For my tricks classes that learned "around".
I started teaching Grizzly yesterday to go "around" our retaining wall in our yard so he runs laps to wear him out.🤣 #lazydogtrainer #crazyhighenergydog
Rain update. Old man decided he was over the stroke and ready to play again. 🥹❤️ thank you for all the good vibes and prayers- he's doing as well as we could hope.
But you know how the saying goes- "when it rains, it pours" my Grandpa passed away this morning. Please keep my family in your prayers, and continue to be patient with me.
It's sloppy, it's far from perfect- but this dog did NOT want to hold onto a dumbell (he liked to pick it up and throw it while screaming at me, but not hold it or carry it).
And after what feels like 3 months? later- finally made a little progress. 😅
Grizzly is a very high energy dude. Could and would go all day if I let him. He has a great off switch, but can be a pain in the butt when he's not getting enough physical or mental stinulation. Train your dog. Even if it's just 5 minutes.
🎊 Congratulations to......
Here's something for my intermediate or advanced classes to try this week:
1. Put your dog in a stay in a different position than you normally practice (on a different place, in a down vs. sit, etc).
2. Practice stay from a couple feet away- reward
3. Add distance (going further or around the dog) -reward
4. Add distractions ( toys being tossed, family members/kids running around)- reward big!
Happy training
Tell me this isn't the happiest dog on a treadmill you've ever seen? 🥰
🛑REMINDER: NO group classes today!! Sunday 8/18. No class.🛑
We still have openings for BASIC obedience group class this Thursday, the 11th at 6:30 pm!
Message me to reserve your spot !
Happy Independence Day!
Wishing you all a wonderful and safe holiday.
My 4th of July routine looks like- exercise all the dogs so they are good and tired before dark. Fill kongs or give long lasting high value bones when the booms start-
Turn on the TV nice and loud. Snuggle on the couch. Training tricks/fun things for rhe dogs during booms is another great way to help them be non-chalant about the noise.
One of my 6 dog gets a trazodone. The Rest get a calming chew with melatonin, hemp, and camomile.
Griz on his 2nd bike ride. Volume up, he sounds like a horse galloping when he starts running. 😄
I got to meet the cutest little nugget today.🥹 9 week old Petunia has the best puppy breath and was so brave trying out the puppy wobble board, going through the tunnel, and made a new best friend in my 6 year old son.
Come out to a Puppy socialization on Saturdays at 9:30am- your puppy will thank you later.
*more adorable pics in the comments.
‼️NEW Basic obedience class starting Thursday, JULY 11th at 6:30pm‼️
I misplaced my wait list, so if you want in, message me or comment below!
When you go to a clients house for your next session and they understood the assignments !! 👌💪 I cannot tell you how proud I am of this family. Working hard and it paid off. But also dogs will be dogs, they had a "bad day" where they opened the door to an unknown guest this week, and the dogs were not on their best behavior. And that's okay too, because life with dogs isn't all sunshine and rainbows, and training has good days and bad days. But in just 7 weeks- we have gone from majorly reactive to this.. and to say I'm proud of them is an understatement.
Way to go. KEEP UP the amazing work and before ya know it- this will be the behavior all the time. MY DOGS are not this good at the door, so...... 👏👏👏
Be very jealous I got to spend the morning with these cuties!
Nice small group of 3 for our first puppy social. Thank you all for coming ❤️🐾
Today we experienced:
Men and women
Boy child
Snuffle pool
Stuffed dog (lifesize)
Other puppies of different sizes, colors, and personalities
Agility tunnel and small jumps
And built our confidence up with the use of yummy treats even when we were unsure ❤️🐾