This is a public service announcement. Please share. I'm seeing a lot of posts on different formats about all the sightings of cougars lately. Pleople are getting really nervous. It is totally normal to see them out this time of year. It is totally normal to see them during the day this time of year. They are coming out of winter where food was harder to get and they were burning more calories. They are needing extra food for the cubs they are either carrying or are nursing right now. Please don't panic. Instead be smart. Corvallis is part of a large mammal corridor where several large predators move through. You chose to live here. Attacks on humans by these animals is EXTREMELY RARE in Oregon. But if you are seeing them in your area and you are worried, make noise before you go out in your yard at night. Keep your animals on leash for a while if you are worried. Carry bear spray. But please don't ask for the animals to be killed just because you saw one. There has been talk about the cougars around CV killing the Llama out in the field near there. The Llama are easy prey and should be secured during this time of year once you have a confirmed kill. Of course the cougar would come back for more. They are hungry. As sad as that is, if we choose to live here than we also need to take on the responsibility and work of securing our animals when necessary, which won't be and isn't all the time. Things will calm down and you will go back to not seeing them again. They don't really want to be around us. But spring time can be weird. I mean, we even had a bear in the city last week! So please, use caution but don't panic, and please stop calling for these animals to be killed. ~Cyndi ~ former (retired) ODFW licensed wildlife rehabber and Animal Care Director of Chintimini Wildlife Center.