I've been teaching K9 tracking lessons for almost 15 years. I've observed just how focused dogs can become when following a track or airborne scent. For some dogs, tracking behavior is intrinsically rewarding. For other dogs, it really is about finding that next treat further down the track.
Since about 2020 most of my client base has been pet owners needing help with their dog's reactivity or environmental sensitivities while in public spaces. I've relied on desensitization and counter-conditioning techniques typically used by other dog trainers.
Then sometime last year year it occurred to me that starting some of these reactive pet dogs in a program of sport tracking might help resolve their distress while out in the world. If they could become so intent following a track from treat to treat to treat....then maybe they wouldn't have to be so vigilant or reactive toward that other dog in the parking lot or the mob of children on the playground.
I've seen some positive outcomes among my own client dogs and now some veterinary research lends support to the approach I've been testing for a year. Send me a message if you want to learn more about including sport tracking or other scent games in treating your dog's reactivity while in public spaces.
Can scent work and sniffing help your nervous and reactive canine patients cope better with visits to the veterinary clinic?