ABRA, Inc.

ABRA, Inc. ABRA, Inc. (All Breed Rescue Angels) a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
Located in NW Indiana is a foster-based rescue group dedicated to saving shelter pets.

We do NOT have a shelter or physical building location. All of our dogs and cats live with volunteers throughout (mostly) Lake and Porter Counties in NW Indiana. Our mission is twofold: to save as many dogs and cats from living their final days in shelters and pounds as we can, and to educate the public so that one day our rescue won’t be necessary. Our Rescue Angels open their homes to foster a d

og or a cat until we are able to get them adopted into a forever home. We pull the most urgent animals: those that have very limited time left, those who won’t be adopted out based on their breed, etc. We do not discriminate. All dogs and cats deserve a chance at love, regardless of age, size, breed, looks, health, etc. We are always in need of foster volunteers. The more foster volunteers we have, the more lives we can save! ABRA provides all vetting and necessary supplies. As a foster volunteer, you provide a warm and loving home! At ABRA, we believe in educating the public on the importance of:

• spaying/neutering
• proper training (the number one reason animals are dumped at shelters is because of behavioral issues that could easily be remedied with proper training)
• the prevalence of dogfighting in our area and its ramifications for the entire community
• proper diet, nutrition and medical care

This year's gala is Halloween themed, because who doesn't love Halloween?  This is our main fundraiser of the year but a...

This year's gala is Halloween themed, because who doesn't love Halloween?
This is our main fundraiser of the year but also, it's just a great time.
All you care to eat dinner, open bar, photo booth, auctions (silent and live), music, and fellow animal lovers. As always, dress for the theme if you wish, or come as you are. Anything goes and we don't care what you wear!
Come join us for a night out for a great cause and have some fun!

P.S. That automatic litter box will be one of the items you could walk away with...we'll even throw in a cat ;)


Your Sunday to-do list:1.  Get in your application for lil Miss Murphy* OR2.  Ariel if low-key/low maintenance is more y...

Your Sunday to-do list:
1. Get in your application for lil Miss Murphy* OR
2. Ariel if low-key/low maintenance is more your speed** AND
3. Get your tickets to our gala coming up on April 12th***!

* Murphy is smaller than she appears in pictures.
** Ariel really is as chonky as she appears in pictures.
*** Pics of galas past and the fun that's been had!


Rowan is the sweetest! He thinks he’s a cat, gets along great with cats, kids, and some dogs, too, after a slow intro.
If you’ve ever thought of fostering, we need a place for Rowan to go from March 22 through the 29th. It’s a perfect way to dip your toes into the world of fostering with a short term commitment.

Also, if he hasn’t been adopted yet, I think Rowan will be our guest of honor at our sixth annual rescue gala! Just another reason for you to get your tickets! Join us for an evening of dinner, dancing, open bar, raffles, silent auction, and live auction to help us raise money for sweethearts like this guy. Link in comments.

Athena is home and on the mend after her TPLO surgery!Now the hard part…. Keeping her as calm and immobile as  possible ...

Athena is home and on the mend after her TPLO surgery!
Now the hard part…. Keeping her as calm and immobile as possible for the next several weeks. Rough stuff for a young, active girl!
She’s in good hands and our hope is that once she’s recovered, there’s a forever home waiting for her ❤️

This Friday Athena will undergo a knee surgery (TPLO) to repair her CCL and it’s costing us approximately $5000 🥺This po...

This Friday Athena will undergo a knee surgery (TPLO) to repair her CCL and it’s costing us approximately $5000 🥺
This poor girl went from being on death row at the shelter, extremely emaciated, belly full of puppies, gave birth within days of being saved and NOW about to get a surgery that will take her over 2 months to heal. 💔
It's not going to be an easy task and yes we have a long journey ahead of us but this sweet pea deserves nothing but the best care!

That care isn't possible without donations from amazing humans like you!

Please Share...Donate...or buy tickets to our Gala in April in the link below.

ALL animal rescues are like being on a sinking ship... we're NEVER going to give up but life jackets (donations) keeps us a float!!


Miss Murphy would like to remind you that she is 10 weeks old and available for adoption. She’s smaller than she appears...

Miss Murphy would like to remind you that she is 10 weeks old and available for adoption. She’s smaller than she appears in these pictures and is still
little enough to fit in the kitchen sink for a nice bath!

She would also like to remind you that we could really use donations of wine, gift cards, any types of goods or services, and sponsorships for our upcoming gala! If you haven’t gotten your tickets to our gala yet, it is April 12th. Link in the comments. We rely on this event to keep us going! And “going” gets harder with each passing day.

Tonks (gray) and Trix are super adorable sissies who would love to be adopted together. The girls are around 9-10 months...

Tonks (gray) and Trix are super adorable sissies who would love to be adopted together. The girls are around 9-10 months old. Trix is more outgoing, Tonks is a little more shy, but both girls are sweet as can be! Both girls love to play. Trix is a lap cat and Tonks loves to give kisses. The girls are fully vetted and ready for FOREVER! 😻

❤️ Rowan ❤️ If anyone you know is looking for an easy going, loyal companion please tell them to give this old boy a cha...

❤️ Rowan ❤️ If anyone you know is looking for an easy going, loyal companion please tell them to give this old boy a chance (he’s 8-9, so not that old). He is seriously the most chill baby. Great with kids and cats. Great with most dogs with a slow intro. Loves long walks, car rides, and snuggling with his foster family.
He lived outdoors prior to being rescued. He came to us with fly bitten ears, very underweight, a mouthful of rotten teeth. Now he’s healthy and robust, has the best gummy smile (we got rid of those bad teeth!) and he’s just a dream.

Miss Murphy is a 10 week bundle of love! She is fostered with kids, dogs and cats. She is a happy-go-lucky girl who love...

Miss Murphy is a 10 week bundle of love!
She is fostered with kids, dogs and cats. She is a happy-go-lucky girl who loves everyone and everything. She’s a typical puppy, she loves to play and she loves to run around and then she’s just as content to snuggle and chill and cuddle. Murphy is the perfect little lady! Her ears are starting to turn forward and we are pretty sure they’re going to stand up, we are on high ear alert!
Get your application in now!

This beautiful girl has been in foster care for far too long!She’s such a sweet chonk. Ariel is super soft, has the swee...

This beautiful girl has been in foster care for far too long!
She’s such a sweet chonk. Ariel is super soft, has the sweetest little voice, loves chasing shadow puppets and enjoys belly rubs. She’s 5 years old and looking for love!

HUGE thanks to International Union of Elevator Constructors Local No. 2 for their gala sponsorship!  We could not do any...

HUGE thanks to International Union of Elevator Constructors Local No. 2 for their gala sponsorship! We could not do any of our lifesaving work without the help of the local community!

Our 6th annual gala, Halfway to Halloween, is April 12th! The funds raised from this event allow us to rescue, TNR, help feed local colonies, etc. It's a great evening filled with food, drink, auctions, dancing and so much more! Ticket link in comments.

Thanks IUEC!
Adoptable Meeko and Benji also say thanks!

Let's chat microchips.  You've probably seen a post (several have been floating around) about a company called Save This...

Let's chat microchips. You've probably seen a post (several have been floating around) about a company called Save This Life, who was in the microchip biz for 13 years. They recently closed their doors and apparently their database is gone. So all those thousands of pets with Save This Life chips are essentially no longer chipped, it's just a dead end.

Regardless of who manufactured your pet's chip, you can go to

It's free for life. There's no charges to register, no annual fees. It will work with any chip. Do it for your own peace of mind. Do it for your pets. Even if they are already registered (hopefully) with the manufacturer, it can't hurt to register them in this database as a backup, just in case.

I was so sick of having trouble with the main chip companies that local vets/shelters use. So many chips are dead ends because they were never registered. Many of those companies don't keep track at all, meaning they couldn't even tell us what shelter or veterinary office the microchip was sold to, which would at least have given us a place to start looking for an owner.
Also, pets that were adopted from shelters and registered to their adopter, only to be dumped back at the shelter or given away...trying to get those chips transferred to us once we accepted the animal into the rescue was a real PIA. The microchip company wanted letters and documents from the original owner before transferring, and most of that time that was a dead end. People who dump their pets aren't likely to put in any effort to help get records in order (I understand why the company would want proof before transferring ownership, it was just a real headache trying to get it done).

After too many frustrations, I began researching chips. There was a vet in California that was so tired of dead end/unregistered chips, he started his own microchip company (and the free pet registry I linked above). We pay a little more per chip than the other manufacturers, but it's totally worth it. When I order chips, before it even leaves the facility, those chips are registered to ABRA and have my phone number assigned to it. There is no chance any of these chips will ever wind up a dead end. We switched to 911PetChip in February of 2017. I'm only sorry we didn't start using them sooner.

No matter WHO manufactured your chip, make sure it's registered. Use the free chip registry, remember to update phone numbers if you get a new one, and spread the word so all pet owners have the knowledge!

Benji is a total doll, chipped of course! He's around 7yo, 18 pounds of pure perfection who gets along with EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING and is the ideal lap dog. *Probably not good for someone with balance issues. He likes to jump up into your arms from the ground, even if you aren't always ready. He expects you to be. 🤣*

Hey friends! We need help!Oolong, the beautiful black kitty, needs to be returned after being adopted two years ago. We ...

Hey friends! We need help!

Oolong, the beautiful black kitty, needs to be returned after being adopted two years ago. We need a foster home for her.
Meeko, the gorgeous gray lady (who was returned in December after being adopted a few years ago), needs a place to crash from March 26-April 6th as her foster mom is going to be out of the country. She loves to sleep, get up to eat and for some attention, and then go back to sleep 🤣

If you can foster Oolong or have a temporary spare room for Meeko, we would so appreciate it!!

Athena is doing so well! She is such a sweetheart. She has a wiggle butt like no other, it goes a mile a minute! Her tai...

Athena is doing so well! She is such a sweetheart. She has a wiggle butt like no other, it goes a mile a minute! Her tail is like a lethal weapon! But she’s just so happy to have someone to love!
She did a great job of taking care of all of her babies and now that she is in a foster home and getting to be the focus, we’ve begun slow and steady introductions to other animals. Thus far it’s gone well, and everyone is being met with a wagging tail!
She is very food motivated, loyal and protective, loving and snuggly, and so beautiful.
She has shown herself not to be comfortable around small children, so as of right now, she’s going to be best with teens and above. We will continue to work with her and build her confidence, because she’s truly a wonderful girl. Her first owner was an absolute POS, so as we undo her fears and show her TLC, she blossoms a little more each day. Athena is only a year old herself, this big puppy deserves the best forever home.

What are you doing 9 weeks from tonight?  Hopefully joining us for our 6th Annual Rescue Gala!  This year's theme is Hal...

What are you doing 9 weeks from tonight? Hopefully joining us for our 6th Annual Rescue Gala!
This year's theme is Halfway to Halloween, because Halloween is just a really fun theme! We can't wait to celebrate over 2500+ lives saved since our inception, and raise much needed funds to keep the mission going.
Dinner, open bar, DJ, photobooth, silent auction, live auction, and so much more!
Come in costume or don't, the choice is yours. We just want you to have fun! Here are some pictures from previous galas, it's always a good time!


Let's end this workweek with some truly fantastic, happy tear-inducing, incredible, wonderful and heartwarming good news...

Let's end this workweek with some truly fantastic, happy tear-inducing, incredible, wonderful and heartwarming good news!
January saw some incredible adoptions, sweet souls who have been waiting for a long time.

First up is Fred, our sweet boy Fredly. After 1,023 days in foster care, this awesome boy found his forever! He and his new mom have spent the last few weeks bonding and settling in, and this boy couldn't be any happier!

Just behind Fred we have Lucy & Bubkiss, a lovely bonded pair who have been in foster care for 1,016 days. Lucy is super outgoing, Bubs can be pretty shy. It can be so hard getting bonded adults adopted out, especially if they are black or tabby ( many people are just as superficial about their pets as they are about other people).
A mom and her son adopted this pair and they have settled in SO well! Bubs has really bonded with the teenage son and follows him around, while Lucy rules the roost :) Neither humans nor kitties could be happier! As a matter of fact, they've done so well, that the family reached out and asked if we had another kitty we thought would blend well with Lucy and Bubs. They had the space and they had the love for another one! So tonight, Professor Moody (one of the few remaining adoptables from the Lowell colony of 30 we spent months working on), went to join them! REPEAT ADOPTERS ARE THE BEST!

Last, but certainly not least, our Buddy. He was adopted out as a puppy in November of 2020. January of 2024 he was returned. After a year and a week back in foster care, he was finally adopted again. He's settling in beautifully!

We have so much appreciation for these adopters. They saw the beautiful souls waiting for a loving home and took the leap! And they couldn't be happier. Neither could we 🥰


P. O. Box 1426
Crown Point, IN


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