Recap of 2023, By The Numbers for Alter-Ations Inc CATsNIP Clinic (nonprofit, low cost spay/neuter).
In spite of some changes that happened such as the big move from our Viroqua location to C**n Valley, WI, remodeling our new space, the Fall retirement of our every Thursday veterinarian, and the start of our new veterinarian, we still conducted 76 clinic days.
757 cats were altered from 5+ counties.
* 51% females and 49% males
* 39% of the cats were barn/colony/feral (although some caretakers did not want the obligatory ear tip for outdoor cats so they chose the indoor pet level so that percentage is higher this year)
Just by altering the outdoor females, we more than likely prevented over 500 litters or 2100-2700 kittens.
* 47% cats were indoor/companions
We help shelter cats to prepare them for adoption and do after-adoption surgeries.
* 14% shelter/rescue cats
* Rabies vaccines are mandatory and 92% of the cats needed the vacc.
* 40% of cats received the optional distemper vaccine which helps prevent multiple cat viruses
* 5% did testing for feline aids/leukemia
* 5% did microchipping
Customers are grateful for our service and if we are able to bring on any more veterinarian help, we will offer more surgery days. We recognize it is tough for people to have sit on waitlists to be scheduled but we go down the lists as soon as any openings occur.
We are a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization and donations help to buy our surgical equipment and supplies, vaccines, pay our utilities and rent, fix our autoclave, pay our dedicated staff, pay for insurances, and recover from the cost of relocating. Our address is 97 Central Ave, PO Box 104, C**n Valley WI 54623
www.catsnipclinic.org 608-606-3070
Welcome to Alter-Ations Inc! If you love them, spay or neuter! Spaying or neutering is proven to make your cat a better pet, give your pet a longer, healthier life, and reduce the population of cats in animal shelters and outdoors. Clinic Schedule Telephone: 608-606-3070 NEW RATES effective 1/1/24.....