Friends, please stop falling for and sharing these scam posts! These jerks pray on your caring nature. Most of these posts are about found, lost, or injured animals, or missing elderly, etc.
What's the scam? Once the post is shared enough times, the original post is changed and usually contains an outside link. The post has enough momentum to keep getting high view rates (thanks to the FB algorithm).
How can you quickly tell if it's a fake post? Check out the profile of the original poster... most of these are made by a "page" designed to look like a personal profile. These posts usually contain the phrase "bump this post" which no normal human being would say.
What can you do? Don't share the post! Don't comment, or make angry faces... just gets more views! Report the post to FB as a scam, and report the page that created the post as a fake page. 3 dots in the upper right corner will take you where you need to go!
This post isn't a scam, so feel free to make it viral. Let's shut down this disgusting scam trend!
I'll add additional photos in the comments of other scam posts, and screenshots of what they have been "changed" to.