Our rescue crested geckos are gaining weight and I'm hoping to get to the goal weights soon! Here is Angel!
1 year ago today we got this chunky boy. A rescue we couldn't and will never adopt out. He was cohabbed with a female leopard gecko in a 30 gallon tank that had wild crickets and mud in it. He's an amazing gecko and he will have a home with us forever ❤️
Just thought I'd share this video of how cute our jumping spider looked carrying his or her food🥹
Our female red tail boa Jinx was out and about today! Exploring her enclosure. She's such a sweet snake!
Got this guy awhile back. Was told he was to aggressive for them! He's the sweetest baby. He does get defensive when he's scared but I'd understand if I saw a big hand reaching for me!! Anyway, he's doing amazing. He's a great eater!
Little Gus is slowing warming up to us. Already goes to his bowl when it's feeding time!
Leopard Gecko Rescue
Our leopard gecko rescue is improving so much! She can't see just yet but with treatment her eyes are getting better and she's not eating live insects but we are just trying to make sure she gains some weight💕