Ron had quite the morning…
When Ron isn’t working his actual job (the one he gets paid for 😅😂), we feed the farmily together. For morning feeds, we feed the barn together and I head to work at another local farm while he finishes feeding the back where the horses, camel, alpacas and bigs are.
Klondike choked during breakfast this morning, likely from eating too fast. This wasn’t the first time one of the alpacas choked, so thankfully Ron knew what was happening right away and was able to jump right into action and help Klondike through the episode.
While he was taking care of Klondike, something stirred up the chickens so the dogs took off. Meanwhile, Rip decided to take a stroll around the farm once he finished breakfast (Rip gets taken out of the pasture to eat so the other horses don’t steal his food), and the big pigs were screaming because they hadn’t been fed yet. It seemed like pure chaos Ron had to deal with, but as always, he handled everything in stride and all was well by the time I got home from work 😄
It always feels like the domino effect here…one thing after another 😅 But to us, the morning Ron had is just another day, and we can have a good laugh at it. A morning like that could easily overwhelm us and set the tone for the day. Luckily, the farm has taught us to just roll with the punches and move on.
Life is what you make of it, farm friends ❤️