Finally feels like winter at the sanctuary. Oh what a beautiful morning! ❄️
K & S Greenhouse Holiday Bazaar is almost here! November 16th through December 23rd 10am - 4pm. Come visit our Safe Haven booth! All proceeds go to animal care. 🦙💖
As we enter hot beverage season, what better way to enjoy the warmth of a steaming hot cup-a than supporting a local nonprofit? Hand crafted by Char. All proceeds go directly to Safe Haven’s continued mission to rescue and rehabilitate abused, neglected, surrendered,and unwanted llamas and alpacas.
Sentiya is A sweet girl who Char has been spending time with: growing trust and bonds. When Sentiya arrived her wool was very long & dirty. Before she could have it shorn off- she had to gain trust to be haultered so she knew it’s okay for a human to be close to her. Thankfully, she trusted Char and allowed her to hand shear the wool from her body. Her wool was matted and gross. We do this for the safety of our residents . We have found everything from dead mice to fish hooks in wool. (Not In Sentiyas wool tho) Safe Haven Llama and Alpaca Sanctuary is a safe space for abused, neglect and unwanted llamas and alpacas. Donate at
Snagging all the thistles from the pasture area is like a buffet treat for the alpacas! 😂 Oh My! Ouch! Gunner and Tog are the goofiest! #alpaca #llama #snack #nonprofit #llamalunch #alpacatreat #bitterroot #montana #sanctuary #animalsanctuary #nomnom #garden #thistle
Day in and day out, Char is in the thick of things patiently caring for all the sanctuary residents. Volunteers help too. From cleaning stalls, feeding, pasture rotation, making sure waters are clean and full, seeing to all medical needs (eye drops, wrapping legs, wounds and arthritis care), poo sales, inventory, you name it, Char does it.
Every day these residents receive the most compassionate care. Monday afternoon we filmed this video of Char hand shearing Fiona, one of the older feral gals that came to live at the sanctuary last Fall. What a relief for Fiona to be free from the weight of her never before sheared fiber! As trust is built with the other feral llamas they will be sheared too.
However, caring for these creatures costs. If you want to contribute to the long term care, feed and needs of these llamas and alpacas visit our donate page today!
Volunteers Rosie and Ron built the Safe Haven Residents a bridge to access more pasture. We couldn’t do what we do without volunteers. To all our past and present volunteers we thank you!
☀️Let’s go swimming! Alpaca my bags! ❤️☀️
Introducing “Curley”. This Handsome lad is one of our extensive care long term residents. He is such a sweet lad with very severe arthritis. As much as his spirit wants to run and play his legs just hold him up.
We do everything we can to keep him comfortable, and make him included in everything.
This could have come from improper breeding, over use of packing, inappropriate exploitation, etc.
This is what we do here. We rescue, rehab and care for llamas and alpacas needing care. No matter the needs: we step up! We couldn’t do this without your donations!
Thank You!!
Donate via our website to help pay for “Curley”s Medical needs.
•we currently have no adoptable residents at this time due to extensive vet needs or long term residency.