Work with handlers and trainers who have extensive backgrounds in working with law enforcement service dogs. Learn how to effectively communicate with your dog to achieve the behaviors that you desire. You will be taught the CORRECT way to use (the equipment you choose)the leash, choke chain, pinch collar, or e-collar, and the importance of praise and rewards. Use your dog’s natural drives and des
ires to speed up training results and motivate your dog. Package training programs available for basic, intermediate, or advanced obedience training as well as per hour rates for in home behavior modification issues, jumping up, food aggression, pulling on leash, biting, etc. You will see results the very first session. I have over 13 years of Police K9 Training experience. I can't tell you how many times someone has said to me that they wish their dogs were as well behaved as our working dogs. Now I can put the training, experience, and techniques to work for you. References are available upon request.