Rancho Ridiculouso

Rancho Ridiculouso My name is Debbie Faulkner and Rancho Ridiculouso is a 40 ac ranch located in the Rocky Mountains of Western Colorado where the unexpected is always expected.

Interesting, educational, sometimes funny as hell, heartwarming and at times sad. Welcome! If you follow along your heart will be tugged many different ways. My husband David has a lot of health issues including alzheimers and is in a wheelchair. I'm his sole caretaker along with caring for horses, donkeys, bulls, and dogs. RR is located outside Crawford CO which is a town of 300. Being in a very

rural area with few resources that cities have I am constantly having to "McIver" most everything to make it work. I welcome you with open arms.

Some good news and some bad news this morning.The bad news is that the rescue in Denver that was going to take Rufus the...

Some good news and some bad news this morning.

The bad news is that the rescue in Denver that was going to take Rufus the Blue Tick Hound has backed out. She saw a video of him running and playing with my pack and now thinks she will not be able to contain him. So back to the drawing board to find him a home or another rescue........

The good news is that after posting I was out of donated meat for the dogs I spent all yesterday afternoon collecting meat in Delta and Crawford. There was so much I filled one of my freezers.

A follower hooked me up with a local meat processing plant. Did you know that some people order and pay for meat but never pick it up???? I got 6 boxes yesterday and going back today for more.

This morning I'm taking Chili Pepper the Chihuahua to his new home in Ridgway and taking Chimi the Dalmation/Pit/Chi to meet her potential new mom and canine sister as well. Let's hope it's love at first sight.

On the way I'm picking up more donated meat. I will be in the Murdoch's parking lot in Montrose from 10:30 to 11:00 this morning if anyone has meat to donate. I'm driving a silver Dodge Ram pickup with still a wrecked front due to hitting a deer and can't get in repair till March.

What an amazing group of followers you all are. After today I think all four of my freezers will be full. Thank you so much!!!


My four freezers I use to store meat for dog food making are all empty. Today I'm making the last of it. We've been so lucky for 3 years to have an adequate supply of donated old freezer meat but donations have definitely slowed.

I will be going to Ridgway tomorrow (Saturday 2/22) if anyone happens to have meat they would like to donate in Montrose or Delta I will gladly pick it up.

And....I am going to Parachute Sunday 2/23 to take Rufus to the transporter. If anyone in the Grand Junction area has meat I am happy to coordinate pick up.

If you do have donations in Montrose or GJ please PM me to coordinate. Thank you!

A huge thank you to Irene Binggeli and Ellen Krings!  They have stepped up to transport Rufus the Blue Tick Hound to My ...

A huge thank you to Irene Binggeli and Ellen Krings! They have stepped up to transport Rufus the Blue Tick Hound to My Fairy Dawg Mother Rescue in Denver.

I am taking him to Irene in Parachute CO Sunday morning, she is then taking him to Ellen in Avon CO and from there Ellen will deliver him to the rescue in Denver.

I am so grateful to them for volunteering to do this for me, for Rufus and for the rescue he's going to. What a team they are!

Thank you will never be enough!

Let's keep this momentum going......Leah is a one year old female that is a Dalmatian/Chihuahua/Pit mix.  She is an inde...

Let's keep this momentum going......

Leah is a one year old female that is a Dalmatian/Chihuahua/Pit mix. She is an independent girl but does like affection. She gets along with other dogs and kids but a bit shy of strangers at first. She definitely warms up quickly though. Leah turned a year old on January 31, 2025 and is fully vaccinated and spayed.

Out of her litter she has the highest prey drive and the Dalmation energy level. With that being said she can also chill in the house with you.

Leah is an expert climber of high tensile wire but not on chain link or wooden fences so she will need a yard fenced with chain link or wood. She also needs leash training as she has been a ranch dog.

If anyone (individual or rescue) is interested in Leah my email is [email protected] and phone is 970-697-8568.

Please share far and wide.

Another amazing fast miracle has just happened.  Chili Pepper will be going to his new home Saturday!  The woman has a c...

Another amazing fast miracle has just happened. Chili Pepper will be going to his new home Saturday! The woman has a couple of little senior dogs (one she adopted from me) and Pepper will have the best life ever!


With everything going on here I almost forgot about updating you on Chili Pepper the 10 year old male Chihuahua whose owner passed with him by her side.

I took him to the vet for a health check and to do a pre-dental. I've never seen a dog with such horrid teeth. Bloodwork was done, his nails that were super long were trimmed, vaccinated and an injection of antibiotic for his infected mouth were given.

He's constantly rubbing his mouth because I'm sure his gums hurt.

Tomorrow he has an appointment for the dental. I suspect most of his teeth will have to be pulled. I've already spent $450 on him and tomorrow's dental is estimated at a high of $800.

Pepper is such a funny little guy and could definitely use some weight loss. He weighed 15.9 lbs and should weigh around 12. He sits up on his hind legs and paws at you for pets. He really misses his owner who was his 24/7 companion. I tested him with other dogs and he does fine. Gets a little nervous around bigger ones and tends to stay back.

If you are interested in giving Pepper a loving home please PM, email [email protected] or call 970-697-8568.

OMG....our network here is absolutely amazing!  Chimi is meeting a potential new owner Saturday and Rufus is going to a ...

OMG....our network here is absolutely amazing! Chimi is meeting a potential new owner Saturday and Rufus is going to a rescue in Denver that loves hounds!

I need a transport to Denver for Rufus. Can't believe this!

I need to rehome Chimi and Rufus ASAP.  Tomorrow I will post the other two (Chimi's brother and sister) needing rehoming...

I need to rehome Chimi and Rufus ASAP. Tomorrow I will post the other two (Chimi's brother and sister) needing rehoming as well. Oh....and the two that were returned last week.

Chimi is a middle size female that just turned a year old that is the cutest little girl ever! She is very sweet, submissive to other dogs, loves kids and is a lover girl. She is a Dalmatian/Chihuahua/Pit mix. Chimi is spayed and fully vaccinated. She is a high tensile fence wire climber but can't climb chain link or wood fences. She would love a home with another dog and her markings are adorable.

Rufus is 3 years old and a neutered male and vaccinated Blue Tick Coonhound. He's the dog that fell from the back of a flat bed truck a few months ago and was injured. He is a fence jumper so he will need a 6' fenced in yard. Rufus loves attention and gets along great with other dogs. A little shy at first but warms up quickly and is a beautiful dog.

If you have an interest please email me at [email protected] or call 970-697-8568. I know that most of the other rescues and shelters are full to the brim these days but if you have an in with an organization please share Chimi and Rufus with them.


A new stressor hit the fan for me today. You know how the 3 naughties climb fences and now they have taught three more of the dogs to do the same.

This morning I received a voice mail from a neighbor that borders my property behind us and it’s about 1/2 mile from my home to his. He said three of my dogs were chasing livestock and this time he was going to call the sheriff and that I need to get my dogs under control.

I do not disagree but I’m so overwhelmed with all these fence climbing dogs right now. I can't afford a whole new fence for the 5 acres they have as a play yard. In 25 years I’ve never had so many do this.

Right after that call a sheriff deputy called. He was very nice but said my dogs HAVE to be contained. He said he didn’t want to give me a ticket this time, but I have do something NOW.

Between the message from the neighbor and the deputy I called a man that does electric fencing. He is scheduled to come at the end of next week. He can’t get here any sooner. I told the deputy what my plan was, and he asked what I was going to do in the meantime. I said I guess I’ll have to kennel them.

So right now as I’m absorbing what happened and what to do I have the dogs contained in my house with the dog door closed. I feel horrible about kenneling the 6 that are going over the fence. I have kenneled them before but they have even climbed over the 6’ tall kennel gate. I do have two kennels with wire on the tops so I guess I’ll have to put 3 in one and 3 in another.

They are so used to being in the house with me so it will be traumatic but hopefully the fence man can complete his work in just a few days. That’s still almost 2 weeks.

I do have a dog run attached to my bathroom that is about 50’ x 40’ that is 5’ chain link fenced. Some can go over it but the area is so small I can go out with them and monitor. I could keep everyone in the house and use the dog run for their bathroom but I know they will all become crazy without a lot of exercise.

None of these options are great, and I am so stressed out right now about all of this I’m in tears. In reality the most practical thing to do is rehome the 3 naughties and Rufus the Blue Tick Hound because they are the worst. The other two of the 6 I’ve had since they were 6 weeks old and I think training collars for them would work.

I went online and looked at the new Halo collars with GPS boundaries but they cost $599! I would need 6! Then I looked at the shock training collars that are much more reasonable at around $40 but I would have to have 6 remotes in my hand when out in the yard by myself. God knows what kind of disaster that would turn into lol.

It truly is always something.....I'm about ready to go back to that high rise condo dog less living in Dallas with no one else in my life but the door man.

I am so mad but don't know where to direct my anger!  Me or the UPS driver?  I have been redoing David's office to make ...

I am so mad but don't know where to direct my anger! Me or the UPS driver? I have been redoing David's office to make it mine. It will be for personal stuff as well as the Black Canyon Animal Sanctuary.

On Amazon I ordered a box of 60 pendaflex hanging file folders along with tabs and inserts. This morning I went online and saw it was delivered yesterday.

I have a large plastic container with a lid up by my mailbox for UPS and Fed Ex deliveries. It's been snowing and sometimes water collects inside the box. I went up there and sure enough a box was inside, but it was a totally drenched box because about 2" of water was at the bottom.

All of my order is dripping wet and I have the files and tab inserts trying to dry out all over the place. I think it's all so damaged now that the complete order is wasted. It's made of paper so it will not hold it's shape now.

Is it my fault for having a leaky box or should the delivery guy have seen the water at the bottom and left the box on top like they sometimes do? This was about $60 worth of merchandise!

UPDATE: As many suggested I went online and completed a return/replacement. Got the return code for the UPS store in Delta CO. I gathered all the wet stuff up and taking it there Thursday when I take Chili Pepper the chihuahua for his dental. Amazon is sending a replacement.

I am going to replace the plastic box with something that I hope is waterproof.


Daughter Nicole that lives in LA went to the Corgi Nationals event with my grandson James. Who knew there was such an event lol?

Tonight ended up a “break the rules”night.

Tonight ended up a “break the rules”night.

This is a "NO DOG" designated area, but obviously no one got the memo damn it lol!

This is a "NO DOG" designated area, but obviously no one got the memo damn it lol!


Several have given information on what to do with a stray dog you find in Delta County Colorado (population very small 31,162), and I'm trying to consolidate the info into an actual process.

One of our followers called Delta County Sheriff and the dispatcher that answered the phone said this:

For a dog found anywhere in Delta county (without any ID on its tag/collar), call the non-emergency dispatch line at 970-874-2015 to give them the description of the found dog. They keep a list in case anyone calls in looking for their dog.

They ask that you try to locate the owner by asking around and post a "found dog" in the area's pages. If you don't have any luck or are unable to hold onto the dog, bring it to Roise Hurst Shelter in Delta.

OR.......If you are unable to hold onto the dog or find someone who can....call that same number 970-874-2015 and ask for animal control to pick it up. They will pick up as soon as an officer is available (she asked someone else to verity this). When an officer is available depends on how much they have going on.

Another follower said this:

"They would call dispatch 874-2015 anywhere in delta county they find a lost dog. The sheriff would either send a deputy out there to get the dog or instruct them to bring the dog to the shelter, but they have to call dispatch and get a case number for the stray report for the shelter to take it from the public."

Dispatch for the Sheriff Department (970-874-2015) didn't mention, to our follower that called, getting a case number so not sure about this step in the process.

Would be nice for a representative of the Delta County Sheriff's office to actually do a formal press release describing the process for its residents so that I don't have to tell someone that found a dog "go put it back where you found it".

Looks like I'm just getting too old to drink champagne anymore.  Wanna know why?My friggin' arthritic fingers are having...

Looks like I'm just getting too old to drink champagne anymore. Wanna know why?

My friggin' arthritic fingers are having trouble getting the cork out!!! I had to use pliers tonight.....such elegance!

Even with Alzheimer’s David was always able to get the cork out for me.


For those of you that don't really know what is required for animal shelters, rescues, and all other services regarding pet animals to be licensed in the state of Colorado here is a link to the Department of Agriculture Pet Animal Facilities Act (PACFA) that states all the regulations....all 34 pages!

You will need a couple of days to take it all in lol. When I first opened the shelter I found Page 12 (Dog Enclosures) formula for calculating how many dogs can be inside a kennel to be quite hilarious. I was actually trying to measure a dog from tip of nose to tip of tail....not easy...just try it...especially when you have over 20 dogs lol.

Now you know why I do not want Black Canyon Animal Sanctuary to be licensed and up and running again. It's a full time job just adhering to all these regs, and they do unannounced inspections to make sure you are in compliance. If even one of these regs isn't compliant you are written up.


I just got a call from a woman that is traveling and passing through Hotchkiss which is 11 miles from me.

She found a little dog in the road and called to say she didn't know what to do with it. I don't know how she got my number. She was near the local grocery and liquor stores with it in her car.

Since I can no longer take any dog onto sanctuary property I had to tell her I could not take it. It's times like this that I become so enraged at the person (I'm pretty certain I know who you are) that felt they had been so wronged by me they needed to retaliate and punish me. They made a complaint to PACFA that they were worried about the dogs in my care so a PACFA investigator showed up and made sure I would abide by the rules.

The only thing I could tell the lady that had the dog in her car was to go to the liquor store to see if they recognized it. That way she could take it home, but if not my only option to tell her was to put it back where she found it. I'm just sick at having to say that.

Hotchkiss has no animal control.

If that dog gets hit by a car I will be flying into a rage at the person that reported me.


Good thing I stocked up at the grocery and liquor stores!


Crawford, CO





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