David's Parting Stones.......
Looks like Mother Nature had other plans for me today. I woke up to this wet heavy snow.
I was going to pickup another load of 64 hay bales this morning, but now the road in front of the hay barn will be so muddy I'm afraid the trailer will absolutely sink in it. It's 22 degrees right now and if it stops snowing and stays under freezing I might be alright.
But I have to return the trailer by 1 PM. I'm leaning toward returning the trailer and forgetting the hay for today. My body is kinda tired. However, I won't have a pickup next week because it's going into the shop for repair after that deer jumped out in front of me.
By the way.....I went back to the scene yesterday and there was absolutely no sign of the deer so maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought.
Always something........
Look what I found today at Salvation Army!
My daughter Nicole lives in Burbank CA. Thank God she is a ways from the devastating fires in Pacific Palisades, but she is experiencing the winds that are fueling the fires. She took this video last night.
Her power has been out since last night and school has been cancelled. Those poor people that lost everything……
There is now another fire called Eaton Fire that is closer to Burbank. I sure hope these winds die down......
I'm laying in bed this morning thinking of ways to secure the fence so the naughties can't climb it. I have several hog panels and fence panels so I got up at 6:30, had my coffee, got dressed and started scouring the ranch.
I dragged them to the gate to the yard and took them in one by one. Once I had them all in I decided to put the electric wire tape (even though it isn't electrified) up high secured on the steel fence posts in the ground all along the back side of the fence. I'm hoping that will just be another deterrent to them climbing.
Then I attached each panel to the fencing in the section where the wire was sagging. Let's hope this works. Biko Junior and Wolfie are still in the yard so I'm watching them closely to see if they try to get out.
Right now the three naughties are in a kennel for a while till I get back to cleaning my house!
I seriously can never get ahead at Rancho Ridiculouso.....
Now that the naughties are contained it's back to business!
I've finished David's room and gotten everything in order. Ready for the big reveal???
Now on to cleaning the rest of the house....
PS what the hell is that thing following the camera.....my ugly elbow LOL??????🤣
I am completely perplexed at this one!!!
Yesterday I took the tractor up to the hay barn to get a load of hay. All of a sudden Chimi and her brother and sister, Little Man and Leah, along with Wolfie and Biko Junior appeared! These are all the pups under 8 months old. To say I was shocked was an understatement because there was no way they could get out of their fenced yard.
I only take a select few of the "ranch" dogs with me when on the tractor because they are tractor savvy. I now had to walk back down to the house (1/4 mi) to lead them all back into the house.
Then I had to walk back up the 1/4 mi driveway to get back on the tractor with the hay. As I'm driving down I see Chimi, Leah and Little Man again in the horse field! I got off and walked back down to the house to put them back in.
Now I had to walk the entire fence line of their 5 ac yard to see if they have dug out. My first thought was maybe another tree fell on the fence, but nope. I saw absolutely no place under the fence and I find it hard to believe that all five of the pups all of a sudden decided to jump over the fence. It's 5' tall!
I walked back up, fed the horses and drove the tractor back down. The damn pups were all back out again so I walked the fence line again and found nothing!
I have a lot to do today getting ready for the kids and the last thing I have time for is to sit upstairs and watch the pups to see if I can figure this out.
It's always something at Rancho Ridiculouso.......and it's not like these five are small pups. Biko Jr and Wolfie weigh over 60 lbs!
OMG after I finished writing this post I took my phone outside and caught the little devils! The top fence wire has sunk and they are crawling over it!
Now I've got to figure out how to fix this one! I think I'll be calling Ben again to help with this one. I'm probably going to have to get the electric fence up and working. Little brats so glad I caught them!
At least I caught them early in the day s
The dog in the video is Gypsy who is now almost 13 years old and I think is a Corgi mix. She's a feral dog that has lived in my home since she was about 8 months old. Over 12 years now I've never been able to touch her.
She was abandoned as a puppy at a mobile home. The neighbor had been watching out for her and finally animal control was able to trap her with the agreement the sanctuary would take her.
I took her, still in the trap, to my home and let her out. For weeks she stayed under my bed thus she was called "The under the bed dog" for years. At night she would come out and go outside in the fenced yard.
Eventually she felt comfortable to roam the entire house. She sleeps on a dog bed, uses the dog door, will sometimes take food from my hand and then run away. She's always kept to herself and doesn't like the other dogs near her until recently. I think she has dementia because sometimes she tries to play with the young dogs.
Over the years all visitors in my home take it upon themselves to be the very first person to actually touch her. Never works lol....
Most people can't believe I've had a dog for 12 years that I've never touched.
Morning at Rancho Ridiculouso........
Some people buy expensive toys for their dogs to play with. I cut up old T-shirts, and Barkley and Chimi use them to play their favorite game of tug-o-war.
The dogs were very excited about that big pile of wood that Ben cut up from the trees that fell on the fence.
Once the fence was uncovered he did such a great job at repairing the fence. Tomorrow he put the finishing touches on it. I'm very very grateful for his help.