Timber (Gani x Reata - Nov '22) is pawsitively smitten with the new kitten. It's amazing how gentle he is considering the size difference. 🥰
This line sure loves the water when you start them on it young.
The addition of life jackets while learning (and for prolonged swim sessions) gives more buoyancy and keeps water out of their ears.
In just one week of wearing a life jacket both Timber and Reata begin diving into the pool 😆❤️🐾🌵.
We're in Arizona but it often feels like Africa.
Second day of (willing) swimming for Timber! He's now diving in after balls and doing solo swims during the day to cool off. Ridgebacks that love water and chasing balls - definitely broken! 😆
Timber having fun terrorizing his mother.
Malibak Puppy Reunion! Last weekend Trevor and I drove 14hrs and made 4 stops to reunite with 12 of the 17 puppies from our last two East Coast litters.
After our first stop in Middleburg, VA, where 7 of the puppies from that litter and 1 from the older litter were in attendance, most of us took a quick rain/lunch break at the Lost Barrel Brewery where they had a fantastic outdoor park like area below. We turned the puppies loose for some more playtime!
Here you see ⚫ Rafe and 🟡 Kuna in full play/chase/grapple mode, with 🔵 Timber, white toe and chest Luna and dark muzzle floral collar Zula.
As a breeder I work hard to connect my puppy families and create a supportive and transparent environment where they feel safe to share the good, the bad, and the ugly and learn from each other's experiences. I'll miss these get together when we head to Tucson next month but I'm confident I've started a tradition they'll continue after we move ❤️. Malibak Pack for Life! 🐾🥰🙌🏆
A little video to give my puppy homes some guidance when they are eyeing their puppy each day when they go to feed it. If the puppy looks heavier than this, slightly reduce the amount of feed. Stay at that for a few days and reevaluate. If it looks skinnier than this, you would bump their feed up slightly (1/8-1/4cup at every feeding) and stay at that for a few days and reevaluate.
We took the puppies on an adventure walk in the forest this week and laid the foundation of teaching them to keep track of and follow us. This means we let them wander off quite a ways (to them - we could still see them) and then feel a little lost and have to figure out how to problem solve and follow my voice back. By making them find us again instead of going to and following them, they learn to be off leash and stay close. As they get older I'll go walking with other people and I'll hide if my puppy isn't paying attention and gets too far away. Then they have to find me! (The other people can watch to keep track of where the puppy is) These games are excellent ways to use the social bond to your advantage so your puppy doesn't take you for granted 😉.
Puppy pack training this morning! Second session on 'down' and first session on 'reverse'. Little super stars 💫🤩
Puppies are learning stairs and doing phenomenal! Such a confident litter. You want to avoid doing very much stairs on puppies this young as it can be detrimental to their bones, but a little bit after 7wks just to teach them the concept once a day is just fine.
Puppies are doing fantastic on the potty training. The little hall leads to the sunroom which has a large litter area that we reduce a little each day and then on the far side of the kitchen there is another tray with litter.
Yesterday we only had one out of bounds pee and one poop that was right beside the litter, so close enough! Typically they are 100% success rate on poop and 80% on pees but we're moving up to 90% now!
The puppies had access to this part of the house most of the day yesterday, which is the most freedom they've had yet. They had to earn it!
Every 15 minutes the first couple of weeks I would call them back to the sunroom, close the door and wait until most had peed/pooped before giving them access again to create the HABIT. Installing great habits is the key to training and this is a lifestyle thing. You don't train habits in one session a day, you train them throughout the day every day.
This is part of why a quality breeder is worth their weight in gold. We are 'on' all day every day shaping and developing our puppies to put a great foundation on them and set them up for success in their new homes. Inability to house train a puppy is the number one reason puppies get surrendered. I make sure that won't be the case for any of my puppies ever. 🥰🐾💩
Here you'll see the next group of puppies going into the crate and how I close it when they are awake but ready for a nap at this stage. Purple is nearly ready to pass out now.
At Malibak Rhodesians we educate our homes about the 'layered stress model' when it comes to crate training. This means that we work on confinement separate from isolation and do not combine them in the beginning until each individual potentially stressful challenge is easy for the puppy. This way we do not layer multiple stressors onto the puppy and over face them, which could result in panic where the puppy is no longer able to learn and have positive associations.
Here you'll see that I'm using my proximity as well as the company of siblings and putting my fingers in the crate to help the puppy feel closeness while she is learning to accept the confinement of the crate.
I'll work on separation without boundaries of any sort first. I use play for this and motivational training methods so that it's the puppies choice to be further away and they get rewarded. Soon they will offer it and I can add distance and duration. This is where the place command comes in very handy. You can use an open crate or a dog bed so there's a physical target for them to be touching to be rewarded. I share videos of this with my puppy homes and encourage them to study 'crate games' with Susan Garrett.
Puppies are loving their ball pit!
Next weekend is our puppy meet and greet where potential homes come to meet the puppies and myself so that I can get a feel for each home and start the matching process!
I carefully examine each homes dynamics (do they have small children, other pets, what type of little brother/sister would existing pet do best with, how often are they gone from home, how much training experience do they have, etc) and observe them with the adult dogs and puppies to determine which puppy would thrive in which home.
Every puppy is temperament tested and handled every single day so I've got an excellent indication of innate characteristics. I don't guarantee anyone a puppy until after they are 7wks and I've picked the best home for each as this allows me time to get to know each and every one thoroughly.
Hard to believe they are 5.5wks already... I'm still no closer to selecting which one I'll keep...
Enjoying their sunroom playroom. For when it's too cold to go outside to play.
We got rained out (zero stars to the weather forecast) so did some bath/swim lessons for today's new experience instead!