FURRR 911 Kitten rescue in Westchester Cty, NY, dedicated to the care of abandoned or orphaned newborn kittens

We are an all volunteer, 501c3 non-profit kitten rescue located in Westchester County, NY, dedicated to saving and caring for the medically fragile (abandoned newborns), critically ill and injured, and special needs kittens. We believe that each kitten deserves the opportunity to live and be loved.

***We have transportation. Thank you to everyone who shared and offered to help. You are an essential part of our kitten...

***We have transportation. Thank you to everyone who shared and offered to help. You are an essential part of our kitten rescue family. 😺***

These 2 four day old babies are on their way to FURRR 911 now. Mom abandoned her litter within hours of giving birth on Sunday. These are the two survivors of the litter.

***All legs (to and from) of transportation to the Bronx and Queens have been covered for this week. A huge thank you to...

***All legs (to and from) of transportation to the Bronx and Queens have been covered for this week. A huge thank you to everyone for helping us accomplish this.***

We have been inundated with daily arrivals of newborn kittens for weeks now. To keep my sanity, I am working to get as many weaned kittens out to foster and older kittens to spay/neuter clinics so that they will be ready for adoption.

Graphic below is basically the way I have been feeling lately! A little for the kittens and a good swig for me. πŸ™„

UPDATE: We have transportation for this family! Thank you for all the shares and offers to help. While this transport wa...

UPDATE: We have transportation for this family! Thank you for all the shares and offers to help. While this transport was being arranged, we received another call about kittens in the Bronx left in a box at a construction site. Since we had so many offers to drive the originally posted kittens, we were able to cover the other transportation need as well. Our friends and followers are truly amazing.

Someone walked into a Petco store in Riverdale this afternoon and left these kittens in an aisle before walking out. 😑😑😑

Here at FURRR 911, I am very grateful for the incredible team of friends, volunteers, fosters, adopters, supporters, and...

Here at FURRR 911, I am very grateful for the incredible team of friends, volunteers, fosters, adopters, supporters, and followers that the rescue has. Our organization has an amazing network of people who come together to help when it is needed. And it not just the animals that they take the time to help.

About a week ago, I put out a plea to find transportation for a single black kitten from a vet office in Norwalk, CT. What no one knew was that I was also coordinating the transport of a litter of newborns from the Bronx and trying to find a bottle feeder for a kitten out in Bensonhurst. The Brooklyn kitten was diverted from coming to FURRR 911. The Bronx kittens were picked up by Sheila, a long-time friend/transporter for the rescue. Christine offered to meet the black kitten from Norwalk in Greenwich, CT. Not only did Christine arrive with the kitten, but she had stopped at Home Goods while waiting for the meet-up and saw a blanket and picture frame that she felt I would like. This heartfelt gesture meant so much after hours of coordinating three rescue efforts. These gifts almost brought me to tears. Side note: I promise to share the blanket with all my lap kitties.

Not only do our followers make sure that the kittens have what they need, but these rescue friends also look out for me. To all the behind the scenes caregivers, I sincerely thank you. Transporters often stop for food or my caffeine fix of Coca Cola on the way to me with kittens. Local friends drop off home cooked meals or even groceries. Others order food and snacks (yeah, that means junk food) to be delivered to the house. These wonderful people don't want recognition for their acts of kindness. However, when you see ugly things all the time in animal rescue, these selfless deeds help to renew my faith in humanity.

I really wanted to take a moment to recognize and thank all the terrific people whom I have met through animal rescue. I appreciate your kindness and generosity both for the cats and myself. Thank you for standing by the work that FURRR 911 does even though I disappear from social media for long periods of time when we are flooded with kittens. You guys and gals are the best! ❀️

Our newest arrival thinks he should be a centerfold model. Irresistible belly spots and stripes and dreamy eyes. What do...

Our newest arrival thinks he should be a centerfold model. Irresistible belly spots and stripes and dreamy eyes. What do you think? 😹

Just when you think that the day has wound down, the phone rings. A community cat caretaker in Yonkers arrived this even...

Just when you think that the day has wound down, the phone rings. A community cat caretaker in Yonkers arrived this evening to feed her colony. She saw a Hefty trash bag box near one of the cat shelters and went over to investigate. The Hefty box was empty, but four 3 week old kittens were inside the shelter.

In a panic, she called another colony caretaker for help. Since neither knew how old the kittens were, they tried to offer wet cat food, but the babies did not know what to do with the food except to walk through it. So the kittens were scooped up and brought to FURRR 911.

While all are below normal weight for their age, the kittens are in relatively good health. Just the run of the mill stuff - eye infections and lots of fleas. However, the little orange guy did arrive with a big, engorged tick on the underside of his tail that we had to immediately remove.

We have been getting inundated with kittens. If you would like to contribute towards the care of our FURRR babies, please visit www.furrr911.org/donate.

Monetary donations help with the cost of vaccines, medications, veterinary care, and spay/neuter surgeries. We also have Chewy and Amazon wishlists where supplies can be ordered and are sent directly to the rescue.

At this time, we really need WEE WEE PADS (potty training pads) and CAT LITTER - both clay/non-clumping (Chewy wishlist) and clumping (Amazon or Chewy wishlist). Of course, anything sent from our wishlists is greatly appreciated.

Long distance arrivals! At such a young age, this brother and sister duo are expert car travelers. They just arrived aft...

Long distance arrivals! At such a young age, this brother and sister duo are expert car travelers. They just arrived after a 3 hour journey from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. 😳

Three kittens were found next to a barbecue grill on Tuesday shortly after being born. They were crying for periods of time. With rain coming in, the finder put the babies in a box and placed it on his covered porch. In the morning, only two kittens remained. A check of the security feed showed a cat removing only one kitten during the night. Mom never returned again.

The finder reached out to shelters, rescue organizations, and veterinary practices, but no one was willing to accept these kittens. In fact, a shelter agreed to take the duo but said that if a bottle feeder could not be found by closing time, then the kittens would be euthanized. Unfortunately, this happens frequently all across the United States, which is why FURRR 911 is specifically dedicated to the care of orphaned or abandoned newborn kittens.

On Wednesday night, the finder's sister arrived from the Bronx for a visit. With no experience in bottle feeding, she watched numerous videos on newborn kitten care and feeding already, but was having difficulty getting the kittens to latch. So she reached out to friends back home in the Bronx and was directed to call FURRR 911.

Last night, we received a call that the little black girl was barely eating and "had a worm." Since the babies are only 3-4 days old, we knew that this "worm" was, in fact, a maggot and not an intestinal parasite. And where there is one, there will be many. The finder's sister ran out to the pet store just before it closed to buy Capstar in order to deal with the maggots before too much damage was done.

Today, we received the update that several more maggots passed last night, but now there was no evidence of more. However, the tiny girl still wasn't taking the bottle well. So the finder and his sister got the babies ready and headed out for a long road trip to New York.

https://www.venmo.com/furrr911 (Last four digits 5508)


Cash App: $FURRR911

Amazon wishlist:

Chewy wishlist:

Kuranda beds wishlist:

To mail a check:
FURRR 911, PO Box 645, Crompond, NY 10517


***Transportation has been found***

This kitten has been surrendered to a veterinary practice in Connecticut. They are trying to find rescue placement for the little one and reached out to FURRR 911 this morning.

Astaff member from the veterinary hospital is driving the kitten down to Greenwich, CT, where she will meet up with volunteers who will drive the baby to us.

Thank you everyone for the offers to help. We truly appreciate how everyone comes together to help these babies.

I really do not understand why I need to write a post reminding people not to discard newborn kittens like they were tra...

I really do not understand why I need to write a post reminding people not to discard newborn kittens like they were trash or, in today's case, like paper/cardboard recycling. No domesticated animal should ever be abandoned. However, discarding newborn kittens without any regard to their well-being or survival is despicable.

Each family of kittens that I intake is given a nickname for the litter since it takes me so long to name the individual kittens. Please welcome the Cat in a Hat litter. It is incredible that they are alive today.

This morning, these kittens were found by a diligent worker collecting paper recycling along his route in Nyack. He opened up a recycling bin prior to emptying it into the truck and found himself staring at newborn kittens in a brown paper bag. Thankfully, the kittens did not suffer any ill effects from being enclosed in a plastic bin with the top firmly in place. I am also relieved that the person who discarded the kittens did not close the paper bag so that they were immediately visible to the worker.

He removed the babies and placed them in a knit hat so that they would be safe and warm. Scroll to see the picture that he took and sent to his boss about his surprise find. These kittens are so very lucky that they did not end up in the truck and crushed under mountains of recycling. How could anyone do this to babies who are only a couple of days old?

Kittens under 4 weeks old ARE NOT ABLE TO SURVIVE without milk and care from their mom, or at the very least, a human to bottle feed them. There is no excuse to rip babies away from their mom and put them in the garbage to die. Even with shelters and rescues inundated this time of year, contact them for advice, referrals, help, etc. Do not throw kittens (or cats/puppies/dogs) away!

To donate, please visit www.furrr911.org/donate

***We found transportation! Our kitties are on the way to the Bronx right now. Thank you to those who offered to help an...

***We found transportation! Our kitties are on the way to the Bronx right now. Thank you to those who offered to help and everyone who shared our post.***

A volunteer is bringing them to their spay/neuter appointments for us bright and early tomorrow.

Please share this post so that we can get this transport covered. Otherwise, our bottle babies will have to miss a feeding as I make the drive myself. 😞

People, you have to do better! This family just arrived from Rockland County. While they don't "look" sick, a couple of ...

People, you have to do better! This family just arrived from Rockland County. While they don't "look" sick, a couple of them do have evidence of colds. However, one kitten is critical due to human intervention.

Three kittens were found yesterday in a backyard in New City. The finder put the little ones in a box and placed them in his garage. He did not seek out help for these kittens until this afternoon when the local Animal Control Officer was finally contacted. No thought was given to the care of the kittens - warmth, food, or addressing medical needs. But honestly, although neglectful, I can work with this.

What I cannot forgive is what was happening next door. A fourth kitten was found today in the neighbor's yard. The wife began feeding the kitten cow's milk instead of kitten formula. Cow's milk should NEVER be given to kittens as they have difficulty breaking down the milk proteins and can become very sick from it. Now, I don't know the specifics of how the wife was attempting to feed (bottle, syringe, spoon), but things went horribly wrong. The milk was going into the kitten's lungs and not the stomach.

Normally, a kitten can aspirate formula through improper feeding position (NEVER cradle a kitten on its back like a human baby while feeding), squeezing the nursing bottle and forcing too much fluid in too quickly, or allowing kittens to drink too fast.. If the fluid goes into the lungs, the sugars provide the perfect medium for bacteria to grow, thereby causing pneumonia. Commonly, kittens exhibit symptoms of aspiration pneumonia in 48 hours as the infection takes hold, and we see/hear chest congestion and refusal to take the bottle. However, this kitten arrived with both audible and palpable (you can feel the rattles in the chest) congestion indicating how severe this case is. Adhering to our protocols established by our veterinarian, this little guy was started on antibiotics, oxygen, nebulizer treatments, and chest PT. Even with all this, I am not sure that he will survive.

If you don't know what you are doing, don't do it. Newborns are living creatures - not toys. Your actions have consequences! Contact a shelter or rescue organization that has people experienced with caring for kittens this young.

Sorry for my prolonged absence from social media. The past 3 weeks have been the most devastating period that I have end...

Sorry for my prolonged absence from social media. The past 3 weeks have been the most devastating period that I have endured in over 10 years in rescue. Almost every situation resulted from the actions (or inactions) of people - not thinking, not using common sense, not reaching out for help until it was too late. These kittens just arrived tonight, and their story once again set me off.

A young woman noticed a Modelo beer box on the entrance ramp to the Bronx River Parkway in Scarsdale yesterday after work. She thought that the box was discarded trash. Today, as she turned onto the entrance ramp, she saw that the box was on its side, and she noticed movement. Quickly, she pulled over and went to the box by the guardrail only to find five 2 week old kittens crawling out of the overturned box. This caring woman immediately scooped all the kittens up and put the box in her car. After contacting the closest veterinary practice, she got in contact with FURRR 911 and immediately brought the family to us.

Thankfully, the kittens appear to be in decent condition. They have fleas and mild dehydration. Several have minor eye infections, but they are otherwise healthy. After what I have seen recently, this was a welcome surprise.

These kittens were abandoned at least 24 hours earlier in a box next to the guardrail of an entrance ramp to a highway. It rained last night, and the box was open to the elements. Really people? This is absolutely unacceptable! There are many animal shelters, rescue organizations, veterinary practices, and animal emergency hospitals in Westchester County. There is absolutely no excuse for dumping kittens like this. I am so disgusted right now.

FURRR 911's version of having all your ducks in a row!

FURRR 911's version of having all your ducks in a row!

Master class in how to get rescued. Homeowners in the Bronx heard frantic crying in their backyard. Upon investigating, ...

Master class in how to get rescued. Homeowners in the Bronx heard frantic crying in their backyard. Upon investigating, they found two kittens wedged in between two fences separating properties. The space was so tight that slats needed to be removed to free the babies. Once liberated, the kittens were placed in a box to see if mom would return.

The two kittens continued to cry, and soon everyone realized that a conversation was taking place. Following the cries, another two kittens were located underneath the back deck. The two sets of kittens had been "talking" to one another. Now reunited, the four kittens were more content and quieted down.

Hours had gone by without any sighting of an adult cat so the homeowner began reaching out for help. Then, a small little cry was once again heard from under the deck. There was one last kitten tucked much further back. With dusk falling, securing this last kitten became incredibly important. With help from the children, the final straggler was secured and placed with his siblings.

The kitties arrived in relatively good health except for some eye issues, which will quickly clear with treatment. And boy were these babies hungry! They sucked down several bottles before falling into a formula coma.

We hope that everyone enjoys their 4th of July. Please make sure that you keep your cats and dogs secured and inside as fireworks are incredibly scary to them.

And for my local friends:
If you are barbecuing today (or this weekend), think about me. I will be home with the bottle babies so any leftovers would be greatly appreciated. There's nothing like food off the grill, and I miss it so.

"Hey lady! My siblings are pushing me out of the kitty bed. How rude! I want outta here."After receiving back to back cr...

"Hey lady! My siblings are pushing me out of the kitty bed. How rude! I want outta here."

After receiving back to back critical cases on Saturday, it was a relief to end that day with a dose of cuteness as we welcomed a relatively healthy litter of five from the Country Club section of the Bronx.

We are getting flooded with bottle babies right now and could really use your assistance. Raising these babies is very costly. As a small non-profit organization, we operate solely on private donations from generous friends and supporters. Please consider donating today.

Monetary donations are used to pay for medications, vaccines, vetting, and sterilization. However, if you prefer to send food, litter, or needed supplies, you can do so from our Amazon or Chewy wishlists. Every bit of support is appreciated and helps us to care for these kittens.Whether you donate today or not, please share this post with your friends and family.

https://www.venmo.com/furrr911 (Last four digits 5508)


Cash App: $FURRR911

Amazon wishlist:

Chewy wishlist:

Kuranda beds wishlist:

To mail a check:
FURRR 911, PO Box 645, Crompond, NY 10517

Just hours after the Brooklyn kitten arrived, the second train wreck of the day rolled in. Construction workers at a sit...

Just hours after the Brooklyn kitten arrived, the second train wreck of the day rolled in. Construction workers at a site in Spring Valley found a litter of 5 kittens under a deck 2 days earlier, but they left them in the hopes mom would return. Yesterday morning, they realized mom had not come back, and one kitten had died. Since the house and deck were slated for demolition, the kittens had to be removed.

A coworker took them home, provided heat support, and bottle feedings of formula as he sought rescue help. He mentioned that one kitten was not latching to the bottle well. So it was not a surprise that when the gentleman arrived, he said that one kitten had died on the way, and it happened to be the one who wasn't drinking.

Upon looking over the babies, I noticed fly strike (fly eggs that hatch into maggots in 24 hours) on their fur. One kitten urinated on my hand as I was assessing him, and as I turned him over to blot the urine away, I noticed maggots had entered his urethra. With the help of the gentleman, we worked to remove any maggots exiting from the body. Capstar was also immediately administered to kill any maggots still inside and any fleas that may be present. Unfortunately, a female also had maggots in her urethra. We then combed the fly strike out of their fur before more hatched. The kittens were all critical- skinny, malnourished, and markedly dehydrated with weak cries and sluggish movements.

I keep hearing that when people call vet practices and shelters about finding newborns they are almost always advised to leave them out there because the mom WILL return. This is most definitely not always true! While I never want anyone to kit-nap babies, there is a limit to how long you wait for mom's return, and it is certainly not 2 days. Kittens crying for periods of time, dirty fur caked with f***s or stained with urine, flies landing on kittens, the presence of fine white or pale yellow deposits on the fur, and the presence of loose skin folds on the lower abdomen (see the last pictures) are all signs that something is very wrong, and the kittens need help.

The extreme loose skin folds on the lower abdomen of these kittens indicate severe dehydration. Kittens' bodies are composed of approximately 80% water. It is imperative to maintain hydration as water is the most essential element in the body, whether human or animal. Water is necessary to regulate body temperature, carry other essential nutrients throughout the body, and to aid in digestion. Like humans, cats and kittens lose water through urination, defecation, breathing, and sweating. So if mom is not nursing her babies or they are not being bottle fed to replace the lost water, each hour the kittens become more dehydrated which can easily be deadly to them. Think about what you have been hearing on the news and radio recently as the extreme heat and humidity hit. You MUST hydrate regularly, or you can become sick and die. Well, this also happens to animals and especially fragile newborns. If you pick up kittens that you found, take a look at the lower abdomen. If the skin is loose and puckered like in the pictures, these babies are in danger and need immediate help!

What an incredibly difficult day in rescue it has been. The first call of the day came from a gentleman who found a tiny...

What an incredibly difficult day in rescue it has been. The first call of the day came from a gentleman who found a tiny kitten in his backyard yesterday. Although he searched the yard, his father found a second kitten in a different location hours later. He then waited 5 hours for the mom cat to return for her babies before intervening.

I was delighted to hear that he did his research on the proper care of newborn kittens. He had the little ones on a heating pad set on low. He was stimulating the newborns before and after bottle feedings of KMR. Everything sounded terrific until he said that one kitten had "intestinal worms." Since I believed the kittens to be only days old based on what he had told me and physical characteristics, mature worms and parasites are not possible at this age. Each parasite has a life cycle that they progress through from the point of exposure to eggs/larvae to mature organisms which cause symptoms or illness that we can see. Knowing this, I had my suspicions as to what he was referring to, but still, I was not prepared for what I saw.

After an hour and a half drive from Brooklyn, this kind man arrived absolutely distraught because the kitten with "worms" had died during the trip. This was the first kitten that he handed to me from the carrier, and my heart broke. After caring for thousands of newborn kittens, I have seen lots of bizarre, unique, and even downright disgusting things. Yet, I had never seen this extent of damage and such mature maggots (the worms that he had been referring to) in a kitten only 3-4 days old.

The focus then turned to the other baby who did have some fly eggs on her fur as well, but no maggots were present. She is absolutely critical right now due to severe dehydration and malnutrition. Although she remains very quiet, she did latch and take the bottle well. Unfortunately, I am not too optimistic about her prognosis. This is one of the reasons why I frequently disappear from social media. I am either too busy caring for all the bottle babies coming in, or I need to take a step back to deal with the emotional toll that comes with caring for this population. Please keep her in your thoughts tonight.

*** We have transportation from Queens to Westchester. Babies are on their way now.***This family of baby kittens was fo...

*** We have transportation from Queens to Westchester. Babies are on their way now.***

This family of baby kittens was found today and brought to an emergency veterinary hospital because one kitten has a severe wound. The finder is unable to care for newborn kittens that are only days old and especially for a kitten with such an injury.

We were contacted to take over care for these babies. They are currently in Flushing, NY.

UPDATE: Transportation has been found!Things somehow work out in the end. The person who was bringing baby kittens to me...

UPDATE: Transportation has been found!Things somehow work out in the end. The person who was bringing baby kittens to me from the Bronx agreed to collect our post-op kittens as well. Purrfect!

This is us begging for help. Four kittens went to the clinic for sterilization today, but now they need a ride from the Bronx to Cortlandt Manor as soon as possible. I have incoming baby kittens from two different situations on the way and can't leave to pickup up the older kittens.

The rain has stopped, and we expect dry weather all afternoon. So come on out to visit us at the Hastings Flea Market (o...

The rain has stopped, and we expect dry weather all afternoon. So come on out to visit us at the Hastings Flea Market (opposite the Hastings on Hudson Metro North train station). We will be here until 4 pm.

We have beautiful cats and kittens looking for their own homes. Plus, there we have handmade jewelry and cat toys available to purchase so that you can help support FURRR 911.

There are so many other vendors at that the event had to be moved into the larger commuter parking lot this month. What a nice day to come out and shop. Make sure to stop by the FURRR 911 booth to say hello and support us!

These poor kittens have been through a lot. Originally found near Danbury Hospital and taken because "their mom abandone...

These poor kittens have been through a lot. Originally found near Danbury Hospital and taken because "their mom abandoned them," these kittens were too much work for the finder. She gave them to another person, who was also overwhelmed by the care and feedings they required, so she posted the kittens as available for adoption on a "Free Kittens CT" page.(scroll to see the Facebook post).

A good samaritan saw the post on Facebook around midnight and recognized that these kittens needed bottle feeding and should not be given to just anyone. She agreed to take the four kittens in although she had not bottle fed before. The Facebook poster was so desperate to hand the babies off that she drove them to the newest caretaker's home at 3 am yesterday.

When the good samaritan saw how sick they were, she brought them to her vet first thing in the morning. Her vet estimated the kittens to be 10 days old and prescribed antibiotics. However, the vet was not optimistic about the little orange tabby's chance of survival.

Since she had never cared for such young babies before, the concerned caregiver began looking for placement with an organization. After striking out locally, she was referred to us even though she lived quite a distance away in Danbury, CT.

Imagine her surprise when she arrived with the kittens, and we told her that the orange boy was not the same age as the others. Not only is he half the weight of the other three, his ear canals are still sealed, and he has no teeth. The 2 1/2 week old orange boy is definitely critical and frail. Whereas, the darker tabbies have canine teeth erupting and newly opening ear canals making their age closer to 4 weeks.

The babies were most likely stolen from their moms when someone went around the colony "collecting" kittens. Two days, four different caregivers/homes. What a rough start to life!

When people ask what area/locale/county FURRR 911 services, what would your answer be? This is just a sampling of what h...

When people ask what area/locale/county FURRR 911 services, what would your answer be?

This is just a sampling of what has come into the rescue in the past two weeks (and obviously, these pictures do not include New York intakes). While our rescue does receive bottle babies from other states, this is the first time that we have kittens representing FOUR different states (NY included) at the same time!

People have been asking me why I haven't been posting on social media recently. Well, here is the answer. FURRR 911 is drowning in newborn kittens who are being driven in from all over the place. And I refuse kittens practically every day for being too old for our intake criteria or because I will not entertain people stealing kittens from their mom. πŸ™„

Please consider making a donation today or ordering food or litter (we really, really need litter) from our Chewy and Amazon wishlists.
Fresh Step clay litter is on our Chewy wishlist; Fresh Step clumping litter is on both Amazon and Chewy.

https://www.venmo.com/furrr911 (Last four digits 5508)


Cash App: $FURRR911

Amazon wishlist:

Chewy wishlist:

Kuranda beds wishlist:

To mail a check:
FURRR 911, PO Box 645, Crompond, NY 10517

***TRANSPORTATION HAS BEEN FOUND! Thank you very much Jill ***I just received a disturbing call about a tiny newborn kit...

***TRANSPORTATION HAS BEEN FOUND! Thank you very much Jill ***

I just received a disturbing call about a tiny newborn kitten found last night between two fences in the Bronx. The baby is not on any heating device and has been fed cow's milk. The finder has left for work, but there is a family member at home to hand over the kitten if we can find transport.

While you constantly hear me talk about warming up newborn kittens because they are unable to keep their body temperatur...

While you constantly hear me talk about warming up newborn kittens because they are unable to keep their body temperature up, there is also a flip side. When contacted about these kittens, I was hesitant to step in, but that all changed when they arrived.

I was asked to take in these two babies because their mom was not taking care of them. They were originally seen on a doorstep in Yonkers when the person returned home from work on Friday. Mom was there as well. As the days went by, mom spent less and less time nursing and caring for her kittens. The concerned person attempted to get mom to enter the apartment, but she was having no part of that. The kittens began to cry more frequently. Although mom was in the area, she was no longer responding to their cries, so we got the call.

I will certainly accept any newborn kittens who need me. However, in animal rescue, we often deal with situations where the story is embellished to make things appear worse or more dire than it actually is. This is my nice way of saying that we are frequently lied to. And I do not need or even want any more kittens than I already have and never recommend that kittens be removed if the mom is there unless there is a really good reason.

In this case, I admit that I was on the fence. Mom has had many litters before, and many of the kittens died in infancy. Their condition upon arrival surprised me as they were both hyperthermic or overheated drooling, and covered in dried f***s. Now, before you say that it was over 80Β° yesterday, cats have survived outdoors in more extreme temperatures than that. Furthermore, the kittens were transported without a heat source to raise their body temperature. Quick action was needed to lower their temperature before things got worse. First up was a tepid bath to remove the f***s and fleas that were present as well as to decrease their temperature. This was followed by a warm blow dry. Finally, they were placed in an incubator. Sounds counterintuitive, right? Any changes need to be done slowly so as not to shock their body, and ultimately, they would start to lose body heat in time.

BTW mom will be TNR'd by a friend. I refused to accept the kittens unless he agreed to allow mom and another female cat that he feeds to be spayed. His contact information has already been shared with a trapper. 😊

Please remember that we have a birthday fundraiser still active. We have passed the halfway point, but still have a ways to go. I just shared it again to the FURRR 911 page so please locate "Our rescue founder's birthday fundraiser" post, donate if you can, and share it with your friends. We need your support to be able to care for these kittens.


Cortlandt Manor, NY


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