Meet new to the Just Like Home Doggie Daycare Alice, Hatter and Moose
Can you believe it is October 1st! With that, we are gearing up for busy fall break. I wanted to share something new I have implemented here at the daycare. Before, you could choose,but now I am having payments done at drop off. I have found it to be so much easier. Now all you have to do is pick up your pup and all the business stuff is already done. With them being so excited to see you, it’s just one step you know is taken care of. Have a beautiful day all!
Good Tuesday Morning! WOW! I can’t believe it has been a month already. Our sweet friend Scamp goes home today. He has been the best boy ever and we are gonna miss him so much! He has truly become part of our pack. Hopefully he will get to come back soon to stay again.
On this day of remembrance, we at the daycare want to pay tribute to the brave canines of 9/11. On that day, they too went to the danger with job to do. Along with the courageous first responders…we honor you.
#playtime #doggiedaycare #justlikehome
Good Monday Morning. Thought I would share a glimpse into life at the daycare. This is what happened when I left the room to go to the basement to do laundry. They were sure I was gone forever. LOL
Just some after dinner fun at the daycare. Hope they wear theirselves out now. Having all the fun!
Good Sunday Morning! You know, sometimes in the daycare business, you can get some pretty demanding clients. Samantha made it clear she was ready to go in. LOL. Even the baby talk didn’t change her mind. She’s so stinking cute! Make it a great day.