🐾 Did you know? Heartworm disease in pets is spread by mosquitoes!
When an infected mosquito bites your furry friend, it can transmit heartworm larvae into their bloodstream, leading to serious health issues if left untreated.
Give us a call to get started on preventative. Protect your pets with regular heartworm prevention and keep them safe all year round! ❤️
#VCAairportirvine #animalhospital #animalclinic #explore #orangecounty #HeartwormAwareness #PetHealth #VeterinaryCare #HealthyPets
🐾 Did you know? Heartworm disease in pets is spread by mosquitoes! When an infected mosquito bites your furry friend, it can transmit heartworm larvae into their bloodstream, leading to serious health issues if left untreated. Protect your pets with regular heartworm prevention and keep them safe all year round! ❤️
#HeartwormAwareness #PetHealth #VeterinaryCare #HealthyPets #vca #vcaairportirvine #orangecounty #animalhospital
Our phones are down at the moment. If you need to reach us, please call 714-754-1034. We are sorry for the inconvenience!
Duck outa water!
Well, we had some unexpected guests in the hospital parking lot today, so Billie and Courtney spearheaded the duck drive and with the help of the rest of the staff, managed to round 'em up and transport them to nearby Teewinkle Pond. Gotta love a duck that knows where to go for help!
Christmas with the family