If you want to HELP STOP weak calves, scour problems, calving problems, prolapses, and poor breedbacks. Do these 2 things...
1. Have a CONTINUOUS high quality mineral & vitamin combination product starting ideally 6 weeks before calving and through calving
2. Supplement your TMR or current combination mineral product with extra vitamin A, D, and E (mixed at a rate of 5lbs per 50lb bag of mineral)
**Year after year, the best outcomes we have observed in herds during calving season have done those 2 things.
**Year after year, the #1 reason for herds having issues is the lack of VITAMINS provided to the cows prior to and during calving.
Call, text, or stop in to chat about how these very simple and economical steps in your feeding ration can help you tremendously.
For more information, see the attached article in the comments section.