstitutional, proposed law. The Second Amendment clearly states “shall not be infringed.” If this obvious power-grab isn’t an infringement, what is?


It seems our criminally imposed Pres. Biden seems to think he knows better than God.
So far I’ve heard and read anywhere from Biden intending to tax semi-automatic rifles $200 and registering them with a 13 page document, to a 13 page document including the $200 tax for every gun a person owns per year. News people have become so incompetent in these last years that they rarely get anything correct so we’ll have to wait to find out what we should have been informed of weeks ago.
Whatever the truth winds up to be concerning our misguided, illegitimate president’s attack on the Second Amendment, I’m afraid, since he works for me, despite what he thinks, he’s going to actually have to board my plane (Air Force One) fly out, and personally convince me that he has any say whatsoever concerning a God-given right protected by the Bill of Rights.
The way I see it, if he feels that he can tax my guns in order to regulate the Second Amendment what’s to say that at some time he won’t feel the same way about the First Amendment: for instance, taxing anyone who attends a church service $200, or imposing a $200 tax every time I express my political opinion, or any opinion for that matter, or taxing everyone who attends a peaceful assembly to petition the government for a redress of grievances $200. Why not charge everyone $200 every time they exercise any of the other amendments? Why not a $200 tax every time we vote?
I’m more than willing to discuss it with him. If he can convince me, I’ll pay him or give him the guns on the spot. If he can’t convince me I will refuse to do either and if he is so inclined, he can attempt to take them from me if he believes in what he’s doing that adamantly. In which case I will do everything in my power to prevent him from doing so and treat him as I would any other common thief who would put my life at risk by hindering my ability to defend myself. I’m that adamant about what I believe.
I won’t even consider the opinion of the Supreme Court even if all nine come out to visit me. From recent events I no longer consider a decision made by the Supreme Court to be of any consequence. From recent actions by the executive, judicial or legislative branches I’ve come to believe they don’t know any more about the Constitution than I do. I wonder, seriously, if any of my representatives have ever read it. So, my conclusion will be final until our three branches can prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that they can interpret the Constitution any better than I can.
To me, it sure looks like our government is forcing us back into a state of complete freedom. I don’t like it. I certainly don’t look forward to being burdened with all of legitimate governments responsibilities. But if they can’t do what the people have ordained them to do, I’ll have no damn choice.
We’re way past the time for a Convention of States allowed by Article V.


Pres. Trump - possibly gonna be impeached twice by 535 of the biggest liars, thieves & murderers ever to walk the face of the earth; CONGRATULATIONS! It's a badge of honor! You must be doing and have done something right! "If you're taking flack, you're over the target!" Keep it up! MOST REAL AMERICANS are behind you 100%!


To all of you Democratic Socialists out there either uninformed because you don’t read or listen to current events, or misinformed because you read or listen to fake news (you can only be one or the other or you would not have surrendered to the lie of Socialism), know now, if you never knew, or remember, if you knew once-upon-a-time but have forgotten, the fella who developed your entire ideology in 1848 was an unkempt, unemployed, lazy, 30-year-old fantasist and freeloader.
He had almost no experience in life to afford him the knowledge required to have an adequate grasp of the common sense and wisdom necessary to understand economic and political history sufficient enough to lecture others. His partner, in intellectual crime, Frederick Engels was only 28 years old.
So, your present leader and savior, Bernie Sanders, age 79, along with the election thieves President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris are taking their “marching-orders” from two “children,” who wrote their pile-of-garbage 172 years ago, long before their reviled capitalism in a Constitutional Republic had adequate time to evolve and correct many of its errors, which it has done.
The new socialist “expert” of economics and politics, Bhaskar Sunkara, author of The Socialist Manifesto, is likewise a mere 30 years of age. If you’ll take the time to read his book, a good portion of it is dedicated to apologizing for not only all of Marx’s mistakes but also the mistakes that socialism has made, including the millions of murders it’s responsible for, in the last 172 years. And that doesn’t include all the failures of socialism for the hundreds of years (quite possibly thousands of years) before Marx gave the failed ideology (nothing more than a dream of Santa-in-every-home) a name. But, Sunkara promises that this time he’ll implement it correctly. Yeah, right. I’ll bet that Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Sunkara and all those others who have practiced the “children’s hallucination” of socialism, left “milk and cookies” by their fireplaces every February to feed the fat and jolly Khrisx Kringlex and celebrate the publishing of the original, infantile manifesto in 1848.
“Useful idiots” (Vladimir Lenin’s term for the ignorant fools whose votes he could always count on) everywhere get off your oblivious, dead derrière’s and actually learn about what you so confidently believe to be the ideal system that will form a utopian world where everyone is wealthy, happy and content in all all times.
There’s NO SUCH THING. Heaven on earth is an IMPOSSIBILITY. GROW UP. Take RESPONSIBILITY. Be ACCOUNTABLE for your own lives before your children have to pay for your illiteracy and foolishness. It’s that simple.


Colorado Springs, CO


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