This is an extremely hard post to write but I feel the need to give lots of heads up so everyone can plan accordingly. For almost 6 years the location at 951 W James St has been home to The Pampered Pooch and all my hopes and dreams for my career. Unfortunately it seems that 2025 doesn't plan on being kind to me and I received word that come July my rent will be increasing a highly significant amount, an amount that has made it impossible to stay at this location without a significant price increase for services. I have always tried to price my services at a reasonable rate but also enough to pay the bills because I never got into this career for the money but for my love of animals but it doesn't seem that will be possible moving forward and it truly breaks my heart that I'm in this position. Unfortunately the options to relocate within Columbus are virtually nonexistent so I'm in a predicament about where to go from here. I'm looking into all possible options but the unfortunate reality is that relocating would take the business out of Columbus and staying would mean a minimum price increase of $4/hr (up to $62/hr from the current $58/hr). While nothing is set in stone yet I did want everyone to know with plenty of time what kinds of options I'm looking at. All the good thoughts and vibes would be very much appreciated as I navigate through this difficult time.