
Milspeck9 Dog Trainer


Easy dogs to train:
High Drive, High Intelligence, High Energy

Challenging dogs to train:
Low Drive, High Intelligence, High Energy

Impossible dogs to train:
Dogs with owners who know how to train their dog but for one reason or another never got around to it and are now dealing with major behavior issues and think basic obedience will make them pack leader.

Dog training is not a linear academic pursuit where once you memorize some definitions, walk in a circle and receive a diploma you never have to think about it again, its an ongoing process that continues for the life of the dog.


Ive already seen 2 Mals looking for new homes today because for some reason, too many pet owners over-estimate their own commitment and abilities only to find out they really aint rated for all that…

To anyone who is commited to self sabatoge because they need a “challenge” 🙄 consider a doodle because while they have the athleticism and intelligence and of a mal, the doodle is naturally more forgiving and therefor less likley to become dangerous when “it doesnt work”.

Even a “pet quality” Mal is still more dog than the average dog trainer can handle but here we are closing 2023 with a lot of people thinking they “need” a boat without knowing how to swim.


Building Engagment is about rewarding attempts, not begging for them. Even though Blue is unsure he is still willing to try and offering verbal encouragement for failed attempts promotes future attempts. The first rep took a few minutes and a few attempts in total but the 2nd rep was only a slight hesitation.

What is the point of dog training?If you’re a working dog handler where there is a direct correlation between survivabil...

What is the point of dog training?

If you’re a working dog handler where there is a direct correlation between survivability and proficiency or a sport dog handler/trainer whose product is evaluated on the proficiency of a given task then the answer to the question “what’s the point” is pretty obvious but what about for the regular pet owner who just needs their dog not to loose their mind when the amazon guy rings the door bell, walk on a loose leash, be selectively destructive (approved toys vs shoes), potty outside and not greet people or other dogs like a Tasmanian devil?

For many pet owners who are searching for solutions to some or all of these behaviors the idea of teaching a dog to stand on on a place cot might not seem like an especially beneficial exercise to address any of those issues along with Sit, Down or any other basic obedience commands trainers always seem to immediately prescribe, so again whats the point?

Its not about the placeing, sitting or downing, its about teaching dogs the skills they need to navigate different environments challenges and then creating opportunities to apply those behaviors as responses to given situations and if done correctly the result of all the repetitions is exactly what your desired outcome was.

Long and short, If your goal is just to be able to walk on a loose leash then focus your efforts on just being able to walk on a loose leash and along the way when you think about asking the dog to sit or down because it doesnt feel like your doing enough, STOP and remember that the more elaborate your response or process to deal with bad leash manners, the less clear to the dog what you actually want and prolonged confusion often leads to frustration which will only ever compounds behavioral issues.

Dog training is fun and there are a lot of ways to do it, but unless your doing it solely for your own enjoyment the “how” should be designed with an end goal in mind, not just perpetual training for the sake of training and a helpful tool to help you exit a potential training vindaloop is continually evaluating your training plan with a “whats the point” lens.


I don’t want to zap the guard dog tendencies out of him, but at the same time this is exactly where compulsive barking begins for many dogs.. Being allowed or (worse) rewarded for barking at things that dont need barked at.
Also note the absence of any basic obedience redirects, kissy face sounds, an ecollar or even a leash making this technique technically . I know force free folks will say its not because I used “No” but thats just because they dont actually understand what they are talking about, they just like to talk lol.


I don’t want to zap the guard dog tendencies out of him, but at the same time this is exactly where compulsive barking begins for many dogs.. Being allowed or (worse) rewarded for barking at things that dont need barked at.
Also note the absence of any basic obedience redirects, kissy face sounds, an ecollar or even a leash making this technique technically . I know force free folks will say its not because I used “No” but thats just because they dont actually understand what they are talking about, they just like to talk lol.


Quick video showing how resource guarding is often inadvertently or accidentally created in real time and how I am able to work Emet through it when it happens. This video is not a how to and if attempted will likely result in getting bit but I wanted to demonstrate how its possible to work them through it without alpha rolls and dominance, provided the rest of the relationship is healthy.


My mission is to improve the lives of dogs through helping their owners better understand how to build a cooperative relationship and I owe no allegiance or loyalty to any organization or group. Snake oil salesmen are present in every community of dog trainers but without any licensing or credentialing required tend to run rampant in the pet industry and its my hope I can empower pet owners enough to starve all the ineffective dead weight the industry carries out of business.
Shout out to all the small time trainers that are working with pet owners directly or building dogs from the ground up and delivering the transformations that only the skilled craftsman of our industry can. I see you, and I see your hard work, keep crushing it!
To everyone who has made a business out of recycling antiquated junk into online courses…I am going to starve you out of business by giving away what you charge for…Dont believe me just watch lol.


Pacific Coast Canine Rescue sets the bar when it comes to rescues and who ever is in 2nd isn’t even close. Comprised of a wonderful group of people who consistently do the right things for the right reasons, PCCR skips the notoriously present egos and stress that plague the rescue community and instead keeps their focus on helping animals find the homes where they will only know unconditional love and happiness.


No dog in the history of ever was cured of a fear by Awe poor babying them. This applies to Gun Fire, Fire Works, Thunder, and any other environmental trigger than elicit an “awe poor baby” response from the human side of the leash. If you treat them like a poor baby they will behave accordingly.
If a dog has already been awe poor babied into becoming an anxious nervous mess anytime they hear a popper, the key to recovery will be a combination of maslow & classical conditioning.
As you can see there are no issues for Mr. Moose here who did so well on his first public outing we were able to schedule his go home about a week early.
Some folks train dogs for the gram, we train dogs for the real world. Follow


Tried to trick him and it almost worked… But he is just too good 😎.


Everything starts with communication 🙌.


Checking the mail with my retired demo dog.
Dont let these sport dog trainers identifying as “balanced” trainers fool you, Their “sport” dog is not trained to a higher standard than a real working dog and lets face it, no matter the discipline of sport dog work at the end of the day its all still just working dog cosplay 😉. They say things like this in an attempt to boost their credibility to in an attempt to hock their online course that still teaches movement based off what leg you step off with but never seems to progress past the luring stage of the focused heel.
Pet owners stop falling for it, if the end product doesn’t mirror your end goal (for example if you dont care if your dog walks in a focused heel through home depot) that program probably isn’t going to be a good long term fit.
Pet training should be focused on building healthy recognizable routines and reliable default responses the dog understands and is happy to offer.


Dogs cant be clicked out of reactivity same as they cannot be zapped out of fear though both may find their way into the training plan when working through either.


Classical Conditioning and Hand Commands Vs Verbal Commands


Sometimes disobedience is a good thing. Stop fixating on control and learn to be cooperative.


Someones Rottweiler visited us this morning.


Building a hassle free feeding routine.


Industry Rant: For years I could not see why it was so hard for so many pet trainers to even create reliable basic obedience, let alone how so many dogs that have been through “professional training” could still be anxious nervous messes but after working behind so many trainers in 2 states now this is what I have come up with.
Trainers from sport or working backgrounds that have the hands on experience to train behaviors will often reactively make adjustments when state of mind starts to deteriorate but most have not yet figured out how to proactively guide or influence it. On the flip side, trainers with behavioral science or other academic backgrounds fixate on state of mind and can often recite every scholarly source under the sun to support their position but cant work a leash to save their lives, but in either case most of what I see is just someone else hocking their remix of the same recycled tips anyone can find in Training Dogs by Konrad Most lol.
Now before anyone comes for me in the comments, you should probably A. Be a dog trainer (with videos on your page) B. Be familiar with the book, and C. Have spoken with your mentor to make sure they didn’t learn what they taught you from from that book lol.
Like much of society the dog training industry is so hyper inflated with snake oil salesmen and its become impossible for the average pet owner to decipher good from bad advise. I may not be part of anyones club, but I will be a thorn in the side of the scam artists in my industry lol.


Dogs cheating in training and predicting the timing of free shaped behavior offerings. Ive recently started to contemplate the overlap between dog training and pattern recognition because the more dogs I work with the less I agree with the old “every dog is different” statement that usually follows a dog not taking to that trainers fixed approach they universally apply to every dog they work… I will readialy admit that ever dog is their own individual personality which develops as a result of a combination of their experiences, environment and genetics; that being said, every dog has the exact same needs and drives(motivators) which will vary in expression but are all present to some degree. Case and point, I hear all the time from “trainers” that a dog (especially in the sport and working worlds) has “no food drive and that the ball drive will always trump food” to which I reply “because the dog has never actually had to work for a meal and knows breakfast and dinner will arrive regardless of his performance throughout the day, make it an OR decision and eventually (just a few missed meals) and even the highest of ball drive dogs will quickly disregard the the choose food.” I know this sounds like common sense but there are really trainers out there that will argue this as if their bamboo family tree backyard breeding program dog is exempt from the principals of maslow but that also doesn’t stop them from propagating their nonsense online either.
Circling back to pattern recognition, whether working basic obedience, advanced obedience, nose work, behavior modification, dogs learn with an incredible amount of consistency along the behavior learning curve and the more dogs I work with and observe them learning via free shaping the more this lesson is reinforced.
Not saying what I do will work on everydog, but what I do seems to work on every dog who comes through the program when followed through with after the dog goes home.


Loose leash walking series part 1




I use to say force free training doesnt work but after 15 years in the industry I have finally found a force free dog WITH reliable(ish) obedience.

That said, we have defiantly hit the force free plateau as the behaviors are repeatable and pretty reliable. The limitation is when there is an unexpected change to the environment such as delivery service pulling up, another dog or anything more interesting than the food in the pouch. Going to be adding the digital leash soon to start proofing the proximity and recall because its river and beach season!

LFG! This morning, chewy held it, went out side, did his business, didn’t recycle it and came in without any interventio...

LFG! This morning, chewy held it, went out side, did his business, didn’t recycle it and came in without any intervention or influence. Finally the perfect rep, home stretch now!

Bell=Food/Boom=peanutbutter (or any other ultra super mega high value reward)If the dog is already terrified the best th...

Bell=Food/Boom=peanutbutter (or any other ultra super mega high value reward)

If the dog is already terrified the best thing you can do is noise canceling headphones and their kennel.

I am working on making a how to video but the summary for how to repair or create a positive association is simple:

Start with the dog on leash and a high value food reward like peanut butter on a spoon, and after the dog starts to lick the peanut butter have a family member drop one of the snap pops about 20 feet away.

If the dog has anything other than a neutral/indifferent response avoid offering any verbal encouragement until dog returns to baseline and resumes eating peanut butter which should then be celebrated/praised. Based on the intensity of their reaction it may be necessary to move a bit further away before dropping the next snap pop. You might also notice the dog begin apprehensively licking the peanut butter, if this happens make the dog chase the peanutbutter by moving away a few steps at a time and making the dog chase the peanut butter with no verbal interaction until the apprehension goes away which should then also be celebrated.

As the dog gets comfortable have the family member move closer based on the dogs reactions.

Its critical that you resist the urge to to coddle the dog with the “aweeeee itssss ooookkkkkkk baaaaaby” when they are scared but reassurance usually sounds the same as reward/praise and what happens to behaviors that are rewarded? The keep happening, thats why it is imperative you save that energy for when the dog snaps out of it.

Also, DONT, REFRAIN FROM, or otherwise do not try to use basic obedience during this process. This is how you poison your obedience and make it negative. If the dog isnt comfortable enough to lick some peanut butter off a spoon, they are definitely not ready to do obedience under stress.

Lastly, this isnt going to get done in a day and its probably too late to “fix” your dog before this 4th but if you start with snap its and do a few short sessions a day (as much as the dog will be engaged usually 3-5 quick ten min sessions) and as the dog becomes indifferent move slowly up to the cracklers, etc etc eventually the dog will become indifferent.

When sitting around the house and you hear someone else celebrating freedom and the dog starts to react, get up and leave the room but dont say anything to the dog. The idea is you want their whining to chase you away but not in a fun way. They are looking for the reaction (after all it was our human reaction to their reaction that created the issue) so don’t give it to them. If the reaction continues or worsens is when the noise canceling headphones and kennel time come into play.

Thats the basics and yes its really that simple, all comes down to classical conditioning because if a bell can = food, freedom can equal peanut butter 😉.

Working on a how to for the youtube page now but hope this helps in the meantime.

Solid COB after hitting an odor wall durning nose work practice today.

Solid COB after hitting an odor wall durning nose work practice today.


Another odor recognition practice rep.

Emet’s first 4th of July is 5 days and even though “technically” anything that leaves the ground and/or explodes is ille...

Emet’s first 4th of July is 5 days and even though “technically” anything that leaves the ground and/or explodes is illegal in California, my small town basically says hold my beer and gets after it with all kinds of star spangled awesome.
So to set Emet up for success I am going to use these (and some others) to give him a gentle introduction to fireworks. I am planning on recording the sessions so I can edit the video into a youtube how to later but if this post can get 50 shares by the time I start his first session tomorrow (mid morning ca time) I will live stream his first session.
Fireworks don’t have to be scary, and if you introduce them correctly things like thunder shirts and horse tranquilizers become unnecessary. 🇺🇸💥🇺🇸


Crescent City, CA



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