3 day old Netherland Dwarf baby rabbits
Turn the volume up to hear their noises !
Mango & Flower this morning. Flower is full of energy from her mom's rich milk !
Milking Mango this morning ! She's being milked once a day right now but soon will go back to twice a day.
Our milkroom is under construction at the moment so I'm milking in the feed room in the barn. I milk into a clean jar or measuring cup, take inside immediately, filter and chill in the freezer until milk is ice cold.
My family drinks it raw and this one goat has been supplying us with enough milk for our needs right now !
She's such a blessing and a joy to be around !
Driftwood Farm honeybees!
Installed yesterday in a Warre hive. I'm passionate about a more natural & healthy approach to beekeeping. Hope to add a big Top Bar hive soon also !
I've always been fascinated by honey and beehives but I have such respect for the hardworking honey bee...I pray that my bees will thrive and enjoy their new home.
All the kids playing on the climbing tree area this evening ! I'm so glad they're enjoying it !
Carina's beautiful triplets this morning ! All doing well and lively 😍 So thankful they are here
Snickers getting some exercise around the pasture. She's back in her stall now as the girls have been fighting and acting crazy lately (hormones) 😣
Snickers resting before she delivers her kids
Snickers on day 150 gestation with multiple kids ! Hopefully she'll go into labor soon and we'll get to see those beautiful kids !
Girls after eating breakfast and heading to the big oak tree
Showing you 7 month old Babydoll in heat today. . Heat cycle signs for new goat owners
**they can also show NO heat signs and can also mount other does and act "bucky"