Addy and Doc at Waccamaw
While there was a busy lesson day at the barn, Addy and Doc went to Da Bomb. Accomplishing a clear round, hitting their goal, and now onto the next! Congrats to this pair on a job well done.
It's a beautiful day to let Miss Xena show off some of her buttons to one of our western adult riders. We hope to see Lacy and Xena at the Sandhills show strutting their stuff next month.
Annette recapping all the things we have to remember as riders, while practicing posting at the walk. As an adult beginner rider who is also training for a marathon, Annette is a determined woman!! Reminding all of us no matter where you are at in life, you can always pick up a new hobby/skill.
One of our newest young riders Ainsley trotting Xena by herself for the first time in her lesson yesterday. Way to go Ainsley!
Sadie is looking forward to going to some shows this year! Show season is coming quick! Message us now to find out about our show team opportunities.