The Stage Is Set
We have Power And Glory running in the 6th race at Aqueduct tomorrow. The race is a New York Bred stake race for fillies and mares going a mile and an eighth on the turf. The race is named “The John Hettinger” and has very stiff competition. This race was not my first choice by any means and how we got here is an interesting story that goes back a few years. I first entered Power and Glory in an allowance race on the turf and the race went but we were an “also eligible” and needed a couple of scratches to draw in. We didn’t get any scratches and couldn’t race. The next race that I entered in was a NY bred 2 other than. I put her in three days in a row and sadly they never used the race. This led to two final options: the stake race that I am in or the NY bred 1 other than which was the logical spot to put her in all along! The problem I had with the logical race is that it was scheduled for Sunday and a test of faith was put before me! Before I go any further I want to show you a chapter out of my book that relates to this topic.
Do Angels Come to Visit?
For assuredly I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one title will buy no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. (Matthew 5:18 KJV)
—Jesus Christ
When I am training racehorses in Aiken, I have one steady rider and hire freelance riders when I need the two-year-olds to go out in pairs. The freelance riders show up very early in the morning before they go to work for their own outfits, and we get the babies out in the dark. A couple of weeks ago, I had the riders come in on Sunday so we could take the babies up to the main track and school them in the gate. I don’t like training on Sunday and believe in following God’s advice, or shall we say commandment, and have a day of rest! I rationalized a bit and trained anyway. This week, I was going to do the same but, for some reason, I was really struggling with it. I am not only working on Sunday myself but also asking other people to do it as well.
Friday, I was in the acute care psychiatric ward in Charleston, South Carolina. I am sorry to disappoint many of my “close friends,” but I was not being committed! I was there to visit a friend. I was waiting to talk with my friend, and a tall man with long red hair approached me on the couch. He introduced himself and said he was a patient in the hospital. He seemed very kind and coherent and had my attention! There was something about him that I liked! I had a sense that he was a very special man! He indicated that he was in the hospital because of his faith, and then he hit me with a question that had me scratching my head! He asked me if I knew that “working on the Sabbath is a sin”? He explained that it is one of the commandments and should be taken much more seriously!
This was sort of a “wow moment” because I was thinking about it a lot on the way to Charleston. I looked at him with a smile on my face and came up with my best defense. I explained to him that I worked with horses, and they require care seven days a week. I then mentioned that Christ even used a sheep as an excuse to work on the Sabbath. He was much better versed with the Bible than I, and we sat and talked for a while. I really enjoyed our conversation and honestly felt that he was in that hospital to speak to me! when I went back to work on Saturday morning, I cancelled our Sunday training session!
So the question I have for everyone is does God send angels when we are struggling for answers? Or was my new friend at that hospital at that time, with that specific advice just by coincidence? I am going with angels in the psych ward in Charleston, South Carolina, and they might be putting me in there next week to join my friend!
Before I go any further I want to explain that money is tight right now and we need to gather some acorns for the winter in Aiken! The purse on the allowance race is $80,000 and that would absolutely have taken care of that! The purse on the stake race is $125,000 but my odds in the stake are going to be over 50 to 1! I would have been one of the favorites in the allowance race! Every time I thought about going in the race on Sunday, I had a bad feeling. The memory of that special man in the hospital kept coming back to me and my ultimate conclusion was that if God went out of his way to send an Angel to speak to me about one of the Ten Commandments, that I might want to pay attention and listen to his timely advice!!
I skipped the allowance race and it ran last Sunday. I looked at the results and felt we could have easily won. Now I am looking forward to racing tomorrow in the stake. I have very mixed emotions about how things came together but know in my soul that win, lose or draw, I did the right thing!!
Glenn Thompson
Photo of Davy Jones and Catechol by Equiphoto
Race horse trainer Glenn Thompson shares his experiences and knowledge with the Sport of Kings.