Hello Cutters! NCHA Memberships are going up to $135 starting January 1st. You can buy your NCHA membership / membership renewal for $100 if you purchase it BEFORE January 1st.
Here is the link to renew: https://www.nchacutting.com/members/membership-application
ALSO as a reminder:
Designate Your Rider Circuit / Horse Circuit
Riders are automatically placed in a Circuit based on the address on file at NCHA.
Horses are automatically placed in a Circuit based on the home address of the OWNER on file at NCHA.
At the beginning of each point year, all circuit designations from the prior point year are reset.
This link will take you to the online form for circuit designation for you and you horses: https://nchacutting.com/ncha-shows/circuit-program/circuit-program-designation #:~:text=Horses%20are%20automatically%20placed%20in,prior%20point%20year%20are%20reset.&text=Riders%20and%2For%20horse%20owners,notification%20to%20the%20NCHA%20office.