My name is Erica Carr and I have lived and worked in Colorado Springs for over 8 years. I moved to Colorado Springs to help support and open Pine Creek Veterinary Hospital, where I managed and worked for over 7 years. The idea for this business started when we were performing blood pressure readings on certain pets that were nervous and stressed, causing the results to be inaccurate and unusable.
I thought being able to perform this type of service in a home setting would create more accurate results. I obtained permission from Dr. Cristy Fisher to try this on one pet and the result of this trial was successful! From there I decided to transform this idea into a business that I could not only share with other clinics, but with the pet lovers of Colorado Springs. This not only allows me to not only offer blood pressure readings, but other mobile friendly needs which are listed below. The following are examples of the available services:
Nail Trims
Matte Removals
A**l Gland Expressions
Hygienic Shaves
Lion Cuts for Felines
Subcutaneous Fluid Therapy
Assisting with Glucose Curves
Blood Draws(for lab tests requested by your Veterinarian)
Urinary Catheter placements
Transportation of pet to local groomer or Veterinarian
Certain services will only be performed by the request of your primary Veterinarian. Please feel free to give me a call if a service you require is not listed!